
I believe anything is possible through unconditional love

Integrating and Experiencing The Love Of The Ascended Heart by Jarrad HewettHi, all! Welcome! I am really excited about this month – especially after setting such an awesome intention. There are a few of you who need to revisit that intention, and we’ll go into that a bit tomorrow if I still feel the energy of it poking around. The jist of it is this: from an open heart and a set and directed focus, I believe anything is possible through unconditional love.

Sometimes, though, we “want” something and we stay in the “want” vibration, which is equal to not having. This is why I speak so often of “feel what it would feel like to already…. be complete, have x, y, z, etc.”

Many of you have heard me use the statement:

I am committed to one, happy, healthy, prosperous whole, and that makes me happy. And it’s simple, easy, quiet and complete. Notice it does not say, “I am committed to getting what I want, and to do so, I have to get rid of all of this other stuff… or struggle… or release….” Nope. Just committed. So what does commitment mean? Well, for some people, it may mean struggle. It may mean perseverance, and that may also equate to battling for, competing for, or struggling.

The Expanded Creation Formula by Jarrad Hewett

So, lets all invoke the formula around all of that (and the cocktail, I am hearing) so that we can put 100 per cent of our focus on what we DO want, and shift the needle on our record player to a song of our pure choosing and creation.

On the heels of that, what I worked on today was very different than a normal first few days. I started working the energy a little earlier than normal, and after integrating some of the newbies, it was really just about love: Can I, Do I, Will I… what are my limits? What are my beliefs?

So with that in mind, I want to share with you a conversation I had just this morning.

I was talking with someone about “God” – Source, Love, Spirit, whatever your word for the Divine that is all – and we were talking about how to love God and therefore each other and ourselves. There is a story often attributed to St. Augustine that is actually an Eastern story about a man with a torch, and a bucket of water. The man’s son had come to him, and said, “How am I to love God?” The man answered by handing the boy his two items, and replied, “To love God, take this torch and set fire to all the riches of heaven. Then, take this pitcher of water and extinguish all the fires of hell.”

I love that story. It means that we do not love people, God, Spirit, Source, others, etc because we want them to give us something, and we do not love them/us for fear of retribution of punishment. We simply love for the sake of love – with nothing to ever gain or lose. It is unconditional.

You are deeply loved, safe, and held secure by all that is. Where I want to spend the rest of today and tomorrow is helping you remember this and then remember that you are this love. You are the unconditional beauty of a sunset, the stillness of a stream, and the majesty of the mountains. This is who you are. It is not given with strings or chords or attachments, but given freely by a Universe that loves you.

Can you fully shift your focus to that Universe? Will you?

This month is going to be amazing!!

Love to all,