
Ask yourself how you define happiness

Ask yourself how you define happiness

In this article, the author talks about happiness vs meaning in a very 3d almost 2d kind of way, but brings up a major point that sometimes causes a glitch with people seeking enlightenment: it goes towards those who seek stuff vs those who seek connection and love.  Ask yourself how you define happiness.

This shows sometimes people identify happiness with selfish behavior that doesn’t actually serve them, while “meaning” often includes CONNECTION that generates happiness in a way that most people don’t consciously acknowledge as happiness.

So over the next two weeks, really pay attention to what you’re asking for in life, and why? are you wanting more connection? more joy? are you wanting more things because of a lack of fulfillment? are you wanting things because you think – “think” being the word to pay attention to – that those things will bring you more connection and love? or are you wanting to express love for yourself and others and in that space knowing the great secret, that all is well, and in that wellness, bringing new and joyous experiences that cause your heart to radiate with even more love and your connection to your fellow man and woman and all that is to grow?

Lots of love, Jarrad