
I AM FREE What does that bring up in you?

free on mountain

J wrote a blog that I felt really encompassed where a lot of you are right now. I’m feeling quite intensely this huge amount of fear around love and a lot of it stems from not trusting the open, quiet spaces. As I explained in the response, it’s a belief that “I’m not safe,” and that there’s always another shoe about to drop, or “it’s going to get bad before it gets better,” or even “it’s going to get bad while it’s better or because it’s better.” Diane mentioned what can sometimes spill out as we open our hearts, and really, it’s just mental goo and fear around associated beliefs and memories. I felt this SO intensely last night that it woke me up. Breathe into right now – just now – which is all there is. No memories, no past, no projected future attachments from the mental mind, just now… No one else’s energy, just you and your choice and direction for divine love. Pause the mind, and feel the heart. Below is my response to Jackie: Diane is correct, and the first thing I heard was breathe. There’s a belief that it has to get bad before it gets better, and for some reason as it gets better, that means it’s always got to be bad… A shoe has always got to drop. I am feeling this BIG time for the group. Let’s all invoke the formula around this and if you’re mental mind comes in and you feel “trapped” in the pattern, then invoke the cocktail to open up new patterns and consciously invoke it around releasing your hold on the fears and current belief systems and energies creating the fears and stuck feelings. I’d also like everyone to invoke the cocktail around releasing trauma from their electro magnetic fields and directing love and peace to balance your fields. I AM FREE What does that bring up in you? Don’t hold it, wrestle with it, fix it, feel the need to delete it, just let it pass. Every moment is a new moment. Every moment is a blank page. You can create new in each moment. You are infinite! I’ve also seen a few of you using the terminology “Delete”, and before I realized it was a tool, I jokingly thought it was being used as in “oops, caught myself writing something, but I consciously am choosing to write something different” type of way. I saw it again in a blog, and I wanted to briefly address that energy: I talk a lot about pressing the pause button. With “delete” I want to be sure the energy of that isn’t a push or a “no” energy. When I read the word in a blog earlier, I saw an eraser, but to erase means finite room to work and sort of going back with a different intent as opposed to knowing every moment is a blank page. There’s a subtle difference but it’s a huge difference in the energy. Lastly, remember that this program is all about connecting you to Source (which you are). It is about direct access to all that you are and the choice to direct, choose, be, ad experience that as divine love. I have felt a few of you wanting to energetically come to me, and that’s not what we’re about here 🙂 This is about you knowing that you are your highest answer. That only you can choose for you. Only you can create for you. That sounds scary for some of you, but it is the most empowering vibration of all, because then you know within “I AM THAT I AM” you release from the matrix, you release from limitation, you realize fear, entities, etc, at the largest level represent fear, and most of all, you step into your true power – the power and peace and love of all that you are, of all that is. Some of you who are new to the program (and a few who aren’t) have been looking outside and wanting someone else to “fix” or “choose” for them. Ultimately, you are sovereign, and this love is about you choosing to step into that knowing as you consciously expand into all the love that you are – beyond the stories, beyond any limitation of the mind or beliefs. And so it is 🙂

In love, Jarrad