
The blank page of power and sovereignty

The blank page of power and sovereignty

Interested to hear what’s going on with some of you as BOUNDARIES came up today. It felt like a positive thing – working out who or what you’re giving energy to that you no longer wish to give to… also allowing yourselves to be “off the hook” from needing certain things or from “saving” yourselves or other people… really learning to be and expand from the still point and the blank page of power and sovereignty. I expanded upon that with some frequencies of purpose and clarity once more. I feel like this is an area that will continue to grow and gain momentum for some of you over the next few hours and possibly days. Rest came up for some of you as well, but as in the notion that you could manifest from a state of rest and ease. That tells me some of you are really turning a corner 😀

Comparison energy also came in… the “how come it works for them…” or “why is it that I still don’t have… but they do.” For a few of you, it was really hard to re-center, which tells me that you have to give the direction yourself as on some level you are committed to creation through loneliness and lack. believe it or not, that’s a very common template amongst comparison creators. So just give the direction that I AM DIVINE LOVE. I acknowledge my SOURCE and that I AM THAT SOURCE and I have enough energy to do this (“DO THIS” meaning create the life of my dreams and desires) AND I AM THE CREATION OF ME… which interestingly enough plugs some of you back into boundaries and who has to do what, etc. It’s ALL you 😀
We’ll keep working that one, but I wanted to let you all know what was going on 🙂

Lots of love,