
“Everybody Hurts”

Jarrad Hewett "Everybody Hurts"

“Everybody Hurts” by REM was one of my favorite songs in high school, and it’s a true sentiment. We all experience pain in our lives: we have loss, be it emotional, or physical. That loss can sometimes create within us a sense of fear and a space where we begin to shut down to all that life has to offer, because we fear more of the same: more grief, more hurt, more abuse, more longing, more betrayal… but what if – just “what if” our focus and expectation could show us new opportunities to let life IN, to heal our heart, and to love not only ourselves back into wholeness, but to share that love with others? We all hurt. And, if we choose, we can all heal, and we can turn that hurt into healing, not only for ourselves, but for others who may be going down the same path as us.