
Know that you are loved

Know that you're not alone, you are loved, held safe, and deeply secure

Tonight when I checked in to do the group work, I really saw a lot of energy that seemed to be “hanging out.” What I was reminded to discuss here was the direction of energy. The energy was very responsive tonight, but I felt a bit of a longing in the group. I don’t know if it’s because the holiday season is approaching here in the U.S. and abroad, but there seemed to be a childlike sense of wanting to both give and receive love. There was a definite wanting to just be held. It was very much a “physical” feeling within the energy.  Know that you’re not alone, you are loved, held safe, and deeply secure.

I worked with what I call the “cinnamon” light (because that’s the color it looks to me). That light is all about grounded love – the kind you feel in this plane.

There is an interesting feeling of solemness as well, like the energy of the group is really relerant towards what is going on, and I want to spin some more “fun” orange light into that so that we can crank it up. I know we’re only just now at about the half-way point, but I think you all are ready to really begin directing your energy and pushing the boundaries (and releasing the boundaries) around who you are and what you will allow or be or do or have.

I’ve used the analogy of a belt before. Think of it like this: you have had a belt on that is 4 sizes too small for ten years. It’s almost become a part of you. It’s super tight, but it’s what you’re used to. In fact, you’re so used to it, it doesn’t really bother you. Sometimes, this program is like taking that belt and letting it out a size or two. Now, you notice it a lot because you’ve got more room – which kinda hurts because you’re having to adjust to the space, AND, now you’re also noticing that the darn thing is STILL too tight!

Don’t beat yourself up if this is where you are right now. The important thing is, the belt is moving – AND you don’t have to focus on the belt to direct what you want. In fact, directing the belt to expand is actually, in some ways, still keeping the focus on the belt (can I do it, did it work, am I there yet).

This is the energy of what we did on the call yesterday – the golden light followed by the breath work to ground in that sense of love and joy. However, for a lot of you, that love and joy feels incomplete without the push/pull of some type of 3-d matrix. This is where the Creating your Ideal Relationships MP3 that came with the package comes in 😀

This journey is all about knowing that not only are you not alone, but you are loved, held safe, and deeply secure at all times in all ways and all spaces and places.

Lots of love,

PS – Lots of people got off the call just after the frequency track for integration played. I got the hit to take a few more questions and not wrap the call on time, so I did, and I think we went another twenty or so minutes, and addressed some BIG topics around feeling energy, directing energy, and …MONEY!!!

So if money is something you have been looking at, check that out.

Also, Darius posted this on his facebook account, and I shared it on mine as well, because I thought it was very interesting. It’s all about money and the templates of thought. It’s worth looking at ESPECIALLY if you are looking at money issues in your life right now.
