
Feeling Connected to Love

Feeling Connected to Love


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One of the biggest challenges humanity faces as we ascend and move into a very new space, is one of feeling disconnected or as if we are “other.” This feeling of otherness comes from both past life templates, lives lived in Atlantis, Lemuria, and even lives lived throughout the cosmos, as well as from the feelings of self-worth, belonging, and our own experiences lived in this life.

One of the biggest perpetuations of this game of separation is judgment: judgment of self as well as other – and this includes comparison energies, and any other energies which deflect love, because of our own fears, which can be vast and deep.

In this space, Jarrad goes incredibly deep, as he channels a completely new re-patterning of the electromagnetic field, allowing us to interpret the Light, be One with the Light, create, and see the entire world and ourself, in a whole, new way.

This journey, which includes a Light Language activation and a very Powerful Lyran Energy moves us through the dimensions of Loves, as you travel and expand deep into a space of joy and peace, allowing you to feel totally connected, free, safe, and loved by All that Is, especially you.

Warning: This Energy may create a feeling of Lightness, as you Expand your physical body to meet your True Light Self. The expansion energies are incredibly beautiful, and when I first listened back to this journey, I felt the re-patterning at a very deep level. Please stay hydrated while listening to this journey, and please do not operate a motor vehicle while listening.

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