
Open Up to Receiving and Focusing on that Love

Open Up to Receiving and Focusing on that Lovet

So yesterday I didn’t post because the day was all about blasting good vibes and working on receiving… so I was kinda poking around while also just sending love and letting some of you move out some “stuff” that was coming up for release. I wanted to give you your own boundaries and experiences, but also send love and encourage you to open up to receiving and focusing on that love.

Today, however, BIG STUFF!! I went over time this morning, lol. Self Empowerment and Expansion are still ongoing, and I want to add that spark of joy in there. A lot of people are experiencing what feels like anxiety, but is actually excitement! So I wanted to mention that as well.

Remember to breathe and center 😀

Now, here are the beliefs that have been coming up. Look over them and invoke the formula along with 267 which is the frequency of Divine Love.

8 Beliefs:
* I’ll be left behind
* I don’t have enough energy
* I can’t create myself as God
* I can’t believe in bliss
* I can’t know
* I can’t “get there” by myself
* I don’t have the instinct to create me
* I don’t own I Am God

So… LOTS going on today and with the energy and a LOT moving and shaking.

Invoke the formula around all of that and add 267 which is the frequency of the beingness of Divine Love.

Remember, Creating yourself is like riding a bike for the first time. If you’ve never done it, it can be terrifying, but remember: YOU ASKED FOR IT, lol. And you can do it!! and it can be fun 😀

