
Physical Abundance

Physical Abundance

Learn to release the “want” energy and move into the energy of “having.” This journey restructures the Hara Line, allowing the totality of your being to anchor into the energy of living in a physical existence wherein you are supported financially, chemically, cosmically, spiritually, and physically, as a physical expression – meaning this journey opens you to ACTUAL ABUNDANCE in every field including finance, love, thoughts, and health!

If you are working with the energies of money and abundance. This is THE JOURNEY.

This POWERFUL guided session takes you on a healing journey of love and support while simultaneously clearing and cleaning your energy, healing deeply held wounds, opening up and healing your emotional energy bodies, and releasing limiting belief systems, birthing an entirely new structure wherein you are one with Freedom, Peace, Love, and Ultimately the Universe.

This multisensory, multi-dimensional experience enables you to re-encode the mind in a way which allows you to use the 3d mental bodies to your advantage by reprogramming the mind at every level – releasing the old paradigms of lack and limitation, allowing yourself to launch forward into an amazing space of abundance, designed to fully awaken the Self, shed limiting belief systems hindering your success, and ignite your true abilities to create the limitless world of you.

Remove some of the BIGGEST EBERGETIC OBSTACLES and experience the white crystalline energies of this sacred Awakening Activation as you weave this energy of opportunity into your physical world as well as Activate the pituitary/pineal glands and the ascended heart, filling your space with PURE DIVINE GRACE, releasing what no longer resonates or serves, and moving into total choice.

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