
Feeling bad about not feeling bad?

butterfly on shoulder

I saw some interesting empowerment energy at play today with in the group that I really wanted to explore. I’ve noticed where everyone is individually, and while some are having a great month, others are having some awakening bumps. If it’s feeling a little bumpy, I just want to say, “you’re not doing it wrong.” Nothing is broken 🙂 Today, I wanted to see if I couldn’t help eliminate some of those growing pains, so I looked deep into what was going on. On one level, it was just good ok fashioned resistance in the form of “I don’t know who I am without struggle, therefore happiness feels empty, like there is nothing to do, and if there’s nothing to do, I am depressed or despondent, so to keep myself happy, I will continue to struggle…” This is an age old game that has a lot of its roots in the same energy that created the idea of hell and any type of punishment system. At its base, it is the belief that I can’t be God. Or even deeper, a “knowingness” that I AM not God. This makes creation a bit of a burden! The thing I saw though that really hit was this idea of feeling bad about not feeling bad. That looks something like this: “I am coming forward for myself and being true to me. Some people seem to be at odds with what I am creating, and I am creating it anyway, because I live myself. In loving myself, I am not paying attention to their negative responses or beliefs. I’m flaunting that I create myself! And I don’t feel bad about that at all!!! …but I should. So I feel bad about not feeling bad. What kind of person creates their life and doesn’t honor, acknowledge, or take on other people’s limitations and beliefs? Who am I to show them they’re “wrong?” …I feel bad about not feeling bad… I feel bad about being God! …maybe I should struggle myself to make it not so black am white. Invoke the formula and the cocktail x10 around all of that! (As in to the tenth power – just meaning allllll levels, layers, resistance, templates… – I AM ready to, willing to, and able to shine, and I am LOVING every minute of it! As I focus on my creation knowing limitation is none of my business 😉 .

Love ya’ll!!! Jarrad