
What are you focused on knowing?

man meditating

Tonight’s really late night message was all about connection.  What are you focused on knowing?

When I started to tune in to see what the biggest thing to know was, I heard, “Be still, and know.” So what are you focused on knowing – and does your definition of knowing mean being, or does it mean learning. Let me equate that to what we talked about the other day when we discussed the vibration of wanting. It feels like some of you have a “want” vibration collapsed with knowing. Remember, if there is a “wanting” to know, on some level, you are expressing that you do not already know.

So take a deep breathe… move back into the amazing space we created on the call where everything is taken care.

“But…” Press the button 😉

“But…” Press the button.

Feel the love and support and focus on that. Direct all of your energy as the “I AM” that you are. Know that no energy is outside the scope of the One I AM presence.

I read a book many years ago called “The I AM Discourse Volume 3.” In this book was the following phrase: “I AM the might motive power back of all energy.” That basically means that beyond personality, beyond illusion, there is only source.

What if that were true?

(Press the button)

What if, behind everything you were experiencing, behind every person, place, and thing, there was Source. And what if you began seeing that Source in all things…

And what if you knew the oneness and connection and love and safety within that knowing?

Sometimes, we just need a reminder to connect in. We need a reminder that we are held safe – the picture I have is of a child sleeping peacefully on Christmas morning. Like on the call, “T’was the night before Christmas…”

Peace. Be still, and know.

(Press the button)

Part two of this is knowing that your body is a mode of transportation and experience. Where would you like to go? What would you like to create? Don’t be afraid to own your own reality and create it. Sometimes, creation feels like work, so we think we’re doing it wrong, lol. There are just beliefs in place that you’re moving through (or with in some cases), and it’s all good. As I said to Niki in a blog post, know that you are a miracle in the making. It’s okay to be in that “making” stage. Expansion is always happening, so in one regard, we are that “making” stage – past, present, and future selves, our larger self beyond time and space… always expanding and creating…. we are so immense. Don’t be afraid to play in that immenseness.

Lots of love,