
Vibrational Sound Therapy

ALL NEW: Light Codes: Amplify Your Energy, Abundance, Joy and Vitality FASTER Than Ever Before!

Attract Abundance

This year is the year of Light. It is a year unlike any other on this planet. Numerologically it is a “3” year, which is all about self-expression, creativity, and affirmation of the true Self. Spiritually, it is about seeing our gifts manifest, being supported, and it represents the balance of all energy coming together as One: Thus, it is The Year of The Light Codes.

These codes originate from deep inside our core Source Self and play out to us from throughout space and time, as well as beyond.

They carry the information of who we are at the star levels, as well as how to shift and create heaven on Earth. They are the Codes of Ascension. This is a new kind of expansion, and one that many of us have never been in a vibrational space to receive, before.

Yet, NOW, we are opening, shifting… we are ready. Thusly, this is one of the most energetically warm, transformative, loving, transmutative, and physically abundant and invigorating series I have ever put together.

It is the ascension series. It is the mastery and abundance series, It is the wellness series. It is the cosmic expansion series.


It is Life AT EVERY LEVEL — all flowing through the Divine Energy of these new Light Codes in a VERY NEW WAY that will Open, Release, and Expand like no Previous Series to Date.

And there is no Limit to what we can create. Because of the expanded awareness and the energies flowing through the planet right now, these downloads — energetic and physical — are not just reserved for people who have been doing energy work for long periods of time.

Cosmic Expansion

Because this energy is open to EVERYONE, whether you are just beginning this journey or have been on the path for years, now is the time to really make a space for yourself to open and access this space!

Why spend your time and money learning new techniques when you could Easily and Effortlessly Tap into your Internal Powerhouse and FULLY THRIVE RIGHT NOW?

Create a better life

Think about that: There’s no New Technique to Learn! It’s just Plug… Play… and Profound Shift, Divine Love, and Awesome Awareness!

Practitioners of Meditation, Visualization, and Seekers of all ages and walks of life have one goal in common: Creating a better life and world for themselves, their family, friends, and their loved ones.

Across the planet, millions of people just like you are waking up to this whole new realm of consciousness.

So, why do some people experience huge transitional shifts, while others are still seemingly stuck in a life struggling with money, relationships, careers, and health, while feeling unfulfilled and searching for purpose?

The Answer Is Energy

Jarrad Hewett - Vibrational Sounds

Jarrad Hewett, #1 International Bestselling Author, frequency expert, and founder of the QTFM program, has created the most mind-blowing, ground breaking, paradigm shifting experience you’ll ever have.

In just minutes per day of listening to these powerful energetic frequencies, this program will connect you to the magnificent vibrational power of miracles.

Imagine total release, healing, clarity, support, abundance, and so much more at every single level of your being.

How could your life change with 52 Powerful Frequency Treatments designed to transform and heal every aspect of the Body, Mind & Soul?

…and what if you could receive this treatment simply by listening to music?

What Would You Create If You Knew the Entire Universe Supported You?

How Different Would You Feel?

What Would It Feel Like to Be Loved and Seen, Every Day?


Thousands of people have experienced Jarrad’s Energy Work first-hand and EXPERIENCED what a difference these healing and calming tracks made in their daily lives. And now…

Now, NEW for this year, Jarrad is debuting an entirely new year of healingabundance, flow, support, encouragement, expansion and so much more through this ALL-NEW Vibrational Sound Therapy Program designed to help you expand like NEVER BEFORE!

Vibrational Sound Therapy

Jarrad has created this TOTALLY NEW COURSE building on the knowledge developed from his previous Vibrational Sound Therapy Programs while also expanding the energies and incorporated new technologies and cutting-edge vibrational science and Light Codes to help you make this year the year you discovered your true passion, purpose, love, and START to THRIVE IN THE FIVE… AND BEYOND!

Welcome to Vibrational Sound Healing… ALL NEW for this year

In your home or office, whether alone, with people, even at a party, or with loved ones, you will be able to listen to beautifully inspiring and moving music, while being cleansed, bathed, and propelled into a state of Divine Grace and Pure Love while listening to some of the most supportive, loving, regenerative, healing, and potent Musical Frequency Journeys offered to date.

Staircase to heaven

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

Using his own Proprietary Quantum Technology Frequency Method Jarrad has layered frequency upon frequency into this amazing 52-week program! The energies layered into each track are SO POWERFULthat it takes him several days just to produce each track!

Each week, you’ll receive an email from Jarrad with a BRAND-NEW Power Packed frequency track layered with THE MOST potent and powerful energy you’ve ever experienced.

Set to music, these multi-layered tracks have been changing the lives of people across the planet, no matter their belief!

Vibrational Sound Therapy - Jarrad Hewett


Discount: 90% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $197

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Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $247

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Susan Reid

Regardless of what is going on in my personal world, I feel like I leave for work in a positive vibration & peaceful feelings in my heart space. I often listen to the tracks on my way to work or before stressful meetings!! I absolutely love the music frequencies… Fastest, easiest & most relaxing way I have found to insure a wonderful start to each & every day!!



“Jarrad also seemed to just know when to send out a special email or bonus track. It was always when I needed it most. When I listen to the tracks I feel the shifting and changing of energies within me, followed by emotional changes and by the end of the week many times my perception of the world around me would change. Thank you Jarrad, your work is remarkable.



“Jarrad’s 52 week programs have been life changing for me. For example when I think I would like to know something the answer appears within a day or two. Personally I have begun to get messages from my guides and there has been a major shift in my “creativity”, finally my creative juices have begun to surface. I know there is much more happening that has not manifested into the physical at this time! I praise Jarrad’s dedication, generosity (very reasonably priced 52 week programs) and his enthusiasm and love for all.”


We’ve all heard the expression, “Everything is Energy”. But what does that TRULY mean about us, our world, our beliefs, environment, and how EVERYTHING comes to be?

It means that every single thing in this universe is made up of energy — call it atoms, protons, molecules, etc., etc., all the way down to particle physics, the scientific world has validated what many in the spiritual world have known throughout time: “We are all connected”. In this connectedness, we also exist or have the perception of individuation.

Each and every thing in existence have its very own unique vibratory signature.

Scientifically speaking, we can actually measure the waves of energy that form with anger, depression, happiness, joy, as well as the vibratory signature of every single thing in the known universe.

Think of It Like This:

We can’t see television waves, but we know they are there — whether we are conscious of them or not. We can turn on a television set and tune in to any one of these particular frequencies and see that a whole world exists within the bandwidth of just one station.

Radio is the same way… and People throughout the world use cell phones and electricity every single day…

Well, nature has its own version of television — it’s called FREQUENCY!

You may have also heard it referred to as “vibration” or “energy”.

Vibrational Sound Therapy

We are a field of energy existing in a larger field, within a larger field, within a larger field, etc. Simply put, we can look at it using the example of living in a town, within a larger county, within a larger state, within a larger country, within a larger continent, within a larger world, etc.

Within that world, through stress, tension, dis-ease, poverty, relationships, jobs, and a myriad of other scenarios, our fields, energy, and physical body itself can become muddled as our energy fields become distorted, imbalanced, disrupted, or damaged by belief systems, templates, thoughts, etc.

As we take on this energy, we begin to create drag, imbalance, and resistance in our own energy that literally holds us in a pattern of lack and limitation throughout all areas of life!

The reverse is also true. Science has found that frequency is determined by the rate of vibration your atomic molecules are experiencing at any given time, and scientists have also found that the higher your vibration, the more positive emotions you experience.

This Creates a Self-Fulfilling Cycle

You Will Attract and Create Whatever the Dominant Vibration of Your Field Is

"How Do I Know What My Dominant Vibration Is?"

  • How do you feel?
  • What does your love life look like?
  • How are your finances?
  • Do you have enough energy?
  • What are you creating on a day to day basis?
Vibrational Sound Therapy

These Are All Indications!

And just like a soup stalk, what we put into our immediate environment — what we surround ourselves with — effects how we vibrate, how we feel, and what we are able to create and sustain!

Attaining and MAINTAINING high frequencies of LOVE, HEALTH, RADIANCE, ABUNDANCE, JOY, are critical for experiencing a life of EASE and JOY!

You Will Attract into Your Life and Create SOLELY BASED ON the Dominant Frequency of Your Energy Field

This is “the big secret.” It is also a Universal Law.

Mastering your own frequency will turn you into a Manifesting Genius and you will truly astonish yourself and those around you with what you can achieve within a short span of time!!

And so, I am about to share with you tools that will allow you to completely shift into a Super High Frequency where only Divine gifts will be attracted to you on a constant and regular basis.

EVERYTHING Is Energy — Therefore, EVERYTHING Has an Energetic Frequency!

Vibrational Sound Therapy

Your life is the product of millions and millions of frequencies — just like a symphony is the product of thousands and thousands of musical notes.

Jarrad’s frequency tracks are like giant tuning forks that vibrate through your entire energy field, changing your resonance and bathing you in the frequencies so that the life you are experiencing is a match to the vibrational symphony of Love, Joy, Peace, Abundance, and more, contained in each track!

Many of you have heard healers discuss how important hydration is — as water is a conductive element through which energy is able to move and flow. It is also known in many circles as the giver of life… so, all around, water is a pretty cool thing. We’re also something like 70-80 percent water — which in a neat “coincidence” — matches our planet, which is also made up of a large percentage of water. Our environment is also water (the clouds and atmosphere), and if we go into our cells, well, we may find that we are even more water than previously thought.

So Just HOW MUCH Can Frequency Affect Us, Our Emotions, Our Environment, Mood, Interactions, Etc.?

This video by Dr. Masaru Emoto, shows how consciousness (energy/vibration/FREQUENCY) effects and actually changes the molecular structure of water — and what are we?

And It's Not Just Water That Scientists Are Beginning to Notice Being Affected by Frequency

Here is another POWERFUL video showing the effects of frequency:

The Power of Frequency

This gives an excellent idea of why so many of you feel so amazing when doing energy work, meditating, and listening to these cleansing journeys: The STRUCTURES actually CHANGE based on the resonance! If these frequencies can change the structure of water (and what are we?) as well as re-organize physical matter (the salt in the video above).

What Could the Miracle of Frequency Do for You?

  • Greater connection and peace of mind along with an ability to focus and harness your energy so that you can Create a Life of Abundance and Ease.
  • Easily and Effortlessly Reprogram and Transform your Holographic Template, allowing unprecedented access to the conscious and subconscious mind, thereby creating non local transformation and healing at every level.
  • A deeper and better understanding — at the conscious and subconscious level — of how creation and your body really work.
  • The ability to naturally attract people, foods, and situations with a higher, more healing frequency, bringing your life, world, and body into balance.
  • Empower your subtle energy bodies and subconscious mind so that you can create the most effective and customized self-directed healing and change.
  • Soothing and Energetically Uplifting Healing Treatments that take just minutes, that can be your much-needed spa break, getaway, or pick-me-up in an otherwise hectic, stressful, and busy world.
The Healing Transformation of light codes: Manifestation and Woo for an all new you!
  • 1
    A Living Embodiment of Source
  • 2
    Alchemical Creation
  • 3
    Allowing Inspiration
  • 4
    Attunement with The One
  • 5
    Awakening to Love
  • 6
    Blessed Abundance
  • 7
    Being Supported
  • 8
    Being My Most Joyful Self
  • 9
    Blissful release Through Orgasm
  • 10
    EMF Free
  • 11
    Embodying Trust Through Energetics
  • 12
    Familial Wholeness Through Love — Forgiveness
  • 13
    Financial Immersion — Current and Flow
  • 14
    Full Access
  • 15
    Full Spherical Alignment
  • 16
    Healing and Releasing Oppression
  • 17
    Healing Sexual Wounds
  • 18
    I AM a Vessel of Love
  • 19
  • 20
    I AM THAT I AM - Experiencing my Greatest Potential
  • 21
    Igniting the Light Within
  • 22
    Inspired Actions Come Easy
  • 23
    Intimate Release
  • 24
    Journey Through the Cosmos
  • 25
    Living Full Throttle
  • 26
    Living in My Sacred Space
  • 27
    Love and Joy Through All I Am
  • 28
    Magnetic Balance
  • 29
    Mind Sweep
  • 30
    Multidimensional Expressions of Love
  • 31
    My Arcturian Self
  • 32
    Opening Our Being to Change
  • 33
    Opening the Body's Ley Lines
  • 34
    Opening to Guidance
  • 35
    Re-Igniting My Passion
  • 36
    Releasing Sadness and Separation
  • 37
    Repression Release
  • 38
    Soul Healing and Aspect Retrieval
  • 39
    Speaking with my Guides
  • 40
    Spiritual Alchemy
  • 41
    Stepping Into My Future Self
  • 42
    The Andromedan Connection
  • 43
    The Expanded Self
  • 44
    Transmutation and Joy
  • 1
    A Living Embodiment of Source
  • 45
    Transmuting Geopathic Stress
  • 47
    Unity Consciousness
  • 48
    Unleashing My Sacred Potential
  • 49
    Vitality and Resurgence
  • 50
    White Diamond Rain
  • 51
    Making Miracles
  • 52
    Exploring Source

Are You Ready to Experience the Power And Potential Of Pure Frequency?

Now, Just by Listening to This Deeply Healing Vibrational Sound Therapy, YOU TOO Can Feel the LOVE and CHANGE YOUR WORLD!

If you choose the weekly track option — designed to give you one track a week each week for the next year! — you’ll immediately get FIVE OF THE MOST REQUESTED TRACKS — Never before Released — as well, including EVERYTHING YOU NEED to begin to center and connect RIGHT NOW to begin creating and laying the vibrational foundation for change this year, including: Ancestral Release, Clearing Money Blockages, Light Code Adaptation, Attracting New Opportunities, and Whole Gain…


This year, Week 1 itself is a foundation-laying track for A Living Embodiment of Light.

This track has almost as much energy as the entire 1st 52-week series I ever released and will really get you in a space of alignment, love, and nurturance, as you truly open to support and becoming one with The Light.

And it just gets better and better from there!

Vibrational Sound Therapy - Jarrad Hewett

Whether you’ve participated in Jarrad’s past programs or you’re brand new to the experience of energy healing through sound, this program has everything you need to experience the next great level of awareness, love, freedom, and creation — starting off with a collection of Bonus Tracks specifically designed set the space for expansion, opening the ascended heart, healing the inner child, bringing joy into your life and field, releasing any negative influences in our energy such as limiting genetic beliefs, core beliefs, karmic ties from past lives, present lives, future lives, and in between lives, as well as clearing all of your auric fields and physical space of fears and lower vibrational energies so as to open you to a wider level of being and having the desires of your heart, while also expanding your own inner sense of self-purpose and self-forgiveness… and that’s just the starting point!

Each Track Contains Energies from the Previous Week, Helping to Build an Integrative and Whole Vibration Structure Within Your Field, and to Make This Experience One LIKE NEVER BEFORE!

Create a better life

From very concrete energies like Financial Immersion, EMF FREE, Opening The Bodies Ley Lines, Releasing Repression and Healing Sexual Wounds, and the all new Upgraded frequencies that will knock your socks off, to Transmuting geopathic Stress, White Diamond Rain, Familial Forgiveness, and Release Through Orgasm, and the more “woo” like My Arcturian Self, The Andromedan Connection, Soul Healing and Aspect Retrieval, and Speaking with my Guides, this program has it ALL!

One Track Alone Has an Entire Crystalline Energy Library of Over 43 Gems


These tracks were created to take you to the next level in every single aspect of your expansion and creation in every category: Physical, mental, spiritual, chemical, cosmic, etheric, and beyond!

Mental Expansion

Yes, I want to Participate in This Amazing Journey!

Begin Today with Your First Frequency Track!

These tracks are valued at $35 each, making this package well worth over $1,800!!

Sign up today, and you get an entire year’s worth of frequency work and a complete Frequency Track Library for just one single payment



Discount: 90% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $197

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Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $247

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Order Today and You'll Also Receive These SPECIAL BONUS Tracks with Your First Download Dealing Specifically With:

Clearing Money Blocks

Clearing Money Blocks

Ancentral Release

Ancestral Release

Whole Again

Whole Again

Attracting New Opportunities

Attracting New Opportunities

Light Code Adaptation

Light Code Adaptation

Plus, Order NOW, and You’ll Get the Silent Frequency Only Tracks with Your Purchase — These Tracks DOUBLE THE VALUE, and You Get Them Absolutely Free!

When You Order Now, You Will Not Only Get the Full-Length Musical Frequency Tracks as Well as the Full-Length Silent Tracks, but You Will Also Receive One-Minute Mini Boosters Which Are Great for Playlists and Instant Upliftment on-the-Go!

Here’s What People Just Like You Are Experiencing Through the Magic of These Tracks:

“I’ve been a Reiki practitioner and energy healer for years, and just three minutes into this first track felt like I’d just experienced hours of healing work! Totally amazing!!”


“These tracks are flipp’n off the charts!”


“Simply amazing & peaceful energy at the same energy time.”


“Thank you so much for these beautiful and powerful Divine tracks — I am beginning to feel my true essence … I am infinitely grateful.”


“I had chills and lots of light coming in my crown chakra on my first listen during the second track… I have many children that come to my home and have been sharing the frequencies with them and LOVE to watch their energy shift! I am grateful!”


“I especially love the fact that I have a TREASURE CHEST of my own personal private frequencies, and I have them for the rest of my life! What a wonderful Divine Resource.”


“These are way beyond and above what I ever could have expected. They are so “moving” in many ways. My energy went BAM. (That’s good!) Blessings and More Pure Love to you all through the New Year.”


“Thank you sooooooooooooo… much Jarrad, I’ve been listening to all the tracks, blissing-out and feeling buzzed! Yeah, what a great way to start the new year!”


“All my fields… emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, energetic… felt amazingly calm, peaceful, balanced, harmonized, and centered… that feeling & state, of being in Divine Flow with everything around you!”


“I love this track, I held off listening for a few days until I felt hydrated and then played it really loud. It’s so expansive and exciting… currently it feels like the excitement of being a child on Christmas morning to find it snowed overnight and everything is clean and pristine, full of magic and sparkles.”


“I’m in awe of the connection I experienced.”


“For me, this track is like a lullaby… warm and cozy.”


“I felt all my chakras open up, the left and right hemispheres of my brain balanced, my spinal cord opened up… there was a shift in my kundalini channels, especially to the left of my spine. My right hemisphere was definitely activated too. Lots of energy around my crown and back heart chakras. Oh, and my aura felt so crisp and clean afterwards…. And this is week 1? Again, WOO-HOO!”

~S. D.

I have spent the last couple years, and thousands of dollars, purchasing program after program, searching for the answers, hoping and praying this is going to be the one, with no major breakthroughs until now. My search is over and my life begins. Jarrad is the real deal!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…. I am now living life instead of just existing…. Forever grateful and grinning from ear to ear.


New Brunswick, Canada

“There is nothing more priceless than feeling long lost pieces of my heart returning home to me after so long.”


“I have done years of work in this field and have never ever so profoundly and quickly shifted so much in my life. Trust me it will be the greatest investment you can take for yourself and for those you love around you. Your life can be all you want it to be — I’m experiencing this myself first hand because of this program — and I know you can too!”


Vibrational Sound Therapy - Jarrad Hewett

Yes, I want to Participate in This Amazing Journey!

Begin Today with Your First Frequency Track!

These tracks are valued at $35 each, making this package well worth over $1,800!!

Sign up today, and you get an entire year’s worth of frequency work and a complete Frequency Track Library for just one single payment



Discount: 90% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $197

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Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $247

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Order Today and You'll Also Receive These SPECIAL BONUS Tracks with Your First Download Dealing Specifically With:

Clearing Money Blocks

Clearing Money Blocks

Ancentral Release

Ancestral Release

Whole Again

Whole Again

Attracting New Opportunities

Attracting New Opportunities

Light Code Adaptation

Light Code Adaptation

Plus, Order NOW, and You’ll Get the Silent Frequency Only Tracks with Your Purchase — These Tracks DOUBLE THE VALUE, and You Get Them Absolutely Free!

When You Order Now, You Will Not Only Get the Full-Length Musical Frequency Tracks as Well as the Full-Length Silent Tracks, but You Will Also Receive One-Minute Mini Boosters Which Are Great for Playlists and Instant Upliftment on-the-Go!


One-Minute Silent Tracks on the Go & Mini Vibrational Boosters!


Attracting New Opportunities

The ideal ‘on the go’ energetic boost, these ALL NEW 1-minute tracks are as versatile as are the 59 Tracks included.

Create a playlist for an Expansive Hour of Healing Power, and Experience each energy, or play them in short doses at work or around the house.

Included are 1-minute silent versions of the 52 weekly Frequency tracks and 7 foundational bonus tracks. They are perfect for playlists!


Discount: 90% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $197

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Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $247

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Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Here’s What People Just Like You Are Experiencing Through the Magic of These Tracks:

Something Really Big Is Shifting in Me

“I started playing the tracks just now, and took a breath and thought, “I feel better.” The tracks are putting me at ease in ways I didn’t even know were there to be put at ease. And again, I hear myself say “I feel so much better,” with an inner giggle at myself for having this expression again and again with each track. I am enjoying them very much, and now, listening as I write, I hear myself say “Something really big is shifting in me” and “I’m letting go so deep.” So, thank You, Jarrad, for the creation of these tracks.”


Divine Intoxication… Welcoming the Light!!!

“When the tracks landed in my inbox this huge amount of fear energy cleared out through my throat. My first thought was: Jarrad, what did you put in this?!! When it was time to actually listen to the tracks I was so moved by the beauty, the potency of love and the tremendous energetic nourishment offered. It’s a beautiful soundtrack for this time on the planet, and not to be fooled by the stunning music, these tracks pack a punch! There perhaps should be a warning label on this: may induce Divine Intoxication, do not expose your fears to this as you may never see them again! Thank you for this tremendous gift that perhaps contains frequencies that have never before entered this universe!  Welcoming the light!!!”


Hair Standing Up on My Arms, Ears Ringing, Body Buzz!

“I have been buying the 52-track program for several years and this year’s production is out of this world! The new energies have allowed me to experience a flood of energy pouring in head, chills, hair standing up on my arms, ears ringing, body buzz as well as releasing energy that no longer serves me. Absolutely love these tracks!”


The Feelings, Energy, And Releases… Nothing Short of Miraculous

“I’ve listened to your other 52-week program almost weekly since it came out and I truly enjoyed it. Your new 52 week is even more amazing! I recently bought the program, so I haven’t made it through all the tracks, but I love them! I didn’t think you could outdo yourself but, of course, you did! The Feelings, energy, and releases I’ve felt are nothing short of miraculous. Your tracks are always my go-to but now I have a new set of favorites.”


All I Do Is Smile and Breathe It All In!

“Now that I have all my playlists loaded, I am finding them to be so incredibly amazing and way beyond all the others! I love starting my day listening to the track for the week and then to wherever I am led. These 52-week tracks are so high vibing, you don’t even have to listen, just getting the email containing them is an experience and downloading them… oh wow, what fun! I am so excited to experience each and every track as they arrive. Thank you so much for this incredible gift straight from Source. What a blessing! I see how much I have shifted and changed in my own being because if this had happened in years past with tracks and downloads, I would have reacted much differently. Now all I do is smile and breathe it all in!”


I Saw Purple/Pink Light… Very Powerful

“I’ve just received 2nd track of new 52 week, played it about 4 times. I felt something happening around third eye and crown chakra. When I closed my eyes, I saw purple /pink light, very powerful.”


So Energized I Went Out and Worked in My Yard Until the Sun Was Setting

“I have always loved Jarrad’s 52-week frequencies & never missed one. This year’s version is way beyond anything he’s done before. The music is beautiful, expansive, uplifting & literally pulls you into the space of the energy being presented. The topics covered are advanced to a much higher energy level also. Are they powerful? They come with the warning “Please remember to take it easy as you listen to these amazingly healing and cleansing tracks. We recommend that you start off slowly with just one track per day and see how your body reacts” I recommend following that advice, because I did for several days and then decided to listen to the second one alchemical creation more times, As the 3rd time started, my head hit the table & I felt so woozy I turned it off, staggered to the couch and had a 2 hour nap. When I awoke about 2 pm, I was so energized I went out and worked in my yard weeding trimming, etc. until the sun was setting, and I had to come in.”


Vibrations Are Deeper and More Powerful Than The Previous Years

“This is my third year to experience the weekly frequency challenge from Jarrad. Week 1 was A Living Embodiment of Light and I have only just received Week 2, Alchemical Creation, but already they seem to be providing vibrations that are deeper and more powerful than the previous years. I look forward to every new track along with the explanations that he provides. It feels like they continue to deliver expansion energies that surreptitiously persist throughout my daily life!”


Taking Action and Manifesting Change

“I have been listening to the week one track and the five bonus tracks since I purchased a few days ago. I am finding them deeply moving but at the same time, punchy — nudging me/encouraging me to shift those old patterns and move forward quickly and easily. Enough is enough — time to take action and manifest change. Last year’s tracks were amazing for the peace and gentle support they gave me- this year’s tracks are double amazing! Thank you Jarrad for all the time and huge effort you have put into producing these tracks for all our benefit.”


About Jarrad Hewett

Jarrad Hewett

Jarrad Hewett is the best-selling author of Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation as well as the co-author of the International #1 Best Seller, The Big E — Everything is Energy. Jarrad is a multi-dimensional energy expert who specializes in visionary teaching and remote healing energy work that allows reconnection and healing at every level of being. He is a bridger of consciousness, an awakener of souls, and a catalyst for high level vibrational change that has brought about quantum growth, abundance, healing, and instantaneous change and manifestation in the lives of millions of clients across the globe.

The transformational energy he channels brings about change that goes far beyond the 3D “reality” and opens the self up to its truest and most connected experience of knowing Divine love at every level of being. His natural abilities to see and transmute all forms of energy have helped him bring about the highest forms of planetary evolution and spiritual awakening in the world today.

Jarrad has been heard on virtually every major network in America, including FOX, ABC, CMT, HGTV and more. His newest USA Today Best-Selling Book, The Answer Is Energy: A 30 Day Guide to Creating Your Ideal Life, Embracing True Abundance, and Knowing Your Worth From Within is available in stores and online now.

Make the Commitment to Making this year the Best Year Ever!

Vibrational Sound Therapy

Gain Access to The Next Level of Conscious Evolution by Accessing Deeper Parts of You and Experiencing a Life You May Have Only Ever Dared to Dream About!

Receive a new life-changing frequency each week for 1 year!!

This year, I’m going REALLY in-depth describing the frequencies, so the emails will be quite involved! I’m not holding anything back!! Or,

You Can Purchase All 52 Tracks RIGHT NOW

for Just $247!

You’ll get Our Entire Collection of New Tracks as well as an entire e-book cataloguing every single frequency in these tracks!

Start Today and Truly Make This Your Best Year Ever with 52 Weeks of Light Codes!

Master the World with the ULTIMATE in Transformative Energy Technology — and TRULY THRIVE!

Mild Caution: The Energy in these tracks is EXTREMELY potent. Please use caution when listening and DO NOT use motor vehicles or operate heavy machinery while listening. Listen to your body, and make sure and hydrate. Water is a conductive element, and as you raise your vibration, you may notice yourself dehydrating. I do not recommend listening to these tracks more than once in the first twenty-four hours. Give yourself time to integrate the energies and see how your body responds. Over time, as your frequency raises, you will be able to hold more and more of the vibration and listen as often as you’d like.

Expand into Your Best Live Ever!
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Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $197

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Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $1,800

Special Offer: $247

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