
A Great Change and Awakening

Jarrad Hewett The Great Awakening

 Two weeks ago, in our Energy Update, I mentioned a new opening  – a big wave – and how that space was creating a new choice: a choice for freedom through a renewed responsibility to love. The Great Awakening 2020!  

Last week, we entered it a new phase of the 2020 “cycle” – and I say “cycle,” because much of what is occurring is manifesting as a way of breaking the cycle we have been in for eons of time.

To move forward, as a collective, and as individuals, there is still a great healing to occur – new choices, new energies, new expressions, and a new experience of freedom.Please go and check out my rough cut version of The Great Awakening Journey:)

There is always potential, and everyone has to choose. Individually, is where it begins. It begins with each and every person on this planet, being willing to love, to listen, to hear, even when it is painful: it is time we honor and value each other, taking the words of Jesus to heart: “Love God with all thy heart, and love thy neighbor as thyself.” 

What we are seeing play out is also a reflection of not just external judgment and hatred, but of internal judgment and hatred. 

I ask all to hold an intent and focus for the highest outcome of love to unfold across this globe – and that peace and love opens the hearts of all. 

In moments where we see fear and chaos, it can seem daunting. Yet, think of how a child learns to walk: they often fall and get hurt. Right now, we are learning who we are – we are being presented with opportunity after opportunity to examine our ways of life, inside and out. 

Racism, separation, segregation, and violence, have been woven into America’s history, and indeed the history of the planet, as it has been written, over the last few thousand years. By creating “less than,” we allow ourselves to feel “more than,” and a long chain of “otherness” unfolds throughout time. 

When these energies comes up, they press deep wounds. These wounds are not just from this life, but a lifetime of collective history, where fear has created a cycle of hierarchies, patriarchies, and castes. 

Until we truly learn from history, it will repeat itself. 

Right now, we are being asked to examine who we have been, who we are, and who we are to become. Within this collective ascension, it is up to those with power to utilize it for those without, as way showers, as allies and friends, as collective humans. As individuals, we are being asked to truly open up, learn, and love. 

Let us come together. It is time for The Great Awakening!

Let us come together
Unite Together

In the last update, I listed some questions, as we go deeper into this space, to help us release. And, as we approach a space of truly experiencing ascension in a new way, releasing loneliness and disconnection, truly releasing everything which no longer serves, and allowing ourselves to Become One with The Source Field and Feel Free, Connected to Love, and live a life of Passion, free from fear, I pose them once more:

Take time to evaluate where you are. Ask yourself often, “What is this experience teaching me? What do my beliefs mean in this situation? How did those beliefs form? Am I wanting to reinforce them through this experience? Am I resisting or participating in a duality? How might I be contributing to the overall manifestation of this experience? And what can I do to create something new?”

Love is the Answer.  Allowing All That You Are, beyond The Stories, to unify and expand, and strengthening the focus on Love, this Journey creates a Unified structure of Self, wherein you Release into The Vast Space of Total Choice, Total Love, and Total Awareness.  Releasing in to LOVE!

You are seen. You are heard. You are loved.