
Releasing Imprints

Hand imprints

Today I worked on releasing Imprints. Interestingly enough, when this came in this morning, it felt like this rage energy. The word I got was “Berserker.” This is the definition of “Berserker:” Berserkers (or berserks) were Norse warriors who are primarily reported in the Old Norse literature to have fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury…”

Ultimately, what came in was that there was a need in the collective to feel this type of rage due to a myriad of imprints: ex: “I’m not worthy, so as that energy builds, it explodes, and I either take it out on myself, which causes more rage and hate because I am going against my true nature, or, the same belief, only, now it’s “their” fault, and I am going to get revenge.

After clearing that, I began to see things that looked like “healing crisis” within the energy – in other words, all of the imprints that exist around what our physical release must be (the purging, the negative feelings, etc). On top of that was the message, “You can only heal what you can feel.” This is a big one that is prevalent in a lot of us on a cellular level. It’s built in to our bodies. And it’s time to move beyond that as best we can, and to love ourselves as we do it… to know that we are worthy to the point that we can release “worth” from our field, because we now function from our I AM state of being, and in that heart-centered space of love, there is no such concept as worth, because to have worth implies added value or that some things or feelings or people lack worth.

joy peace love


Interestingly, when I invoked the formula “around” imprints, they did not release. I had to specifically invoke it around “releasing imprints” and then bring in the divine love energy as a salve.

Choose love for yourself. For some of you, that might look like having compassion towards your life, choices, friends, family, etc. For others, it may look like taking actions in your life to better create in the physical world the reality you want to experience. Whatever it looks like, love yourself and allow Divine Love – the isness of ALL THAT IS – to permeate every cell of your body. Allow yourself to flow at every level in total love.

Invoke the golden pink and blue lights of self love and actualization.

Lots of love, Jarrad