
Transmutational energy is like a violet flame

violet flame

Tonight, I felt very clearly that it’s time to do some serious work – not purging, not “one foot in, one foot out,” – but serious, two feet, all in, transmutation. I use transmutation on purpose as what showed up in the meditation was a wall of transmutational energy is like a violet flame, but more so. Imagine the white diamond energies mixed with the golden light plus the violet flame as well as an increased presence of every ray, flame, and light on the transmutational spectrum (and beyond, they say). Several energies/individuals in the group have been deflecting certain energies and then literally “calling” on me to “fix” the very things around which they’ve been deflecting healing. Tonight, there was a shift. Tonight, I shifted. Tonight, many of you chose and shifted. these flames and energies encased everyone in the group. I want to stress to those of you who have been calling upon me that this is not about connecting to me. This is about connecting to you – knowing you are worthy, loved, held safe, deeply secure and always at choice. I want you all to begin to connect consciously and unconsciously (through direction) to source, knowing as above so below. Let’s blow these lower vibrational games and perspectives out of the water – literally cleansing all that we are in this transmutational energy, while knowing that this energy is you. It is source. Many of you have unknowingly been using me as a bridge, and tonight begins the building of your own bridge, and it can be instant because that bridge, in actuality, already exists. I have not ever felt this massive transmutational energy on the scale of which I felt it tonight. In fact, I was told to no longer hold the bridging space but to show you energetically the way to your own light and present you with the choice to connect to your own light. It is okay to choose otherwise, but it must be your choice. It is time to make the leap. THIS is a magnified version of the shift felt from the matrix call. It is time to know that you create. My mental mind wants to say this message came about so strongly because of the number of people in the program this month. However, if we are all one energy, this is the reflection of a choice to go deeper and “know Thyself” as all that you are on a grand scale. Open up to source and feel all that YOU are, coming forward to heal and transmute. WOW this energy is here. I have a feeling this is going to be a powerful week!

In love, Jarrad