
Start Living Your Dreams

smiling man

This was too synchronistic not to post in a blog. Joy was up big time today, but not in a way most people think of joy. A lot of times, we lock into out vision of life, and try and look for or feel into joyful moments within that template. This energy is really challenging you to let go of all templates and just find pure joy. This article does a fantastic job of describing that process: Go Where Welcomes You and Start Living Your Dreams

“In this stream of allowance, in this stream of unfolding, after you are through these first barriers that will come up (your shit), on the other side of that achievement is the experience of following what welcomes you – following what smiles at you. That is how reality becomes and how to start living your dreams. That which will best unfold your dream will smile at you. Where you want to be will welcome you. This is ease. This is how easy it becomes.

When you are wishing something to happen, and it starts to not happen, instead of battling against it, to push it or to force it, you say to yourself, “Ah, this isn’t to be. If I was meant to be there then things would be unfolding in that direction.” And you let go of that control. You let go of trying to control how your reality is.

reach for the moon

And things will smile at you. Things will welcome you. That is the flow. Go where you are welcome. You do not need to fight against things. You do not need to change things. You do not need to change this planet. Be in your joy. Being in your joy is the greatest service you can be. There is nothing higher. Being in your joy is to radiate and ground your divinity and all will benefit. All will benefit from you being in your joy. No sacrifice is necessary.

How to start Living your Dreams

The living of your dream is the greatest gift you can give to the world. You do not need to suffer or struggle. Let go of your suffering and your struggle. You do not need it anymore. You do not need things to be how they are now. You do not need anything. Just allow.

There is nothing in your life you need. It can all go. It can all stay. Let it do as it will. Let it unfold. Let your life unfold. Let go of your attachments. Everything that is best to stay will stay. Things that have had their time will go. Let that be. Know that it is your unfolding and your unfolding is your divinity, is your Godhood, is your safety, is your abundance.

Take your foot off of the brake. Cease trying to control your reality. It does not need to be controlled. You do not need to control it to be safe. To seek to control it is to create danger as the manifestation of the rejection of what you are. Love what you are. Accept what you are. What you are is all of your reality – everything that you personally experience.

You are the Creator

Allow your wounds. Allow them to come up and be healed. You do not need to hold them away any longer. There is nothing that you need to hold away from you.

Allow the flow of your life. Allow yourself to be All That You Are. And that is to know yourself. To allow yourself to be, is to know yourself, and to know yourself is to know you are Source. You are the creator.

You are what you are, and what you are is perfectly imperfect. All your imperfections, as you perceive them, are perfect.

Nothing needs to change. By realizing nothing needs to change, you free every aspect of your reality to change. As long as you feel it needs to change you hold it static. Realize it does not need to change and it will blossom. Every aspect of your reality will blossom, and what you have held away will come forward. This is freedom.

Your freedom is in what you have been holding away.
Your freedom is in what you have been rejecting.
Accept and love every aspect of your being and be the God that you are.
