
The Energy of Fear and Not Knowing


There has been a LOT going on in the past week. At the collective level, its as if one scared person jumped out of the bushes and scared another person, who then freaked out, actually scaring person one even more, who then panicked more, which scared person two more… and round and round it goes, as the energy of fear and not knowing escalates.

This energy translates to “tentacles.” Picture an octopus, with all of it’s arms flailing about. The octopus in this story is scared, and so it is trying to grab on to anything it can, and it doesn’t mean anyone any harm; it’s just scared. Well, at the collective conscious level, an ant hill got kicked in the past week, and the energy became scared. Some of this energy is very ancient and old, and it woke up not knowing anything other than terror. If you’ve felt fight or flight energy, you may have been tapping in to this cosmic awakening. At a personal level, it represents all of our really old stuff coming up to release… and in the process, some of it is like that octopus, wanting to grab on to whatever it can because it feels so scared and afraid. And it means no harm. It simply does not know who or what it is. It is representative of the parts of us which don’t choose the Light.  Transform the energy of fear and not knowing!

Remember your TRUE Light

So I wanted to take some time tonight to remind you of your true Light – wherever you are, and however you feel, and to remind you that with regard to anything you choose to release, just call upon your I AM Presence, the True Light of The One, and direct ALL energy, ALL fear, ALL limiting beliefs, All Lower frequencies, etc, be lovingly taken into The Light for healing.

I mentioned above that collectively, a lot of fears are “up.” What that represents is all the energy that doesn’t know – the energy that is scared…The energy that is fear. So if that’s you, or you’re feeling that in any way, just remember to breathe. Breathe and call upon YOUR I AM Presence, knowing “only God in action”, and Direct All Energy into the Light.

There’s a lot of energy on the planet now that is lost. It’s scared. And it’s the scenario of person 1 and 2 from above, coupled with non direction, fear, and not knowing what to do or where to go.

How to be sovereign when you have the energy of fear

This may sound very strange to some of you, but you don’t have to save it or bare it. Neither do I. Nor does anyone. Not jumping in with the energy feeling you have to save or be saved ends the cycle, and stills the field. It means you are not allowing the little booger energy to stick to you because you are directing it all to the light, as opposed to “taking it on,” or “passing along” the struggle. It also means you are sovereign in your space and don’t have to take on anyone else’s “stuff,” and in kind, you aren’t letting your own energy run willy-nilly or cording in or attaching to someone else, or flinging your or any other energy at anyone else.

It is pure direction and Light in Action.

Jarrad Hewett inner light

Really commit to and feel the words below:


I Direct, Acknowledge and Claim on behalf of myself and ALL Energies: I direct all of me to be on board with who I AM and my open heart of love – now made manifest in the world. I allow all that I AM to permeate my beingness, so that my heart leads the way – shining bright for every single atom and beyond, all that I AM, to ignite with pure spirit, pure love, pure passion, pure joy, and pure knowingness of all that is. I take full responsibility for the creation of all that I AM, and I release and direct into the light of Source for healing any and all fear and limitation, as well as chords/cords, contracts or agreements.



I recognize, claim, and affirm that I am the creation of me. I acknowledge, affirm, claim, and choose to know that I AM the creation of me, and I choose to create myself with and through love, Joy, peace, simplicity, and Pure Divine Inspiration and flow.

I choose to stand firm in the knowing that I AM THAT I AM and that any energy I may have been carrying, creating, or giving my power away to – including but not limited to the energies of sabotage, anger, rage, destruction or any lower vibration or energy in any shape or form is released and transmuted, and I choose anew. I choose love. I invoke the formula – including all of the rays flames and lights and direct that I am Divine Love and the creation of me and my world as Divine Love in its highest and most loving and abundant form – free from my own perception of what that is. Any stories, attachments, energies, fears, collectives, contracts, cords/chords, beliefs, non-beliefs, etc that are not serving me in the knowingness that I AM THAT I AM, I now knowingly and consciously direct that these all be transmuted by the True Light of All That Is. For any and all energy present or not present in my hologram and totality beyond the known and unknown planes, spaces, dimensions, and creations, I invoke Divine Love and claim and know that any fear around transmutation equaling obliteration/death/destruction is hereby balanced by invoking the creation formula, which I now do. I Am That I Am, and I hereby claim responsibility and love in all aspects and for all aspects of my life and world. I am the creation of me. I am the highest answer, and I am healed, and everything is balanced around the knowingness and beingness that I am.

I acknowledge and affirm that loving myself is joyful and that I am Divine Love expressing as gratitude, love, joy, and abundance which I now define and know as the wholeness that I am. I am committed to One Happy Prosperous and Healthy Whole and that makes me happy! And it’s easy, simple, quiet, and complete now and consistently.”

And from there, we move into another arena, with a bit more of a condensed and simplified statement, but one just as powerful.

A friend and I were doing some work for her daughter today, and a ton of stuff came in. We started off with creation, and what came up was the daughter’s belief that someone had to die so she could be saved and taken care of, BUT everyone lies, dies, lets her down, so she’s never safe in creation… It’s like drowning with an incompetent life guard on duty, knowing CPR yourself, but drowning while everyone else can’t save you.

Then, along with my friend Dee Wallace, we started looking at addendums and got two more:

“I can’t create again,” and (I did it once, and no matter what, I just can’t get “back” to love or to my career or to my joy and bliss)

“I have to kill myself to create” (this is when we make it hard, we get sick, we always feel wiped out, unsupported, alone, etc).

All of this lead to looking at disease.

Someone shared on an article about Lyme disease and MS today via facebook, and while the article itself was a lot of fear and negative energy, I got a huge “Yes” around the connection of Lyme and MS. I brought it up because Dee had called me about some stuff where we eventually went to Alzheimer’s and autism being related to not being able to connect while embodied or addendums around connection.

We stared looking at diseases, and I went to a song called “hate me,” and what we got to was that we – or parts of us – hate ourself. So why??

Because we view the world as the titanic – a sinking ship. And there is the belief, “what I love, kills me (or betrays me, or leaves me),” and the fear of that loss is so great, it overshadows us, and we ultimately grow to basically hate what we cannot have, which in this case is steady, stable love and creation – “because someone has to die to take care of me, and even then, I don’t trust them because they don’t know,”

or “I cannot create it again,”

or “I may create it, but I’ll kill myself/wear myself out/deplete myself doing it.”

All of this leads to opening our hearts. The highest thing that came up was “stable,” because it’s very hard to jump to freedom and joy if no matter where you go, creation itself is “unstable.” So, we invoked the formula around all of that.

Next, what came about was this statement, and it fits so beautifully with all the work we’ve been doing around freedom and fear etc in the past few weeks:

“I am stable, creative, free, peaceful, and joyful in the creation of me as an open heart, full of love and joy.

And so it is

The Energy of Fear and Not Knowing

I do have an amazing journey called Fear Clear that you can check out.  The Fear Clear energy is one of the most potent energies we can use when lifting veils and allowing ourselves to see “beyond” the 3-D reality and into total sovereignty.

This particular energy is one of the most amazing energies Jarrad has been blessed to work with in all his years of healing and expansion. This journey facilitates Massive Growth and Quantum Awakening as this energy of Fear Clear begins to gently lift out our Fear of Empowerment, Fear of Creation, Fear of Persecution and Power… this is the energy that clears ALL fear by multi dimensionally uprooting any implants that have been growing as an expression of who you are in this lifetime as well as who you are at a multi-dimensional level.

This journey works at warp speed through all dimensions, cutting chords, releasing genetic beliefs and lower vibrational templates, and removing anything that keeps us from total choice, all while harmonizing ALL of our energy and lifting the anchors and weights that have held us back for so long.

This journey is LOADED with the energy of what Jarrad refers to as “the cocktail” which is a potent mix of frequencies that release any old beliefs and systems of patriarchy or suppression and oppression, and create a unification of feminine, masculine, and child – wherein you are powerful in your love, sovereign in your nurturing truth, and in joyful awe of all that is.  If this journey resonates with you as it does so many you can get your own version to keep here.