
As Above So Below: Grounding in to The Fifth Dimension & Beyond

As Above So Below: Grounding in to The Fifth Dimension & Beyond

One of the MOST IMPORTANT JOURNEYS of the new series, Jarrad’s all new GROUNDING journey IS the place and space where you can create miracles.

As you ground, you also expand. With that knowledge, comes the knowledge that through grounding you are able to access and become more and more of who you are. You are actually able to move and expand multi-dimensionally and to “go further out there” as you embody more and more of this lighter, higher vibrational energy here in the now.

So many of us want to be “out there” where the vibrations feel lighter, better, and where we feel more free to be ourselves. For so many on this plane, grounding can feel like something of a lesser vibration that serves to hold us back or keep us “locked in” to a place or space we may not be comfortable with. Enter the truth of “As above so below”

This is very much a journey to not just help bridge the space between the third and the fifth dimensions, but to FULLY move into and BE in the fifth dimension, AND BEYOND, from the physical embodiment, while also learning how to create and harness the power of conscious creation right here, right now.

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