
Integrate the Lovely Energy of Empowerment

Integrate the Lovely Energy of Empowerment

Hi, all. This morning, “forgiveness” came up for some of you in a major way – forgiveness of others, self, etc. Mostly, it felt like simply forgiving the past – forgiving yourself for not being good to yourself, which ultimately carried a little judgment and then the forgiveness of having judged. It was very much a Self Love moment (the song I heard was “Let it be” and the feeling that accompanied it was like being hugged and embraced on all levels by the most wonderful loving and all encompassing energy of the Divine). I also worked quite a bit with the violet flame and all of the outer energy bodies – kind of like a gentle bath of transmutation for the subtle energy bodies. I want you to integrate the lovely energy of empowerment.

I also began setting up a rainbow filter. The process will be ongoing for some of you, as you integrate this lovely energy of empowerment.

I also worked a lot on ownership – basically the knowingness that you have it all in you. that looked like this:
I take full responsibility for my creation, and I recognize, claim, and affirm that I am the creation of me. I acknowledge, affirm, claim, and choose to know and direct the experience that I am the creation of me, and I choose to create myself with authority, love, and Joy in Divine Love… and fun!

I chose to own my all of my energies that are less than the True Light and Love that I am. I choose to keep all energies of sabotage, victimization, anger, rage, and all other lower vibrations to myself for free transmuting by all that I Am within myself. I know that I am accountable and responsible for all that I am, all that I do, and all that occurs to me and for me. I choose to stand firm in my choice and direction that I AM THAT I AM and that any energy of sabotage, victimization, anger, rage, destruction or any lower vibration or energy in any shape or form be transmuted by me and through me. Any stories, attachments, energies, fears, collectives, contracts, chords, beliefs, non-beliefs, etc that are not serving me in the knowingness that I AM THAT I AM, I now knowingly and consciously direct that these all be transmuted by the True Light of All That Is. For any and all energy present or not present in my hologram and totality beyond the known and unknown planes, spaces, dimensions, and creations, I invoke the formula and 267 – the frequency of the beingness of Divine Love – and claim and know that any fear around transmutation equaling obliteration/death/destruction that may have arisen during the meditation, calls, or energy work is hereby balanced by invoking the creation formula, which I now do. I Am That I Am, and I hereby claim responsibility and love in all aspects and for all aspects of my life and world. I am the creation of me. I am the highest answer, and I am healed, and everything is balanced around the knowingness and beingness that I am. I acknowledge and affirm that loving myself is joyful and that I am Divine Love expressing as gratitude, love, joy, and abundance which I now define and know as the wholeness that I am. I am committed to One Happy Prosperous and Healthy Whole and that makes me happy! And it’s easy, simple, quiet, and complete now and consistently.

Whew!!! So, if you’re tired today, that’s why, lol. Drink plenty of water this weekend, and be conscious of sending lots of love and ease to everyone:)