
How to Consciously Create What You Want, Right Now!


How to Consciously Create What You Want, Right Now!

I get asked a lot, What’s one thing I can do, right now, to help me immediately start to create what I want, and one of the things I always recommend is to play the I’m so excited game!

What is The “I’m So Excited” Game?

It sounds strange. It can feel even weirder, but you WILL have results! Here’s how it works:

Pick three to five things you would LOVE to have, right now. (That’s the easy part).

This next part is JUST as easy, but it is where more than half of you may go, “nah… not now.” And that “nah…not now” is important because it reveals the EXACT MESSAGE you’re sending the universe regarding everything you say you consciously want.

Did that bring you back? Lol. If not, breathe in some love, and I’ll show you the rest of this super easy, but incredibly doable, exercise in immediately raising your vibration and re-directing your energy towards creating AND RECEIVING everything you want!

What is my Action Step?

Take those three to five things, and write down the following, for each and every one (this engages the mind): “I am so excited that ____________________” This helps You Consciously Create the exact vibration you want to experience, right now!

Here is an Example:


If you’re working on love or your body:

“I am so excited I love my body and am seeing it and feeling it in a new, healthy way, which enables me to love myself more. And I am so excited that through this new love, I am shifting all of my focus and immediately sky-rocketing my vibration and creating even more of what I want… I am so excited I am consciously creating a new me… etc.”

Is it that Easy?

Now we come to the heart, and the space where resistance can creep in. Take this list, and find a space where you can actually jump up and down for joy, shouting like you’ve just won the lottery!

Don’t Sabotage Yourself!

This is where most everyone stops. This is also where the vibrations of creation stop. This is where we did engage from our heart. We feel like it’s “silly” or “stupid” or even “juvenile.” Well, the “it” we are judging is us, and we are telling the universe our expression and our desire is silly. We are telling the universe “never mind. I’m not worth it.” I’m not fun.” This part engages not only the heart and the feeling energy within and without, but also brings in the joy and excitement of the child – uniting our energy and immensely expanding our ability to receive – because all reception is expression!

This is Conscious Creation, in Action!

As simple as this is, it is literally one of the most powerful and easy things we can do to create. You may find after that emotions arise. THIS IS GREAT! You are literally blasting out all the old “stuff” you didn’t know was there. As you move into excitement, your body LITERALLY shifts vibrations. Remember, feelings are the gasoline of the engine of creation. And YOU ARE THE VEHICLE.

BE the love and the acceptance of YOUR EXPRESSION, and BE the choice to create your world, your love, your body… the whole UNIVERSE – from excitement and joy.

Be sure to check out a favorite retreat of mine…How to create reality!  In This retreat, you will learn EXACTLY how you create your life and will be given tools to help begin shifting your reality right now. Through channel, light language activations, and a massive energy, Jarrad will guide you to your biggest block right now and help you see exactly how to shift it!

Remember to Have Fun!

This exercise allows you to BE what you choose through the experience of the desire-felt-and-fulfilled, which creates the results you seek