
The Larger Story of Who We Are, and Who We Are Becoming

Jarrad Hewett The Larger Story of Who We Are, and Who We Are Becoming

Our lives are made up of a series of moments. Seemingly innocuous choices mixed with our daily rituals and habits create, over time, the larger story of who we are, and who we are becoming. Within each moment, we have the power to begin altering our trajectory. Much like a computer, processing billions of bits of data, our minds – both at a conscious and unconscious level – record and translate data. We filter this data through our own stories, often seeking to self-validate, and without even knowing it, we create similar patterns over and over again.
For the first twenty years of my life, I believed I was my stories. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and PTSD while still a teenager. Life, for me, was pain.

And then, one day, I had a realization: if I had been born thousands of miles away, socialized in a completely different life, raised with fundamentally different belief systems, who would I be? As I meditated on this question, an even deeper understanding of who and what we truly are began to unfold for me, and step by step, day by day, life got better.

So often, we allow all of life’s “shoulds” to dictate who we become, and who we stay, but what if we knew our infinite nature? What if we knew that nature was love?

Through meditation – connection – I believe that each and every person on the planet can tune into their inner peace, acceptance, and love, and through this gateway, we can not only unify our fractured selves, but learn to live from a space of appreciation, gratitude, and joy.