
ALL NEW 52 WEEK Vibrational Sound Well Being for 2024

All New Vibrational Sound Well Being

The world is changing and on the precipice of something totally new, and so are YOU!

 An All New 52 Full Weeks of Love, Miracles, Money, and Energy Support is Here!


This next year is a pivotal time for Creation and for Maintaining a space of Good Vibes and Supportive Energies.


… a time for your Soul to come HOME… healed, awakened, and unleashed as you merge into this new space, riding the waves of your truest and deepest desires, allowing the living embodiment of flow to become One with All You Are, as you Experience a Life not brought to you by collective energies or inner triggers, but by True Peace, Connection, Wholeness, and Deep Love, Flowing with Abundance of Perspective, Guidance, Wealth, and Well-Being.


4 Time Best-Seller and USA Today Chart Topper Jarrad Hewett, an Expert in Quantum Mechanics and Life-Changing Energetic Master is here to bring you an opportunity for a Quantum “reset” during this incredibly tenuous time, providing 3 super-packed sessions worth of energy PER WEEK into helping you to FEEL BETTER, create abundance and learn to nourish yourself, all while creating with ease, joy, and newfound feelings of support, well-being, PEACE, and happiness, as he helps you chart a path to a whole year of Love, Support, Miracles, and More.


Often, we have not experienced “love on our terms,” or a real and true love – at least in this incarnation – and therefore we each have stories which can create resistance and blocks to receiving the life we truly dream of, and especially to love, as love is the gateway to receiving it all


Flow is quite similar: we have beliefs about what flow is, how it comes, what it triggers, how it will or won’t change things, people, our relationships, and even health, as well as how it can or may be limited through our own thoughts, deeds, actions, or interactions with others.


Frequency is information carried on a wave. And we are the sum total of many various frequencies, all delivering information to our cells, our organs, our field, and the universe itself. By aligning with the information, we raise our frequency to the level where we can become the embodiment of whatever it is we desire, through vibrational alignment.


This is the energy of total allowance of Source through the gateway of an open heart – Allowing us to Enter, Encounter, and Manifest from The Kingdom within – and within that stillness, the washing away of fears and worries, as you drift into the still point of All That Is.


Allow your mind to calm, your body to relax, and your whole being to open so that you can not only begin to accept and receive the flow and love present, always, but to expand yourself into a space where you are able to easily integrate the wonderful changes to come, with each successive mp3.


The Year To Come


This is a big year for Consciousness. It’s a big year for each and every individual living on the planet, who has made the choice to fully embody the Divine. In plain English, it’s a year of new beginnings, new choices, new perspectives, and new awareness.


And the new awareness and new beginnings all come on the heels of these massive energies which ask us to be present, to breathe, and to fill ourselves up with the Divine Energies of Love, Flow, and Support, as we awaken in new ways, as we see where change is occurring – or even where we may have previously tried to put a lid on the change for fear of how it might play out in our relationships or our flow.



Each individual track (3 per week for a total of 180 tracks of bliss and support) contains a multitude of layers and HOURS of healing work, so feel free to listen as often as you’d like. With each new listen, more of you will heal, release, unfold, and create in beautiful and glorious ways.


Each year, I look at and explore all the coming possibilities and build each track and each week accordingly. Thus, these bonus tracks will be energies you can return to throughout the entire year, as they form a base for allowance and acceptance for all energy to come.


These beautifully soothing and healing tracks come in three forms:


1.   Energy Only, for those of you who may want to simply loop these, play them at work, from your phone, or anyplace else, to allow beauty and grace to flow through your space and love and joy to permeate your life.


2.   The Musical Immersions are backed to beautiful music, giving you hours of session work in each track. You can make a playlist for specific focus, or sit back and just enjoy the relaxing, cleansing, and uplifting vibrations as you meditate, sleep, walk, run, cook, or whatever you love doing most (just please don’t listen to these while driving).


3.   The third delivery method, for this wonderfully healing and creative energy, is via the “Mini Miracle” Super-Charged tracks. Each mini minute long energetic session contains the entirety of the full spectrum of energies, in a short and easily assimilated and integrated silent track. Feel free to create your own hour-long playlist, and dive deep!


Each week, you will receive a new email from me, including all three versions of the Energy Session for that week (and beyond), as well as a brief description of the energies or intent of the weekly track.


Make sure you stay hydrated, as these tracks are quite strong, and water helps us integrate and move energy, quite fast!


Most of all, remember to ENJOY!


These are energetic sessions and building blocks for the next year to come.


Each year, I look at and explore all the coming possibilities and build each track and each week accordingly. Thus, these bonus tracks will be energies you can return to throughout the entire year, as they form a base for allowance and acceptance for all energy to come.




Jarrad Hewett, International #1 Best Selling Author

Change your life with energy frequencies.

Jarrad Hewett, #1 International Best-Selling Author, frequency expert, and founder of the QTFM program, has created the most mind-blowing, ground breaking, paradigm shifting experience you’ll ever have.

In just minutes a day of listening to these powerful energetic frequencies, this program will connect you to the magnificent vibrational power of miracles.

Imagine total release, healing, clarity, support, abundance, and so much more at every single level of your being – a stress and worry free version of you, living in your highest, most expanded timeline, while feeling connected, loved, and fully abundant!

As I said Above, Frequency is Information carried on a wave. 


That means everything we experience or create is a direct result of a vibrational match, someplace within us, whether conscious or deeper within our human form and being. 


The Universe we Experience will ALWAYS match our vibration, which is the total frequency data.


While that may sound strange, “out there,” and a bit even “woo-woo,” Quantum Physics shows us on multiple Levels, in definitive ways, that what is focus on appears, and when focus is removed, energy transmutes; what was, is no longer there. Change occurs at the actual level of creation. 


 In much the same way, as we change our vibrational resonance, the focus of who we are – at all levels – changes, which changes the sum-total of our resonance (our vibrational system of focus) and so too, does our life. 


 Within each of us, is the power of the Universe (and beyond). Unlocking that power, opening to it, embracing it, and truly being One with The One is but one aspect of ascension, during this new epoch of time. 


 Through this human existence, we have an entire buffet of beliefs, experiences, and energies we move through, which all begin to create within us perceptions, beliefs, and replicating patterns. As we change our vibration, as we change what’s inside, what’s outside has no choice but to rush into alignment. 


 Thus, the greatest thing we can do if we desire to create in new ways, is to simply shift our vibration.


Just as a harp has a multitude of strings which each play their own beautiful notes, and form keys and musical interludes, or a piano with it’s beautiful keys, so too are we the living product of many various vibrations and tones.


Every thought, feeling, and emotion you have or have ever had, holds a vibratory signature. Memories, events, traumas, celebrations… can all be felt and stored through cellular memory.

The life we experience is the result of that total field of energy, and so just as we would tune a piano, these energy tracks are meant to help tune our energy bodies, so that the sound which comes out – the physical life we live – is that which we desire, rather than maybe that which we are currently experiencing. 


 You may have heard the phrase, “as above so below.” Well, this could also be said “as within, so without.” We often approach creation as an external thing; Yet, just like baking, if we change the recipe, the end result automatically changes. 


And I have put together a system of easy to use energetic immersions – each filled with HOURS OF HEALING WORK – as ways to help you tune your instruments and change whatever recipes which might be causing you to not enjoy the meal that is this beautiful and bountiful life. 


We are living in an amazing time of shifts and energy transformations. What was and what has been, in many ways, is changing into something new… around us, within us, and as us, and it these energies help ease our transition, clear the blocks, and allow a deep emergence of All We Are, through flow, love, and freedom. 


These changes are bringing forth space to heal in new ways, expand in new ways, and an opportunity to live our dreams, as we face old fears, transmute limitation, and choose to follow our true bliss, from the Truth of who we are, in, of, and as Divine Love. 


And there is no Limit to what we can create when we are open and connected, surrounded, and enveloped by love, living in a state of flow. Because of the expanded awareness and the energies flowing through the planet right now, these downloads – energetic and physical – are not just reserved for people who have been doing energy work for long periods of time.


How Can We Raise Into That New Space During Times of Challenges, of Deep Upheaval, of Grief, Illness, Poverty, or Even Suffering?

How Can We Shift Our Reality and Live Our Dreams – And Truly Be Supported In These New Times?

This energy is open to EVERYONE; whether you are just beginning this journey or have been on the path for years, now is the time to really make a space for yourself to open and access these tools and create your Truest and Deepest Desires!

You DO NOT have to spend time and money learning new techniques because NOW, YOU CAN Easily and Effortlessly Tap into your Internal Powerhouse and FULLY THRIVE, RIGHT NOW.

Think about that: There’s no New Technique to Learn! It’s just Download… Play… and Enjoy the Profound Shifts, The Divine Love, The Connection and Awesome Awareness, and watch as Life Begins To Open and Unfold in New Ways!

Scientifically speaking, we can actually measure the waves of energy


which form anger, depression happiness, joy, as well as the vibratory signature of every single thing in the known universe.

We can’t see television waves, but we know they are there – whether we are conscious of them or not. We can turn on a television set and tune in to any one of these particular frequencies and see that a whole world exists within the bandwidth of just one station.

Radio is the same way… and People throughout the world use cell phones and electricity every single day…

Nature has its own version of television – it’s called FREQUENCY!

You may have also heard it referred to as “vibration” or “energy.”

We are a field of energy existing in a larger field, within a larger field, within a larger field, etc. Simply put, we can look at it using the example of living in a town, within a larger county, within a larger state, within a larger country, within a larger continent, within a larger world, etc.

Within that world, through stress, tension, dis-ease, poverty, relationships, jobs, and a myriad of other scenarios, our fields, energy, and physical body itself can become muddled as our energy fields become distorted, imbalanced, disrupted, or damaged by belief systems, templates, thoughts, etc.

As we take on this energy, we begin to create drag, imbalance, and resistance in our own energy that literally holds us in a pattern of lack and limitation throughout all areas of life!

The reverse is also true. Science has found that frequency is determined by the rate of vibration your atomic molecules are experiencing at any given time, and scientists have also found that the higher your vibration, the more positive emotions you experience.

This creates a self fulfilling cycle.

You Can CHANGE Your Dominant Vibration by Changing Your Frequency

and bring about a whole new experience of life, physicality, love, passion, abundance, well-being, and anything else you desire!

“How do I know what my dominant vibration is?”

  • Observe How you feel – Are you optimistic, happy, and fulfilled, or do you feel like you lack purpose, and see life as passing by?
  • How do you Experience Love in your life? Is it joyful and prevalent, or do you feel a sense of unworthiness or disconnect?
  • How are your finances? Are you always provided for, having plenty to live your dreams, or do you struggle with bills, debt, and feel like you’re “always having to work to create” but still barely scraping by?
  • Do you have enough energy – How do you feel Physically in Your Body?
  • Do You feel connected to Source, Supported, and Loved, or do You feel Like You Do Not Belong, Wondering When You Will Feel Home Again?
  • Do You Wake Up in Joy and Celebrate Life, or in Angst, Pain, or Fear?
  • What are you creating on a day to day basis? 

These are all indications – but No Matter What You Are Putting Out Into The World and Creating, YOU CAN CHANGE IT ALL WITH EASE!

Just like with soup, what we put into our immediate environment – what we surround ourself with – effects how we vibrate, how we feel, and what we are able to create and sustain!

Attaining and MAINTAINING high frequencies of Love, Health, Connectedness, Abundance, Freedom, and Joy are critical for experiencing a life of EASE and JOY!

You Will Create and Attract Into Your Life SOLELY BASED ON The Dominant Frequencies of your Energy Field.

This is not just scientifically proven, it is Universal Law.

Your life is the product of millions and millions of frequencies – just like a symphony is the product of thousands and thousands of musical notes, and these Energetic Immersions serve as giant tuning forks, vibrating through your entire field, changing your resonance and bathing you in the frequencies so that the life you are experiencing is a match to the vibrational symphony of Love, Joy, Peace, Abundance, and more, contained in each track!

These tracks enable you to bring entire lifetimes of Healing Energy with You Everywhere You go! 

Experience Greater connection and peace along with an ability to focus and harness your energy so that you can feel revitalized, as each track, filled with hours of healing work and flowing with Sacred Divine Connection, Love, and Support, lift you into entire new levels of awareness and creation just by listening to this deeply healing Vibrational Sound Therapy, and CHANGE YOUR WORLD! 

If you choose the weekly track option – designed to give you one track a week each week for the next year! – you’ll immediately get some of the MOST REQUESTED AND MOST UTILIZED TRACKS as well, creating a new base from which to build, flow, heal and receive.


These bonuses are meant to address some of the major energetic changes coming our way in 2024 and beyond, giving you a massive head start and providing a template for newness to emerge with ease, grace, love, and joy. Within the bonus tracks, you will find everything you need to make this the most supportive and love-filled year of peace, abundance, blessings, and miracles:

  • Cleansing Myself of Collective Beliefs
  • Accepting and Allowing Flow and Love
  • Releasing Blocks
  • An Invitation for Miracles
  • Living in My Divine Power
  • I am Forgiven
  • Opening the Physical Body (Meridians and Creation Points)
  • Releasing Subliminal Messaging


Each track is like a laser guided healing session, moving through the layers of resistance, blockages, genetics, and all potentials while guiding you into your Highest space for receptivity, joy, and creation – covering hours of topics and energy healing in just minutes.

This year, week one begins with Clearing Genetic Beliefs and the many forms those can take on. We don’t just begin healing from our family of origin in this life, but we also expand out into all lifetimes and look at any space where you may be connected to other lifetimes or energies, and do a massive cleanse and reset for total freedom and wholeness, allowing you to no longer feel the push and pull of family dynamics, but rather open to being healed and even supported by your ancestors in new ways, as they too move into wholeness.

This year’s tracks are all about tuning in to your most optimum and joy-filled year of abundance, knowing no matter what emerges from within, out in the collective, in relationships, through the economy, via wars, or even natural events, YOU ARE SAFE, SUPPORTED, and able to create a life of joy with peace and ease!

I’ve looked out at the coming months and can safely say…



Begin Today with your first Frequency track!

These tracks hold hours of healing energy work and represent multiple energy sessions. As you expand, you can re-listen and grow, each and every time. You get an entire year’s worth of support, and an entire LIFE’S worth of ease and joy.


Sign up today, and get 3 weekly tracks (musical, silent, and super-charger mini miracles) emailed to you along with a description and message from me, each and every week, allowing for support, nourishment, new creation, and all the joy you are ready to allow for just one single payment 


These beautiful sessions, filled with Light, Love, and The Inspiration to Help You Create ALL You Desire, are yours – for less than the price of a cup of coffee, each week!


You Can Purchase all 52 Tracks RIGHT NOW

for just $247!

You’ll get The Entire Collection of New Tracks as well as an entire e-book cataloguing every single healing session and mp3, right now! 

Those who choose this expanded option will be able to literally choose from every topic available as you create playlists of healing wholeness to experience at home, in your office, or on the go.

You may also still choose to opt in to the weekly delivery, so that you stay connected and supported throughout these major upcoming shifts. 

Mild Caution: The Energy in these tracks is EXTREMELY potent. Please use caution when listening and DO NOT use motor vehicles or operate heavy machinery while listening. Listen to your body, and make sure and hydrate. Water is a conductive element, and as you raise your vibration, you may notice yourself dehydrating. I do not recommend listening to these tracks more than once in the first twenty four hours. Give yourself time to integrate the energies and see how your body responds. Over time, as your frequency raises, you will be able to hold more and more of the vibration and listen as often as you’d like.



Be Nourished, Supported, and Live The Life of Your Dreams!

The energies we will be experiencing this year – and you’ve already felt it in so many ways – are an invitation for new ways of living, new ways of being, and new ways of receiving!

The old ways simply aren’t working, and it shows in so many aspects of life. We see it in the external wars and conflicts, as well as our own internal experiences as we attempt to stay happy and “high vibrational” in a space which seems to be consistently restricting or offering new challenges.

At one level, these challenges are a deep cry for change, for love, for support, and for a return to the sacred Divine laws of the Universe.

We have spent so many years moving, shifting, healing, and we are now in a space where we are being welcomed, through new networks of support and love, to embody all we are. And it’s TIME to BECOME your greatest, most abundant Dreams in action!

Each track is like a laser guided healing session, moving through the layers of resistance, blockages, genetics, and all potentials while guiding you into your Highest space for receptivity, joy, and creation – covering hours of topics and energy healing in just minutes.

This year, week one begins with Clearing Genetic Beliefs and the many forms those can take on. We don’t just begin healing from our family of origin in this life, but we also expand out into all lifetimes and look at any space where you may be connected to other lifetimes or energies, and do a massive cleanse and reset for total freedom and wholeness, allowing you to no longer feel the push and pull of family dynamics, but rather open to being healed and even supported by your ancestors in new ways, as they too move into wholeness.

By scanning the topics below, you can begin to tune in to your most optimum and joy-filled year of abundance, knowing no matter what emerges from within, out in the collective, in relationships, through the economy, via wars, or even natural events, YOU ARE SAFE, SUPPORTED, and able to create a life of joy with peace and ease! 

These Tracks have ALL been created to help YOU, and are SPECIFIC to these New Planetary Energies

  • 01
    Clearing Genetic Beliefs
  • 02
    I Am Supported
  • 03
    Flow is my Friend
  • 04
    A Living Loving Embodiment
  • 05
    Releasing Social Triggers
  • 06
    I Am a Magnificent Creator
  • 07
    Money is my Best Friend
  • 08
    The Universe Wants Me
  • 09
    Permission to be Me
  • 10
    Clarity in Life
  • 11
    Choosing Myself
  • 12
    Balancing the Brain
  • 13
    Experiencing Tranquility
  • 14
    Wisdom, Power, and Discernment
  • 15
    The Evolution of Love
  • 16
    Feeling My Worth
  • 17
    Living a Life of Divine Miracles
  • 18
    I am Transformed, Healed, Complete, and Whole
  • 19
    Releasing Stuck Energies
  • 20
  • 21
    Living in Flow
  • 22
    Being Supported
  • 23
    Enjoying My Life
  • 24
    I Am Loved In All I Am
  • 25
    Leaving the Past in the Past
  • 26
    Supportive Relationship w Source
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
    Embodying My Higher Self
  • 30
    Releasing Guilt, Blame, and Shame
  • 31
    Becoming My Best Friend
  • 32
    Meeting My Soul
  • 33
    Discovering My Divine Purpose
  • 34
    Comfort and Joy
  • 35
    Living in Pure Bliss
  • 36
    Freedom to Be Fully Me
  • 37
    Opening Spiritual Gifts
  • 38
    Renewal and Regeneration
  • 39
    Physical Flow Through My Body
  • 40
    Spiritual Detox
  • 41
    Opening Ascended Chakras
  • 42
    Discernment of Divine
  • 43
    Creating the Perfect Body
  • 44
    Releasing Unwanted Expectations
  • 45
    Peach and Calm
  • 46
    Releasing the Past
  • 47
  • 48
    Healing My Heart
  • 49
    Flow Through Financial Abundance
  • 50
    Manifesting My Truest Desires
  • 51
    Living My Dreams
  • 52
    My Most Joy Filled Life

The Energies This Year Are So Pivotal and Jarrad’s New Tracks Contain over Four Hours of Healing Session in EACH TRACK!


Here’s What People Are Already Experiencing:


“I’ve been a Reiki practitioner and energy healer for years, and just three minutes into this first track felt like I’d just experienced hours of healing work! Totally amazing!!” – Janet


“These tracks are flipp’n off the charts!” – Jeni


“Simply amazing & peaceful energy at the same energy time. Thank you Jarrad!” – Jemma


“Thank you so much for these beautiful and powerful Divine tracks – I am beginning to feel my true essence … I am infinitely grateful.” – Sylvia


“I had chills and lots of light coming in my crown chakra on my first listen during the second track…I have many children that come to my home and have been sharing the frequencies with them and LOVE to watch their energy shift! I am grateful!” – Liz


“These are way beyond and above what I ever could have expected.” – Elizabeth


“Thank you sooooooooooooo… much Jarrad, I’ve been listening to all the tracks, blissing-out and feeling buzzed! Yeah, what a great way to start the new year!” – Zoie


“All my fields….emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, energetic…felt  amazingly calm, peaceful,  balanced, harmonized, and centered… that feeling & state, of being in Divine Flow with everything around you! Thank you bunches Jarrad!” – Regina


 “Receiving my weekly email and tracks feels like the excitement of being a child on Christmas morning to find it snowed overnight and everything is clean and pristine, full of magic and sparkles.” – Lorna


“I’m in awe of the connection I experience” – Sophie


“My heart opened fully and completely I became so present felt like I was “home” deep within myself.” – Judy


“I felt all my chakras open up, the left and right hemispheres of my brain balanced, my spinal cord opened up … there was a shift in my kundalini channels, especially to the left of my spine. My right hemisphere was definitely activated too. Lots of energy around my crown and back heart chakras. Oh, and my aura felt so crisp and clean afterwards …And this is week 1? Again … WOO-HOO!” – S.D.


I have spent the last couple years, and thousands of dollars, purchasing program after program, searching for the answers, hoping and praying this is going to be the one, with no major break throughs until now. My search is over and my life begins. Jarrad is the real deal! – Janet


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…. I am now living life instead of just existing…..Forever grateful and grinning from ear to ear”  – Debbie in New Brunswick Canada.

“There is nothing more priceless than feeling long lost pieces of my heart returning home to me after so long.” – Rebekah Osorio


I have done years of work in this field and have never ever so profoundly and quickly shifted so much in my life. Trust me it will be the greatest investment you can take for yourself and for those you love around you.  Your life can be all you want it to be – I’m experiencing this myself first hand because of this program – and I know you can too!” Melissa



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the work and opinions of Jarrad Hewett, unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Jarrad Hewett and his community. For legal purposes, you acknowledge by ordering that these tracks are for entertainment purposes only. Jarrad Hewett encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Master Your World and Expand into Your Best Live Ever!