
The Intrinsic Data Field Material

The Intrinsic Data Field Material


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The Intrinsic Source Field

What if there really were an EASY Button for Creation – as in, what if you could easily access the Intrinsic Data Fields of Receiving, Allowing, Creation, and Flow?

The IDF’s – or “intrinsic Data Fields” have been popping up more and more as the collective undergoes massive changes and we, as individuals, are creating, or being asked to align with and create, a new balanced field, wherein we Experience what it is to be Safe, Secure, and Deeply Loved by All That Is.

As the work is expanding, new information has come in regarding how our bodies work, how creation works, and the actual process of alignment with specific vibrational date fields, which are the key to unlocking unlimited potential.

As this new information was coming in, I had an experience which was deeply peaceful, assuring, and inspirational. The Universe Itself came alive in a very new way – as if it was actively working with me and FOR ME.

The Intrinsic Source Field

This is step one with aligning our bodies, fields, and divine structure – our bodies, physical reality, and matter itself – with the deepest desires of our hearts, made manifest, through moving through new intrinsic data fields, leading to the SOURCE of ALL Intrinsic Data Fields.

This is an entrance into a new human experience, where we open to All We Are, moving through all of our energy bodies and the creation process itself, as we have both known it, and will now create and receive it, deeply healing, and emerging as the Purity of The Intrinsic Data Fields made manifest.

Soul Freedom

Journey in to the collaboration of creation between you as the ego, and your soul, learning the true purpose and experience of existence as Freedom and Flow.

There is a Deep Wisdom in your Soul, and this beautiful journey walks you into the space of Pure Unity, releasing “past causation” aka karma, genetics, peptides, memories, and lifetimes of what we can take on, through limitation.

You did not come here to struggle or exist within strife. You came to express, create, and experience TOTAL love, and that is what this journey brings One Directly Into Contact with and Into Oneness With.

Warning: This is one of the strongest experiences One can have, in the physical body, and it has a very Powerful Cleansing Feeling. Anything you’re ready to release WILL RELEASE in this warm and love-filled space of Pure Love.

The Galactic Self

This exploration and invocation of the IDF’s of flow and physicality goes deep into the center of all we are, from the core of our Divinity, opening to allowance of expression, healing, love, and entire new pathways of Self.

This journey focuses on changing the electromagnetic tides as well as creating new “balance” within the water of who we are, allowing our I AM Self, the part which knows we are Source in Physicality, to fully come forth so as to integrate the wholeness, fullness, richness, and vastness of who we are, while embodied.

This deeply healing space of wholeness allows for the deep “Peace which surpasses all understanding” to enter One’s Field, so we can flow in daily life, releasing any spaces we may feel overwhelmed, over taxed, or as if we need to push, fight, or struggle.

This pure Source Alignment is filled with a beautiful Light Language Activation to help you release into a deeply relaxing, peaceful experience of the True Self, which allows the alignment with new data fields for love, support, and bliss, in physical embodiment.

The Intrinsic Data Points for Physical Creation

This journey focuses on three specific IDF’s which are receiving, allowing, and Total Flow.

A Part of you knows and has always known “I AM ONE WITH CREATION,” and that “part” or “aspect” is often an energy we feel we have veiled or lost, in physical embodiment. This journey takes us into an integrative state of being, where all flows forth, through our awakening and remembrance.

Within this journey is a massive amount of healing and love, as these IDF’s help us to easily release any frequencies or stories of conflict we may have created or lived which then might have given birth to anger, resentment, or behavioral patterns of restriction and disallowance.

This space of receptivity is very much an expansion of what many have felt as “the blank page” or “zero point energy,” and allows for being itself to become an active vibration, whether it is through physical action or attuning to new data fields wherein we allow for the universe to actively work for us and on our behalf, in new and larger ways, as we remove resistance allowing for our desires to unfold.

The 7D Self

Accessing The Field

What is it to KNOW at every level, to LIVE at every level, as if you are TRULY Loved, Seen, Appreciated, and Taken Care of IN ALL WAYS?

Many of us have beliefs or field triggers which only “allow” us to go “so far” before we feel unsafe… where the ego kicks into overdrive and convinces us why we are, how we are, and all we have lived, is the ULTIMATE truth, and anyplace outside the realms of these previously developed frequencies and codex’s, are UNSAFE. This is the MAIN REASON people experience “ascension symptoms” or energies of resistance, such as “every step I take, I hit a wall, am forced back, or just can’t get together enough to get beyond my old patterns of creation and experiences.”

This beautifully loving and expansive journey brings us through “the eye of the needle” and into harmony with each and every dimensional energy of our Source Self, allowing for a reformation of our whole field, as one of Wholeness, Love, and so much more, as we create and align with the Intrinsic Data Fields of what life as a 7D being is all about!