
New Era of Consciousness, Expansion

ascended heart

There has been a huge expansion and opening occurring. That expansion has been leading into the dawn of a New Era of consciousness. NOW, having anchored in the Energies of the Triple Nine Gateway, there is a MASSIVE Opening forming – A STAR GATE WITHIN – that is allowing Synchronicity, Healing, Release, Instantaneous Joy, and an Energy Like No Other. That Energy is the Ascended Heart Made Manifest Through All Creation… Known to us as The Ascended Heart.

The Ascended Heart is like an energetic Tuning Fork – an Amplification and Catalyst for Massive Transformation, Birthing Anew, Love, Relationships, and Abundance.

Simply put, it IS the Fifth Dimension.  Step into the awakening of multidimensionality and live your life’s dream now!

NOW is the time to open the Ascended Heart and ANCHOR IN the Energies of the Fifth Dimension!

5th Dimension new era consciousness

The Fifth Dimension is not some “out there” space. It is the experience of The Kingdom within expressed and manifested as the outer reality. Simply put, the 5Th Dimension is all about you opening up to everything you’ve ever wanted – including a deeper connection to Source, a wider understanding of Self and the ABILITY to CREATE from this place of knowingness. It is the space in which there is no illusion. It is a being-ness wherein time and space seem to bend and the Universe begins to blossom and unfold, as do you, into a space of pure creation, abundance, plenty, wholeness, and joy.

The New Era of Consciousness…in super plain English, “It’s Awesome!“

Up until now, we have been creating a space wherein we allow ourselves to bridge into this space. In many ways, we have been releasing the old patterns so that we could begin to see that, just as the sun always shines – even above the clouds – so is the Universe holding us, even when we’re in a space where we feel alone, empty, in lack, or “less than.”

Because this energy is open to EVERYONE, whether you are just beginning this journey or have been on the path for years, now is the time to really make a space for yourself to open and access this space.

Up until now, we have been building bridges, crossing bridges, and even becoming bridges. Now, we are ready to set foot firmly in this new space, and integrate, anchor, and merge with All that We Are in a whole new way. I mentioned just yesterday, that we can create enormous change, but we cannot do so through fear or avoidance, or through refusing to recognize the reality we have created. Hope is a wonderful thing, and throughout time, we as humans have shared stories to inspire, to change, to explain… It’s time to stop sharing false stories and create new ones by living them. How do we do that?

We all get to create in such amazing ways, we just sometimes get a bit ungrounded or too rooted into fear, and then we get stuck between wanting to escape and dreaming of another life, instead of creating it here, so the key is, as we move into the fourth and fifth dimensions (and beyond) to remember that we ARE energy. Creation happens AS us. Energy work, Spirituality, etc. are READY to become an actual physical way of life – meaning that it is time to align the brain and the heart, call up the mind, unite all energy, release all karma, genetic (from this life or other) templates and patterns, and THRIVE IN THE FIVE – NOW!

Many of you have heard me talk about the energy of money – actual, physical, money. Money used to be very much rooted in a 2nd and 3rd dimensional vibration of control (having it gives us control over our own lives, or not having it gives someone else control), fear, patriarchal energies of force, and even deceit. Those energies got a huge wakeup call in 2008, and that same energy is now at the tipping point.

Money in this new energy is expressive. Life is expressive. It is the energy of freedom – not from a place of “escaping restraints,” but from a space of loving yourself in a way that allows you for greater expansion into creation.

The old paradigm was lesson based. The new paradigm is expression based, and the main “hurtle” is opening up and embracing that energy within ourselves.

And it doesn’t start or stop with Money!

This energy is all about feelings – feeling real, authentic emotion, opening the ascended heart, which for so many has been such a venerable space. So now, more than ever, it is important to tune into the new supportive, loving energies, clearing away any fear, core beliefs, etc around what it means to be loved – as well as the stories of what you believe you have to do in order to have that love.

This is the space in which you get to do more than just Access Your Abundant Self, You get to BE Your Abundant Self!

Many of us have spent lifetimes in search of our own creation and creative abilities. We have looked at these energies as “outside” or something we need to gain access to. The truth is, this energy is in you, around you, and ready to spring forth into physical reality. The key to experiencing this Paradigm of Consciousness and Creation, is Living in the Ascended Heart – a space free of fear, suffering, Self-Judgment, and struggle. And to DO that, to really learn to BE that energy, is a choice UNLIKE ANY OTHER YOU WILL EVER MAKE!

This will be all about tapping into, tuning into, and becoming that space – your true, authentic self. That Self is one of wholeness, love, peace, and prosperity – if you choose. The doorway is open. You are ready! Step through into being safe, secure, and deeply loved by all that is, and open up to YOU.

It truly does not matter which areas you’re seeking to improve or create anew, LOVE is always the answer!”

If you are new to Energy work and want to learn more, check this out!!