
This Love Meditation Will Open Your Heart and Others

Two things that many of us need to do more often are meditate and be mindful. Meditation helps to center our being so that we’re able to release stress. Mindfulness is a mindset that reminds us to remain present in the moment.

An exercise that helps us to accomplish both things is love meditation. It’s a practice that teaches compassion, amplifies feelings of love, and encourages us all to be more open-hearted. In a world that is filled with so much chaos and apathy, this mindfulness practice can bring you much clarity and inner peace.

If you would like to know more about love meditation and how to make it a part of your daily routine, please read on to learn more.

What Is Loving-Kindness Meditation All About?

When it comes to love meditation, another name for it is loving-kindness meditation (LKM). It’s a form of self-care that helps to make you more empathetic and forgiving. It can also deepen your connection with other people.

How is loving-kindness able to accomplish this? Well, it’s the type of love that focuses on being compassionate and tender. The way to become both things is with gratitude, humility, and patience with yourself as well as with those around you.

Loving-kindness is something that many people would like to have more of. Love meditation is what helps them to reach their goal. All you need to do is to implement the following steps.

Find a Quiet Space to Meditate

No matter what the meditation practices may be, you will always need to find a quiet place to do it. A place where you feel calm, and you won’t be distracted.

Sit on the floor. Take some deep breaths. Relax your body.

For a couple of minutes, do nothing other than embracing the silence. It will make de-stressing a lot easier for you.

Imagine Yourself Exuding Love in a Perfected State

Love meditations are about displaying self-love meditations first. So, imagine yourself being a perfect representation of love. What does that look like for you?

Think about how you want to feel loved. Ask yourself how you want to express love to others.

Anything that feels like confusion, anger, disappointment, or stress, try and release those emotions. Replace them with positivity and tranquility. Tell yourself that you are loved and deserve love.

Verbally Express a Few Affirmations

Research reveals that saying things out loud helps you to remember them. It also decreases self-criticism and helps you to stay focused on your goals.

This is why verbally affirming yourself is so powerful. You can also learn how to open your heart chakra whenever you do it. During love meditations, you can accomplish this by saying things like:

  • “I am a loving individual.”
  • “I am warm and empathetic.”
  • “I forgive because I want to be forgiven.”
  • “I have a good heart and great intentions.”
  • “I am grateful for today.”

As you repeat these statements, you will feel more comfortable believing them. They will help you to feel confident. They will also help you to release any negative thoughts that you might have.

Imagine a Person Sitting in Front of You

Once you feel like a vessel of love, it’s time to share the love with others. Start by imagining that someone who cares deeply for you is sitting across from you. It can be an individual from your present or your past.

Reflect on how they have made you feel safe and cared for. Now imagine them smiling back at you in an approving way. Think about the good things that they desire for you.

While you’re doing love and kindness meditations, this step is important. It helps you to feel safe and secure. When you’re in this kind of headspace, you’re able to share love and kindness with others more freely.

Briefly Focus on Some of the Challenging Individuals in Your Life

Once you’re in a good emotional space, take a moment to reflect on some of the challenging individuals in your world. People who may have offended you. People who you may find difficult to forgive.

Try to send love and light in their direction. If there is any resistance, remember that this mindfulness practice is not about excusing what they may have done wrong. Guided meditations like love meditation are about removing negativity so that you can feel more centered and empowered.

As you see these types of people in a more positive light, they will have less of an effect on you. As a result, you will be able to release anxiety, pressure and even fear more easily.

Use Love Meditation to Extend Loving-Kindness to All

The final step in love meditation is to think about the world. As you exhale negativity and inhale goodness, send out positive energy, compassion, and love into the universe. Think about the people who are in need or are having a difficult time and wish the best for them.

When you extend loving-kindness beyond yourself and the people who you personally know, it reminds you that things are bigger than yourself. That helps to humble you. The more humility you have, the more loving-kindness you will exude.

Finally, Open Up Your Eyes and Start Your Day

Once you have completed these steps, it’s time to open up your eyes, exhale and begin your day. The more than you practice loving-kindness meditation, you will notice that you have become:

  • Less critical
  • More patient
  • More positive
  • Able to take on challenges with ease
  • Loving to yourself and those around you

Let Me Help You to Become a More Loving Individual

Loving-kindness is something that I’m passionate about. I have seen how it has transformed my world and I believe that love meditation can enrich your life too. It will make every relationship that you have better.

Would you like to receive more information on this mindfulness practice? Do you want to learn about other ways to live a fuller life?

I’d be happy to hear from you either way, so feel free to contact me at any time. In the meantime, I’m sending more love and kindness your way!