
Wellness Journeys: How to Access Remote Healing

Many of us cannot find the answers that we seek within the modern world of Western medicine. Almost 80% of the world’s population uses some form of alternative therapy as their primary form of healthcare. What appears to be magic or impossible becomes reality through the wonders of remote healing.

So how do we continue our healing if we are unable to travel? Various practitioners offer remote healing methods to help you continue your journey towards spiritual awakening. Distance healing can also take place while you sleep, work, or play. 

Are you interested in learning more about remote healing options? Here are the methods you can access to help you on your spiritual journey.

What is Remote Healing?

Humans are made up of energy, and energy is everywhere. This means remote energy healing can happen at any time and place. Many healing practitioners will offer long-distance healing options to people who cannot be in the same physical space as them.

These options are also beneficial for people who do not wish to be touched. Some practitioners will talk through the therapy process on the phone while others offer compassionate thoughts and healing intentions. Someone who is in a coma can receive the benefits of remote healing in the same way as a person who is awake.

Remote healing is also safe for children. As many young people struggle to sit still through the healing process, remote healing is a great way for them to enjoy the same benefits while they are free to move around as they wish. Remote healing works best when it is combined with a patient’s existing medical treatment.

Distance Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine that removes energy blockages to help restore balance within the body and mind. A healer can perform distance reiki by connecting to a person regardless of their location. This process allows the Reiki practitioner to remove blockages from a distance to relieve their suffering.

Some reiki practitioners will use a photo of the person, speak to them on the phone, or video chat to perform long-distance Reiki. The benefits of Reiki include stress relief, better sleep, and improved immunity. The Reiki practitioner will establish a connection with the recipient’s energy field and work with them to provide relief from their problems.

Reiki is a non-invasive approach to healing that can release tension and stress in a calm and relaxing environment.

Crystal Healing

Crystals can be powerful tools for remote healing. This process utilizes the vibrational frequencies of each crystal to create an energy shift within the body. Some of the best types of crystals for healing include rose quartz, black tourmaline, and selenite.

Black tourmaline, in particular, has protective properties and is known as “the master crystal” for removing negative energy. You can program crystals for distance healing by telling them what their purpose is and infusing them with your healing energy. This will set the crystal with a healing intention.

You can also give these crystals to the person you want to heal. Make sure that you cleanse your crystals beforehand under a full moon or in the sunlight for ten minutes. The process may need to happen more than once to see results.

Akashic Reading

Your Akashic records are a compilation of your life events from the past, present, and future. A practitioner will read your Akashic records to remind you of your sole purpose in life and help you on your journey towards self-love. The recipient of the reading can experience vibrational change as blockages are removed to reveal who they truly are. 

Akashic readings can occur over the phone or through meditation under the guidance of the practitioner. Both the practitioner and the recipient will listen to music or meditation at the same time to form a connection. The practitioner will then note down any information from the Akashic records to help ease pain and clear energy blockages.

Having your Akashic records read to you can resolve any reoccurring obstacles or trauma that are preventing your spiritual growth. Your practitioner will provide insight into why you are suffering or experiencing limiting beliefs. This information can help a person move forward with peace and hope for the future.

Color Healing

Color therapy or chromotherapy is a healing process that utilizes colors to alter a person’s physical or mental health. Color therapists believe that color has vibrations that can influence emotion and promote healing. There are various ways that color therapy can aid healing including color meditation, using colored silks, and color breathing techniques. 

Many color therapists believe that a mental or spiritual imbalance can lead to illness and disease. To utilize different color frequencies all you need to do is sit under the color that will raise your vibration. This is why chromotherapy relates to the chakras in our bodies. 

A crystal healing practitioner could also use a photograph of a person to heal them. They will place the desired crystal on the crown of their head or chakra to clear their energy and restore balance.

Experience Quantum Growth with Remote Healing

Remote healing is possible because we are connected through a universal human energy field. Our bodies have energy centers and pathways that can be accessed by utilizing the power of the mind. Follow the path of your destiny by tuning into your spiritual energy.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-love? Get started by signing up for Jarrad’s Three Day Journey of Love, Wealth, and Health. Release everything that is holding you back and learn to feel loved like never before!