
Why we should always choose Love

hand heart rainbow

What I really wanted to talk to everyone about today, is Reaction and why we should always choose Love.

I posted about my day that particular day in the comments section (this was the same day we had our awesome Solstice call). I think this might help some of you to realize that you’re not doing anything wrong, and that we all have the power in every moment to choose to create what we want :)

This was my post:

“I’ll give you an example of my day yesterday: The meditation was awesome. Afterwards, I had a meeting to go to. I went outside to discover we’d had an ice storm.

I was already running late, so I could have gone into reaction. Instead, I went in and put a few pots of water on the stove. (My car was frozen inside about an inch of ice, and having spent the last ten years in California, I wasn’t quite used to this).

I called the man I was meeting about cabinets, left him a message saying I was running late, and made a joke.
After the water heated, I poured it over my door and lifted the metal handle… Which proceeded to snap right off.

Now, I should also mention that for my birthday this year (which was last January), I bought myself my first new vehicle in 15 years. It is my dream car, and I spent every day for a year with the brochure in my kitchen, feeling what it would feel like to come and go every day in this beautiful car.

So, my “new to me” dream car has just broken. Did I freak out? Nope. I took a picture of my frozen grill, made a joke about my amazing strength, and asked if I could borrow my mom’s car.

Cut to the meeting: the guy was late as well, so no problem.

Now, I sold my place in California several months ago and moved to a new place in Oklahoma – only my new place was not ready yet, so since then, I’ve been staying with friends and family (which is another funny story).

I have eagerly waited for the day of my big move… Which was scheduled for last week… And has been late due to weather and a the tornado that came trough here over the Summer (there is a whole city being rebuilt, so workers have been booked solid).

I discovered yesterday that the counter tops that took a month to get here were not the right counter tops (which may be a blessing evacuee I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted them to begin with – so I directed myself to get really clear, decide what I wanted, and Stand behind my decision!”

So, we worked everything out, and when I got home, I took my car to get fixed. Then, I came home and worked until 7am this morning on something I’m really excited about – I just chose to know everything would be absolutely awesome and in the mean time, I was going to continue to create what I wanted – joy and ease.

Now, I still have to pick new counter tops, and I don’t get to move for probably another month, and all of the above could be total “reaction” time if I didn’t consciously focus on what I want while taking the steps and doing the work to arrive in that place 🙂  Why we should always choose love!!

Another Reaction: Why we should always choose Love!

heart crystal

I told a story last year on a call about my sisters wedding tasting.

She had it at out favorite little place nestled in a Malibu canyon just off PCH, call the Inn of the Seventh Ray. Everything is cooked with the violet flame. There are statues of Buddha and waterfalls, and it’s just a magical place… Also very new age, and part of her had it there because she wanted to piss my mom off (mom is a very conservative Christian).

My mom and my sister have “issues” and at the dinner, my mom, got upset while on the phone with a call center in another country (she’d been using her credit card all day, and so to protect against fraud, the company turned it off). She’d had a few drinks, and went ballistic when the foreign phone operator on the other end of the phone was trying to explain all of this to her. She took this as an affront to her, personally, and felt judged and attacked.

She proceeded, under a gazebo, by a fountain, beautiful music playing, carries dancing, to yell at this man – loudly – about her not particularly inclusive beliefs regarding politics, immigration, and America… All while other diners stared (but bless them, they really tried not to).

My sister was MORTIFIED.

She yelled at my mom, who then got upset for being judged, and then flipped off the statue of Buddha yelling “F you Buddha! My Jesus is stronger than you. You’re just a man!!”

My sister, in tears, yelled back, threw a napkin at her, and ran from the table. My mom followed suit.

My brother in law to be say there with his jaw on the ground.
I staid perfectly balanced and joked “I knew I shouldn’t have offered to be designated driver.”

When I told that story on a call, someone called in and said, “of course you didn’t get upset, you’re you.”

I told her that I was only me because I was choosing to focus on love. I knew where both of these women were coming from. And I chose to love them and let them work it out – with no attachment to whether they did or didn’t. I would love them regardless.

Would I have chosen to express like that? If I were them, having their history, stories, and experiences, there would have been no other option. personally, I would have handled it differently, but that’s because my own stories have changed and my own frequency is different.

Being me, I know that I have the power to create my life, and I’ve spent a lot of time healing what I needed to heal so that I could love them both and not freak out myself.

My friend Segmet loves this story because my mom is the most proper women you’d ever meet. Channel, pearls… Very old school. Segmet laughed her butt off when I told her the story because it was clearly a huge moment for both of them – and a large opportunity to work through a lifetime of issues…. Segmet now calls it “Buddha fights Jesus.”

My point with all of this being, fifteen years ago, I would have had a heart attack right them and there. If have tried to save both of them. I’d have freaked out about being judged by all of the people in the restaurant. I would not have been able to stay balanced and know this was between them and send them both unconditional love.

So back to yesterday, fifteen years ago, I might have taken a crow bar to the car and done more damage to something I loved just because I was mad. BUT getting caught up in anger and feeling anger are two different things.

Was I a little mad? For like five tenths of a second, you betcha, and I made the choice to acknowledge it, focus on the “funny” of it, know it really was all good, and let the anger pass.

I have a story about that, too, but I’m responding on a phone, and my thumbs are letting me know it’s time to stop lol.

Hope that all helped!

Just remember, its not about doing it “right” or being “perfect,” it’s just about knowing that none of this is really that serious. I mentioned in a reply yesterday, I used to say, “If you were dead, would this matter?” If the answer is no, choose to feel alive and joyful and go create what you want :)”

Lots of love, Jarrad