
Expanding into My Divine Design

Expanding into My Divine Design


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Divine Design is our ability to experience happiness, creation, and be our divine right destiny made manifest. So, how have we defined happiness and creation, and how have we defined, limited, or been afraid to step into our divine right destiny?

This journey explores the origins of both light language and symbols, the electromagnetic whole (our brain and how we create through light and mass), our merkebahs (yes plural), as well as the origins of the self. Through this understanding and opening, Jarrad will guide you first through a release of lower vibrational drag, which may be creating a dam effect in your field, causing your flow to cease, and enter a space of healing and becoming whole and centered in a new way.

Moving beyond the experience of physicality, and opening to the Light Language activation, we are welcomed into a beautiful space of love and Pure Source, activating your True Divine Design!

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