
Mastery 2.0

Daily Living as The Master Self

This is Your Ticket to Exhilaration, Enjoyment, and The Life You have ALWAYS Hoped for, Dreamed of, Desired, Imagined, and Envisioned Deep Within!

One of the things we began learning about during the Mater’s Series is exactly HOW creation works: how you call forth reality at a vibrational level, and how the Light Itself becomes physical.

As we have been diving into these deep and wonderfully expansive energies, we will now be expanding out so as to FULLY UNDERSTAND how to implement the knowledge in our every day lives!

It is one thing to have an idea of how creation works or to understand certain fundamentals and principals of the universe, but without fully understanding HOW to bring this energy into our daily lives and create what we want, it can feel like we are playing, struggling, or even missing the boat – and that is why this series will be as expansive as anything I have ever done – including CCU! 

This is a time like no other, where our ability to merge with and as the Light is uncharted territory for earth, and that energy and the shifts that come with it, have been an opportunity to see old habits and patterns and create new changes, so we no longer repeat those old cycles.

Collectively, we stand in a space akin to every major historical achievement and advancement, as well as every major conflict and war, since the mis to late 1400’s, and all of that change and choice is being packed into a space which kicks off in September and lasts through 2027.

The next few months are going to be a time where you are asked to really “know what you know,” and be supported as you open, allow, and flow with pure intent and build the world YOU desire to inhabit, regardless of what anyone else chooses.

THIS MEANS LEARNING HOW TO DO THE WOO-WOO and fully understanding how to quiet the mind and call forth the energy YOU DESIRE, and create your world!

Plainly put, this is the moment – the period of time – you came here to experience, and with the right understanding and knowing, it can be absolutely filled with love, Light, abundance, Wholeness, and an Expansion into Physical ways of well-being and multi-dimensionality like you have never experienced!

The next few months kicks off a cycle that lasts into and throughout most of 2027; and for those who understand how to choose flow – how to consciously create by calling forth Light into Matter – it will be an opportunity and time wherein you may heal and release all of your lifelong patterns and blocks, past lifetime attachments, and create an entirely new space to inhabit where love and peace become your set points and happiness and abundance sprout forth.

I started the year with CCU 2.0 – a revolutionary new program, geared to opening us all to Life 2.0: Life as a Master, expanding into the wider Self and learning to flow through the higher resonant dimensions of who we are and learning to embody that energy here and now, so as to create all we desire, and THIS PROGRAM IS THE CULMINATION of LIFE 2.0… it is the manual for how we will create and move forward for the next quantum shift!

This energy is all about KNOWING HOW to Live in a New Way, with New Love, New Joy, New Discernment, New Understanding, and New CONNECTION to Your Deepest Desires, as The Kingdom Opens for those Willing To Enter… it is about taking that knowing and calling it forth INTO REALITY!

This energy Brings New Waves of Creativity, Healing, Vitality, Prosperity, Understanding, and Joy. For some, those changes will be the result of finally seeing their patterns because the life they were trying to prop up comes falling down. You’re seeing this play out in the collective – and you can experience something completely different than those who are holding on to the old cycles: you can have the Peace, The Love, The Joy for Life, the vitality, and the Knowing of a safe and exciting future!

This is Your Ticket to Exhilaration, Enjoyment, and The Life You have ALWAYS Hoped for, Dreamed of, Desired, Imagined, and Envisioned Deep Within!

Are You Ready to Step Into a NEW REALITY?

Welcome to Mastery 2.0, which is all about learning to consciously CREATE with and as this NEW ENERGY – all while being fully supported during quiet possibly the biggest three months of earth’s history, within the last 700 years! 

Whether You are New To Energy, or You’ve been practicing and Learning for Decades, This is Your Boarding Pass to The Realms of Creation…

Item 1
Daily Remote Energy Sessions and Support– Starting at Sign Up!

These daily sessions will serve as catalysts for embracing wholeness and harmony while seamlessly integrating into this new space and opening to the Light You Are, as Source.

They offer the opportunity to truly create from Your Pure Source and Experience the All-Encompassing Healing and Love which arises from this point of creation. Imagine the immense love, creation, healing, abundance, and miracles you can welcome into your life with these life-changing 20 minute remote sessions, every day, beginning as soon as you sign up!

I have found that these remote sessions help to liberate you from the grip of the reactive mind as well as alleviate fears or triggers around receiving health and wellness, prosperity, and helping you to open to flow in amazing new ways, as I will take time each day to scan your field and work diligently with your Higher Self to easily and joyfully integrate new energy arrays to help you create the life of joy and love you’ve always desired, while also removing genetic beliefs, blocks, or core data fields within your field, which may be holding you back – all the sticky thoughts or energy points where we get hung up in judgments or past experiences, while shielding you from collective influences and distractions, as well.

My Intent is to Help Establish a Foundation of Peace and Prosperity which grows well into the next cycle of Creation, as well as to help you stay fully balanced and in your own space of love and joy during these upcoming shifts of the collective and consciousness, itself!

This beautiful daily work creates a space where peace, prosperity, miracles, healing, and abundance flourish.

In simple terms, this is a huge boost as you learn to manifest all you desire, from and through the space of Divine Love.

This daily flow of Source Consciousness and Loving Energy will facilitate rapid expansion and integration, allowing you to transcend stories and illusions, and embrace a state of joy, vitality, freedom, and creation, as you step into a new way of being.

You will have daily baths of invigorating and cleansing frequencies delivered right to you, to help you align, integrate, and shed whatever no longer serves, as you begin to reconnect with peace, love, and grace to your highest soul attunement and alignment, allowing a new vibrational calm, stillness, and sense of play to enter your daily life, which creates the space for release, healing, and miracles of ALL KINDS.

No matter where you are, these daily check-ins and tune-ups provide the perfect opportunity for complete immersion and optimal integration of these WONDERFUL New Energies!

The remote work will begin at 9 AM Pacific each day, as Jarrad goes to the space of Source Connection and Unity, just as he does on the calls, and he expands with you, to help you balance your emotions, cleanse your body, and release into the new energies and opportunities each day brings, in this all-new love immersion.

 You’ve felt these Energies on Live Calls with Jarrad, as well as in the recorded Journeys, and Voyages, and now, in addition to everything you will be receiving on this vast journey of Self Care, Love, Healing, and Joy, you will have the addition of 20 minutes A DAY of this beautiful, supportive Energy, helping you to integrate into this new space and leave the old behind, as you heal, transform, and create your new loves and life.

This is your chance to have one of the most Amazing Experiences of your life… each and every day, beginning upon sign up!

Value $997 for three months

Item 2
The Great Unfolding
Your Personal Creation Formula Symbol from now Through 2027 – and An Expansion into the Light!

This period of time is all about stability, balance, safety, peace, love, and ultimately, how YOU experience, allow, and align with the Energies and Being of Creation, Vitality, Abundance, and Support!

These symbols will represent the emergence of your Light Body, as you expand into The Light, defined in The Master Series as:

“The Light ItSelf is the isness of All, charged with Love in the Divine Order, utilized to help transform, transmute, love, and create as it also “dissipates” the denseness, much like rays of sun shining through a fog, it is the Light of Love, carrying various arrays of what you might term “information,” yet it is also new thought, new possibilities, and new perspectives – new perceptions or new lenses through which to see not only what was or has been, but to open you to spectrums of Creation – of The One – which to the human body or the construct of matter, to this point, was not as accessible, if at all, from the realms of thought and 3D. As one clears the densities and expands, One may not just feel the Light we send, but become One in that Light.”

This Energy Brings with it the Entirety of The Purest White Light of Source – all Rays, Flames, and Lights working together, All Dimensions fully opened to you and cleansed and cleared so you may begin to explore them in the body, and beyond. This Energy is the BEING of Full Divine Expression, Support, Nourishment, Manifestation, Love, and Joy through Action and Love.

And THIS is what is wanting to be Fully Activated as we step into this deeply empowering space and Emerge as The Sacred Light of the One, Embodied, Healed, Connected, and Whole!

The experience of these High-Energy Source-Filled symbols will represent communication from you outside of time and space and carry energetic signatures and activations to help you open up to the experiences and frequency spectrums you are wanting to birth in this experience, while also clearing, releasing, healing, and transmuting the old, as you open to the full integration of your Light Self.

Your symbol will represent the multi-dimensional expansion of you through the entire program and beyond, into and through 2027!

By invoking these personalized and individually tailor made symbols – just like you would the creation formula – you will be able to have your OWN PERSONAL EXPANSIVE TEMPLATE to help you expand along with the new material, weekly calls, and the daily work from Jarrad!

Jarrad will tap into your energy field and create a symbol SOLELY FOR YOU,

AND he will also include…

Item 3
A Personalized Language of Light Holographic Activation and Amplification MP3 For Your Symbol!

Based off of the energy of your symbol, I will create a personalized MP3 to help you open to and access the energies within your field and at the wider Source Levels of Consciousness, so as to fully integrate and utilize these energies.

The sacred activation resulting from these symbols is designed to assist you in unlocking and broadening through every dimension, while also enabling you to meet this energy… as you meet the REAL you.

EXCLUSIVE OFFER Valued at $350.00

Next up will be Our New Journey Foundation Series - All-New For Mastery 2.0!

Item 4
Manifesting From The Quantum Realm –
Becoming YOU 2.0!

The first of our expansive and immersive journeys into the reality of ALL CREATION, this is the experience of becoming YOU, exactly as you desire to be.

Journey from your physical body out into the quantum realm and construct the reality of your dreams. There, Source will guide you in opening your past self to this new reality, and begin bringing you into alignment with this new “future self” as your current reality, allowing you to begin experiencing and manifesting YOU 2.0!

This is a very powerful experience of how one can begin to expand into the Oneness of Pure Source and Create from The Field. The added music for the journey portion includes frequencies for meeting the Soul, happiness, abundance, easy integration, and knowing the Self as Source. Thus, the musical version may be experienced in a much more profound way.

Item 5
Money Mastery – Being a Money Master

This is the Ultimate Channel Experience of Absolute INFINITE Abundance.

Coming in both channel form as well as journey, this is the EXPERIENCE of what it is to live in an infinite Universe with infinite resources and total freedom.

Many of you have asked me how a Master creates or how you can integrate and activate these energies to work for you, in your daily life, and this beautiful journey and experience is the answer!

This begins with an influx of the 27th Ray, which is The Light of Creation – The Light of Manifestation and All That Is, as it becomes physical, which then begins to remove old programming around lack, and expand you into a diverse and abundant new operating system for physical creation, utilizing all of the new spectrums of energies, so as to truly understand HOW A MASTER CREATES in Physical Reality!

Next up, to create a space for DAILY changes – large and small shifts creating momentum and flinging you into your desired timeline and creation – I have created

Item 6
Freeing Myself For Creation
Genetic Freedom and 3rd Eye Activation For Abundance

This journey is the creation of your full Master Self making itSelf known to you, as you step into the freedom and sovereignty of All You Are, freeing yourself from collectives, cords, and all genetic influences,  while providing a space in which to Reprogram, Regenerate, Create new beliefs and clear and cleanse the old beliefs of the soul, the oversoul, your genetic family, the family of humanity, or from any other collectives you may have participated within, in this or any other lifetime.

This journey focuses on Pure Freedom and Living from The Open Heart, which is the opening to the Kingdom and Full-On Living in synchronistic alignment and abundance.

This is the transmutation of any and all energies which may keep you chorded in to a life of debt, suffering, or even martyrdom., so you may take the reins and FULLY step into Creating The Life YOU Desire!

Item 7
All-New Daily Mastery Meditation Channel

This is for use at any place, during any time. I recommend listening when first waking up, and any time throughout the day for an INSTANT ALIGNMENT with Your Master Self.

This powerful energy holds great wisdom and activates discernment while also creating a healed, whole, and sovereign space from which to create.

In addition, as you move through this meditative channel, you reset your energy, clearing your field of any energies you may have called in or mixed with, and allow the shift for the focus to be on ALL YOU DESIRE, eliminating resistance and paving a path of joyful creation and experience for the rest of your day or night.

Again, use this day or night – or both – as I have been doing, and any time you feel you have allowed yourself to move out of focus and lost sight of your TRUTH with as capital T.

This acts as a bon-fire for transmuting any and all which is not in alignment with your Master Self, while also activating the vibrations which open you to your creative vortex of creation, bringing all you desire into your timeline, as you create in new and joy-filled ways, filled with support, nourishment, connection, vitality, and gratitude, this is a roadmap to Conscious Creation, during these deeply transformative times!

These journeys will provide amazing insights and healing as well as set the stage for a new wave of creative enthusiasm, joy, and self awareness to flow into your life!

In addition, we will be working with individually channeled symbols which will incorporate the unfolding of this New Self, beginning with the energies of this three month expanse, and ease you through the entire cycle, as it blossoms into and through 2027 – THIS IS HUGE

For the first time outside of CCU, we will also be spending time

Item 8
Learn How To Use The Sheets…

Or dive deeper, for those who have already been suing them

Because So Many of You have been asking for a Course in How to Use The Sheets, and even those of you in CCU this year and year’s past are feeling called to them like never before, We will also be working with the sheets and including a Special Live Zoom to go over questions on how to use them!

(Includes Two Pre-Recorded Retreats, Use Notes, Plus Live Video Session)

One of the more Incredibly Special Aspects of Mastery 2.0 Comes in The Form of Learning to Do Energy Work, through a series of Classes offered, as well as receiving your own copy of what Jarrad refers to as “The Sheets.”

Utilizing decades of experience and a vast library of channeled and energetic frequencies, this work includes hundreds of hours of session work, and is the culmination of almost twenty years of working with clients all over the globe.

Each one of the sheets have been updated for 2024 to represent the shifting consciousness and new information regarding the intrinsic data points, as well as the new information regarding our ascended star chakras. These notes have been collected through channel over the past 20 plus years – and allow you to transmute and heal the energies of past lifetimes, core beliefs, genetic beliefs, disempowerment, and more, all while reconnecting you to sovereignty, and trust… releasing all of the energetic ties and binds, and moving into a space of pure Connection, Love, Joy, and Bliss.

All of the notes, frequency charts, and FULL Set of SHEETS will be included, with two pre-recorded retreat calls walking you through how to use the material PLUS for the first time ever, a previously recorded Two Hour Zoom Video showing just how to use the sheets and tune in to your own Vibrational Fields of Energy – and Direct Them!


IMMEDIATELY, you will have access to two calls – both open to the THIS GROUP ONLY! In the First, Conscious Creation 101, I will be going over the notes, materials, sheets, and teaching you to use the material for discernment, clarity, healing, and creation.

Event Number two: Conscious Creation 999 will be a follow up in-depth, where I not only teach by example, but go through any questions the group may have, as well as helping everyone understand, integrate, and take your own lives to the Next Level!

PLUS, you will also receive the two hour video instructional call, giving visual references and answering even more questions.

 We will also be having a LIVE Video CALL EVENT..

The Video Symposium will allow us to go deeper into the material, for those of you who really wish to do this work, as I want to take this group into the most Source-Filled and Limitless Space Possible. 

Whether you are familiar with my work, or just beginning, these two retreats will for from beginner to advanced and you will learn something new EVERY TIME you listen!

The Special Event Call will take the place of one of our regular scheduled monthly calls and you will receive the notes and instructions prior to the call to make this one TRULY one for the ages!

Three Retreat and Live Event Value $1200

As this is a three month journey, I also have a lot of really FUN, EXPANSIVE ENERGIES – beyond just the journeys, daily work, blogs, calls, and channels… This program will also include a very special selection of charged gems and crystals, all chosen to go along with the energies we will be moving through and to activate specific data points along the journey. In addition to the gems, each specific energy sequence is encapsulated in two forms of mp3s, so you can charge your space and create with these energies in ways you may never have even dreamed of, by charging the energies of your home, office, body, and more!

New Meta-Physical Friends

Physically Charged Grounded Vibrational Vortexes of Light in Crystal form!

The energies of this epoch of time correspond to crystalline energies, which can help you open, ground, and clear your space in absolutely amazing ways.

As such, I have curated and chosen an exquisitely divine charged “family” of light codes and activation, in the form of actual crystalline energies and gems, as well as corresponding energy voyages.

Even if you aren’t a “crystal” person, these highly charged and activated totems of Love and Light will serve to cleanse not only the spaces around you, but also help you ground and go deeper than ever before, as each individual energy, described below, helps heal and make whole specific energies to this period of time, as we expand into a new timeline and into the energies of creating all we desire, on earth!

This entire grouping will not only come with the physical stones below, but each gem will have accompanying MP3 musical and silent healing tracks, so you can take the energies they represent and utilize them to clear your spaces, charge your stones, or integrate new frequencies of creation as they appear on the planet, by stepping into this multi-dimensional crystalline voyage and open not only the energetic meridians which correspond to these power-packed crystalline energy downloads, but also open and expand into a wider dimensional Being, capable of creation in totally new ways!

You will receive the following – below are actual photos of the crystalsalong with TWO MP3s, one musical voyage and one silent energy healing session, which will contain all of the activated energies within the stones.

Cherry Quartz

Welcome to the union of the head and heart as this energy moves RIGHT to the third eye, activating and opening at a high frequency and ushering in multi-dimensional physicality, while simultaneously opening and unifying the chakral bodies, so that the heart and soul may truly merge, healed and whole, into physical embodiment. As such, this has a powerful cleansing effect at the root, as well, which is absolutely divine!

This energy of power and transmutation brings a deep passion back to life!

A favorite of Ascended Master’s Jesus, Buddha, and Kuthumi, it serves to unlock the Ascended Knowing of “I AM ONE WITH THE ONE” as well as helping on delve into their multi-dimensional empowerment and fulfill their “destiny: while also clearing away past misgivings about the self, and clearing karma and family patterns, as well.

Orchid Calcite

Filled with the Ankorian energies of love, revitalization, and play – this stone is all about connecting you to the GOD SELF and opening the third eye, fully, as you connect throughout the multiple dimensional awareness of your own ascended Being.

In many ways, this is a Mastery stone, and it brings to life your star seed qualities: meaning it awakens your Truth – which allows for the ignition of passion, joy, fruitfulness, and abundance, in this lifetime, and all.

This is also a stone of motion, meaning manifestation and change, and as such provides easy transitions and allows for FUN and stability, helping you create your own space no matter what those around you may be experiencing.

As such, the musical MP3 and accompanying silent tracks will no doubt help you create a beautiful space of peace, love, abundance, zeal, and joy, as you play them and lift the vibrations of your home, body, office or beyond.

Lithium Quartz

This is the energy of being fully happy and whole unto One’s own Self, without the need to battle, convince, struggle, or even conquer, as the vibrations this instills and unlocks, allows for smooth passage in all fields of vibrations and helps imbue the experience of “Peace Be Still,” which is being able to experience deep inner tranquility and stillness, no matter what else may be occurring externally.

As this internal peace expands, one begins to see their world shift and is able to bring their focus to what they desire, allowing their true heart to emerge and shine forth through physically creating heaven on earth.

Rubellite Tourmaline

Bringing Power and Divine Balance So As to Fully Embrace YOUR Christ and Divine Self,

This is a powerful stone of ascension, chosen by the Masters for its properties which include both tourmaline and ruby.

The ruby energies bring forth all the masculine power energies within, and balance and heal, so that whatever your gender in the body, your utilization and experience of power becomes grounded in Divine Sovereignty, wherein NO ONE else can have any effect on your mind, body, or being.

In that way, it is incredibly timely for this energy cycle, and it helps to heal any deep wound created from imbalance of any energies involving power or the abuse of power.

Red Tourmaline energy is advantageous if you are having relationship problems, as they help to improve intimacy by boosting passionate feelings, as the masculine balances, it also allows any wounded Divine Feminine templates or energies to heal and thus one begins to feel their True I AM Presence Emerge!


The Energy of “Home”

Turritella is the ascended master cavier… it is the delicacy we experience as the delectable and splendid well-spring of what it is to BE HOME with The One, in our bodies, engaging our senses, and fully in love with who we are and who we are becoming. It is a spiritual crystal, deeply connected to our ascension and energies of “home,” opening one to their Divine Crystalline Tree, wherein one may see and learn deeper truths of who they are as an Infinite Being. It bestows wisdom and healing as well as a deep feeling of being at peace, protected by the Divine, and a connection to your roots, as One with Source.

It helps in gaining access to the wisdom of past worlds and past life recall, while also helping to bring any old unresolved energies into completion and harmony so that old cycles end and new beginnings birth, while also allowing the knowledge to remain without any spark or charge of the past.

As such, it allows for a space of forgiveness, love, and observation which opens one to 7D perspectives and shifts, while also grounding into our physical body – showing us that physical creation and change are the way to manifest what we desire here and now.

It also promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. It’s warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence

Yellow Fluorite

The nectar of the Ascended Self – this is the joy of life, in all ways, brought into physicality through Light and Love.

This beautiful energy is all about laughter, joy, and fun – very much the “smiling buddha” energy, it opens one to the deeper truths that all are one, and everything is truly as it was meant to be. The deep peace contained within allows for the peace of the Christ consciousness and the Wider God Self to flow and emerge in daily activity, becoming a huge benefit as it truly models what it is to be “in the world but not of the world”

It’s beautiful energy contains the yellow rays of wisdom and gnost, and adds fun and joy which facilitates a more truthful way of living, moving into full alignment with the Self.

Of all the gems, yellow fluorite takes up the most space in the ebook, as it has a HUGE list of uses and properties.

Known as the genius stone, this beautiful yellow gold fluorite is a crystal of unity, intellect of the Divine Mind, and thus is a huge “energy pack” filled with creativity, expansion, abundance, and adventures into the stars, all while creating a safe space to experience dreams in new ways and ground in the golden light of Source, Through new creative processes and Spiritual Downloads.


Zebradorite has a calming effect on the spirit, bringing peace during stressful times. It also helps individuals find creative solutions to problems and see things from different perspectives, making it the perfect energy for pivoting and learning to not only choose happiness in times of collective distress, but being able to manifest your own reality!

Zebradorite is associated with the Root chakra and known for its ability to help individuals recall their past lives and connect with their soul memory, thus fully releasing a lot of stored trauma and wounding memories from this and all other lifetimes. It also has a calming effect on the spirit and brings peace

Zebradorite helps individuals connect with their higher selves, spirit guides, and the spiritual realm. It aids in meditation, promoting a sense of calmness and deepening one’s spiritual experiences. Zebradorite also balances and aligns the chakras, facilitating the flow of energy throughout the body.

Ruby Zoisite

This was one of the most expensive stones I’ve utilized, but the energy was so clear that it wanted to be included to help transform and support!

Ruby zoisite is a healing crystal that has many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is known to boost creativity and productivity, while also providing calming and soothing effects.

It is also a stone of the dragon energy, and thus it is an energy which connects and unites us with the wisdom of our Soul and the being we are as an infinite Master creator.

Kuthumi is closely associated with this stone, as are many Master Teachers, so don’t be surprised if you start to awaken to new dreams or psychic activities. This is a very powerful stone!

Strawberry Quartz

Strawberry Quartz Boosts The Flow Of Love, Joy & Happiness within you and in all those around or receiving of it’s heart-centered 5D vibration. This is very much an energy of positivity, abundance, and happy thoughts as you open to your Divine flow, and manifest all you desirer through opening up to the fully healed inner child (and more play in life), as well as the “sweetness” of life through fruitful finances, relationships, and health!

Strawberry Quartz embodies a powerful love vibration and has a strong energy to stimulate a flow of happiness and joy. The “stress eraser, “ this bliss-filled energy attracts positive scenarios and experiences while also being incredible supportive during life changes and brings comfort as you move into your new Master Self.


“Awakening the Soul with Peace and Full-On Isness. This Energy Brings About a Merging with The One which Allows for new embodiment with the Light as the Sacred Center of Being.” – St Germaine

This stone has an incredibly high vibration and a soothing restful vibration which can  help you to go deeper into meditation and to receive guidance from Source as Your Master Self. They enhance both intuitive ability and insight and also have a number of excellent healing properties. Their vibration may assist you to gain the knowledge required to understand yourself and your past experiences.

Also known as “the stone of heaven” it has a highly Christed energy field, and has been known to create euphoric feelings and experiences.

Many find they are blessed by the energy embodied in these crystals, as it helps you to hear messages from Spirit.

Palm Root

Deep Transformation and Huge Growth as we Lay Down

All Which is Not Ours

Palm Root is a healing crystal that has been used for centuries to promote physical and spiritual health. It helps one transmute and repel any “negative” energy and helps restore balance to your field. Palm Root is also known as a stone of protection, as it opens one to their true Divine Nature and emanates the energy of The Masters.

An excellent grounding stone, Palm Root is also helpful in promoting clear thinking and helps one to connect with their higher self. It can be used to help ease anxiety and stress, as well as to promote feelings of calm and peace while also helping all that is not yours to truly flow away.

And, ask Jarrad Questions Every Day with perhaps one of the Biggest Shift-Creating Experiences…

64 Page E-Book Describing How to Use the Gems and their properties

While each mp3 and gem has a short description above, I have compiled a book not just of the known ways to use these energies, such as how to use them in coordination with chakral healing or how to best utilize their properties in every day life, but I have also included channeled information, describing the higher concepts encoded within these beautiful energies, and as they unfold, this 64 page guide will serve as a way to get to know the energies within the tracks as well as the physical stones, as you charge your field and open to these amazing energies!

And Cleansing High Vibes Spray!

Packed with all the energies of each stone and much more – keep reading to see how loaded and off the charts awesome this is – this is my absolute favorite spray ever!

Thats right, this program has its very own Vibrational Essence and Spray, and it is SO GOOD!

Imbued with the energies of the program and the Mastery within, all of our crystalline friends and gem energies, and the expansion of the Creation Formula itself, this wonderful spray began as a “spray” version of the fear clear symbol, and has evolved, in my own home use, to include many energies of the sheets, as well.

This frequency Spray Lightens the Energy, Transmutes lower densities or vibrational energy and patterns, and helps us really move into our power.

Combine that with all of the advanced energies of the Creation formula, and WOOOOO! Feel the Good Vibes!

This year, you will be getting a special version of this Frequency Spray, in a witch hazel based spray that smells AMAZING!!

I’ve noticed that my whole body feels different since I began using it, and I feel like I look younger, too!

Energetically, it also contains frequencies for positive outcomes, strength, grounding, self-esteem, confidence, fun, joy, realizing and knowing ones worth, and pure, radiant love of self and all, as well as the cleansing energies of sage.

Value $45.00


Weekly Channel and Q and A Calls

Whatever is happening in your life, whatever you are ready to release, we become like family on this journey, and these calls are the place to come for alignment, release, healing, connection, and deep evolution.

These calls create LIFE CHANGING expansion, and no two calls are ever alike.

To facilitate maximum growth and integration during our powerful and transformative time together, we will be joining together at least once a week during the powerful upcoming shifts during these Potent and Impactful 60 Minute Live Calls.

The Calls will be your opportunity to unplug from distractions and enjoy the fun, uplifting teaching, channeling and Q and A calls which provide a Loving and Caring retreat space, away from the worries of the world, family, distractions, and even your job, and allow you to fill with Light while integrating the knowledge which comes forth.

Beginning September 12th, This Energy of Enlightenment, Consciousness, and Love will Launch, propelling us forward into The Experience of Pure Divine Love and Conscious Creatorship, like never before, all the way into and through the end of November – ending on November 30th!

The goal of our live retreat Calls and Gatherings will be to create an amazing space of Healing, Love, Awareness, Aha Moments, and Miracles in which to experience that energy and further integrate the energies of love, joy, vibrancy, fun, healing, and support even further into our daily lives.  Jarrad’s own goal will be to bring forth the information and energy relevant to EVERYONE listening…

Valued at $3200.00

Speaking of Questions and Events, To Help You Grow AS MUCH As You’d Like and To Fully Realize Your Potential… You will also be able to speak with Jarrad each and every day, Monday Through Friday, asking questions, reading updates, and forming life-long friendships with…

Item 21
Talk With Jarrad Live and Ask Your Questions with perhaps one of the Biggest Shift-Creating Experiences Ever…

Total Access to the Membership Site!

Would You Like to Have One of Today’s Most Loving, Leading Edge Energy Experts Available to Answer Your Questions Every Day?

Because That is Exactly What This Special, Members-Only Site is all About!

Meet New People of Like Consciousness.

Discover Yourself in New Ways, While Opening to Massive Support.

Heal. Transform. Love. And Have Fun!

This is the space to learn, laugh, and love with Jarrad and this group of beautiful Mastery 2.0 soul family, as we all experience this voyage together.

While no experience is the same, and we all have various vessels, the seas upon which we sail are often similar, and this loving space of joy and healing is just for you, so that you can share your story, have a space to unwind and kick back, and speak to me, Jarrad, as often as you’d like, throughout the whole program!

This beautiful site makes certain you are able to be connected, seen and heard as much as you are comfortable being, and you also have the opportunity to interact with me, Jarrad, as well as fellow travelers who have been in your shoes before.

You can share your stories through photos, blog posts, questions, comments, and even make life-long friends in this one of a kind space of high vibrational acceptance and love, which is open 24/7 throughout the program.

Jarrad will Open the Site for Members September 12th, and be on Monday Through Fridays, all through November!

Total Three Month Value $975

Item 22

All-New Monthly Journey Calls

Embrace the Beauty of New Journeys and Transformative Experiences!

Step into the exquisite realm of new journeys and reimagined materials, where we gather together for an unparalleled journey call experience.

Through the art of energy healing, we will intricately weave a tapestry of transformative energies, expanding our horizons through immersive journeys and enchanting musical recordings. Additionally, we will rediscover beloved pieces from previous programs, infusing this experience with familiarity and delight. Prepare yourself for broadcasts that transcend measurement, lifting you to unparalleled heights of elevation and expansion.

This extraordinary endeavor promises a wholly unique experience, offering clarity and unlocking new realms of expansion, growth, reception, and manifestation.

These calls are truly a glimpse of heaven itself, capable of moving mountains of energy with their profound impact and ability to open doors to boundless possibilities.

Value $400.00

And, To Lift Your Energy Any Place, Any Time, or To Help You Cleanse Your Spaces, Office, Home, Cars, or Even Your Own Field Jarrad will Be Providing Along with You…

Item 23
Monthly Video Series

Due to the massive NEW ENERGIES, Jarrad will schedule ONE VIDEO CALL each month, so as to help go over any new material which might benefit from visual aids, as well as to simply create an atmosphere of fun and support, as we move further into exploring the universe and interpreting symbols, light language, frequencies, or anything new which may arise. These video calls will also give us a wonderful opportunity to see and be seen, while exploring some of the more “woo” aspects of creation, as well!

We will be able to go incredibly deep, as well as have a lot of fun with these video calls.

Item 24
A Daily Support Track!

As the energies will be building, once we begin, I will create an energetic track you can play and loop every day to bring in the creative abundance, love, joy, and wisdom, while also feeling grounded and alive in an infusion of vitality and Pure Source!

You can loop this track during your waking hours (the energies will be really strong as this will be the same track I am making for myself to utilize during these heightened months of solar activity, eclipses, and massive energy shifts, so try it out once or twice before you decide to use it at bedtime), to gift yourself an added massive boost of energetic support and cleaning.

While short, it is potent, and you may use it as your own form of a “private session” as it will be filled with cleansing energies as well as the beautiful energies of all the rays, flames, and lights, plus all our gemstones to help guide, ground, open, and expand.

Item 25
Breath of The Light
(Video Plus 9 Mp3 Set)

Did you know that you are breathing in particles of Light which have been on this planet since its inception?

The same molecules of energy breathed in by the Budha, Christ, and so many other masters flows through the current of this Universe in the form of energy, through the air, and through the water. Breath itself, is the Divine Connection to Life.

It is Divine Current, and it is one of the ways we continuously flow through and into Oneness and Harmony.

We breathe every minute of every day, and with every breath in and out, we are creating our physical world, as well as our inner world.

In this Special Bonus Module, Jarrad will walk you through how to consciously program your breath so as to constantly be breathing in a pure connection to Divine Love, while exhaling blocks and “energy goo” you may have been cycling through your field for generations.

This amazing program begins with a video from Jarrad explaining the connection between breath and mastery, as well as demonstrating a movement of energy many of you have heard him do and experienced him doing on calls.

This is one of the energetic tools Jarrad has utilized in his own process of ascension, and for the first time ever, he is teaching it and bringing it to the world, so that every breath you take, is a connection to source, and a letting go of what no longer serves.

The video will set the stage for a wider connection to all you are, helping you to move directly into the heart, releasing everything and clearing your field, allowing inspiration and new energies to birth, while the 9 individual Audio tracks will be incremented as you will want to start slowly, and will be set with specific intentions for money, love, healing, and so much more.

This is truly a program of source love, discovery, mastery, and expansion!

Item 26
Updated White Diamond Meditation for 2024

The White Diamond Energy is one we have been using a lot within The Master Series, and thus, I have remade it, with the added energies of our crystalline friends, and amplified the energies so you may move into TOTAL EMPOWERMENT as well as the knowingness that YOU are creation in action, in all ways.

This is an incredibly powerful tool for transmutation and represents a beautiful experience of the Orion codes and the Christed Self. If you are ready to be completely BORN ANEW into a new experience, or simply looking to transition into a new experience or timeline, THIS is the energy journey for you!

Item 27
Traversing The Infinite: How We Experience
Dimensions on Earth

This step by step Guide to dimensional awareness will both explain each dimension as experienced from within the Earth Space, as well as contain a Light Language activation to help integrate and activate the awareness and Light Codes present within those dimensions, allowing us to expand into a new experience of dimensions, where we open to infinite expansion, allowing us to be rooted into our individuated presence, united with Pure Spirit and Pure Source, and Exploring the Infinite Dimensions in a Joyful, Expansive, Rooted-in way.

This deep, expansive journey is an invitation to grow beyond old limitations and into the infinite possibility of exploring the multi-verse through Omniversal Source Awareness.

Encoded with a massive amount of Power, Wisdom, and Love, this is the Ultimate Allowance and Integration of Our Lyran Self as we Expand Beyond this Universe and Into Choice in a whole, new way.

Item 28
6 Bonus Pre Recorded Retreats

From Magical Thinking to Actually Creating

This call has it all, and is a Divine Blueprint for how to shake off old stories or concepts of what creation is or was, and truly understand how we create through vibration – not in a “hippy-dippy” woo-woo, out there way, but in a science backed approach to understanding the threads which weave reality itself, and how to start looming our own new creation in real ways, while releasing from the old energy of “wishing” and magical thinking, which only ever served to create frustration and confusion.

UnPlugging From The Matrix

Jarrad’s natural abilities to see, feel, and hear all forms of energy have given him unique insight into the underlying framework and process of creation, as well as how you can heal and reshape your future by restructuring your energetic fields, belief systems, etc right now. Join Jarrad as he reveals the mysterious forces that are working for (or against) you.

Discover how your unique frequency formula — belief systems, core beliefs, genetic beliefs, templates, etc — dictate the answers you get back from the Universe as well as how your physical world is created and presented. Join Jarrad for this POWERFUL and enlightening workshop where you’ll learn all about Energy, Awakening, and The Amazing Matrix of Self.

This Incredibly packed audio contains Jarrad’s core message and some of his most amazing remote energy work to date. You’ll get to experience firsthand the magic of remote healing as Jarrad shows you how to literally UNPLUG from The Matrix of 3-D reality and enter the world of 5-D living and Beyond.

Note: During the live event, the lines dropped for several minutes for a large percentage of the audience. This drop has been edited out; however, the reactions have not, as a big shift occurred. Also, please drink plenty of water while listening and give yourself ample time to rest and integrate these powerful frequencies.

Introduction to Our Cosmic Structure and
Opening to The Omniverse

To set the space for these journeys and this new energy, as well as to provide a space in which to integrate the energies of your New Personal Symbol, Jarrad is including two New Master Classes where he first began channeling much of this new energy.

The first call produced an Introduction to Cosmology, which was an exploration of dimensions and how we experience time and space, as well as what exists beyond the beyond.

In the second call, Jarrad began by expanding our personal energy fields and expanding and opening our electromagnetic fields so that we could begin to hold a space large enough to begin Opening to the Omniverse


What is reality?

In This Absolutely ASTONISHING Energy Class, you will learn EXACTLY how you create your life and will be given tools to help begin shifting your reality right now. Through channel, light language activations, and a massive energy, Jarrad will guide you to your biggest block right now and help you see exactly how to shift it!

What REALLY Happens “after” This life?

Learn what one fear underlies EACH AND EVERY block we have to creation, and what our greatest fear truly is. Beyond that, you will be guided through a gentle release, where you will explore what happens “beyond the veil” as for THE FIRST TIME EVER Jarrad goes in-depth into what actually happens when we die.

This information and in-depth exploration of the “death” process ARE NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE ON THIS PLANET

Item 25
The Expanded Creation Formula


Complete with ebook and audio activations set to music and infused with the actual frequencies of the formula itself, You can begin working with specific frequencies, as well as learn the core of Jarrad’s work in frequencies and how it birthed! You will also receive the original hand drawn frequency chart which includes all of the Intrinsic Data Field’s Associated with the Formula Itself!!

Here’s how Jarrad describes the Creation Formula and the IDF Locations and Frequencies Inherent Within:

The Creation Formula is the process of expansion. I’ve often described it as a two pronged, multi-dimensional frequency chart (Remember, EVERYTHING is Energy – therefore, EVERYTHING has a frequency) that balances energy while simultaneously activating the ability to consciously create.

The formula itself is comprised of multi-dimensional frequencies and symbols that activate dormant information within the energy field that works to balance energy fields, activate pituitary and pineal glands, and reprogram total consciousness in a way that accelerates and activates true abilities to consciously create (more about this on the free call!).

Think of your life as the product of millions and millions of frequencies – just like a symphony is the product of thousands and thousands of musical notes. This formula represents a giant tuning fork that vibrates through your entire energy system and tunes the frequencies so that the life you are experiencing is a match to the vibrational symphony you are offering forth with your subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and feelings – all while directing those subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and feelings into Love, Joy, etc.

This is the exact formula that I use in my own private and personal energy work each and every day.

Every hand-drawn symbol that comes with the accompanying E-book and remote healing audio walk through represents ingredients of this powerful formula and the fields it helps to attune you with and align you to, and allows for transmutation and change in specific areas. These symbols have been used by Energy Masters, teachers, and students of all faiths and backgrounds, from across the globe, with amazing and miraculous results!

This amazing remote energy activation program also includes an audio session, where you will experience first-hand the amazingly powerful energy of the symbols as well as the meaning and invocations of the multi-level frequencies. In the accompanying E-Book, I will also speak to what the formula and symbols actually mean, as well as how to effectively tap into their energy – and subsequently, how to tap into the Full Power of You.

This includes The Original Creation Formula Audio Activation and Guided Walk-Through, The Creation Formula eBook – Complete with Symbol Guide, Complete Formula, and Actual Frequencies List.

Item 26
Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation
Audio Book

Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation by Jarrad Hewett

One of the most powerful and brilliant messages you’ll ever hear, this special frequency encoded audio version of Jarrad’s International Best-Seller contains some of the highest frequencies felt on this plane.

The text itself provides an awe-inspiring view of God, consciousness, and what it means to be alive. It powerfully demonstrates the full potential of love and conscious creatorship in ways that will astonish, inspire, and leave you breathlessly moved.

No subject is off limits in this exploration of thoughts, energy, and the science that brings them together. Constant as the ever-present moment of now is our Source Self, and Love, Life, God fully illustrates that concept. Understanding how to reach and operate from that center are the keys to uniting and healing not just a fractured culture, but a fractured self. By tapping into who we really are, we begin to see in life-altering ways that through our own actions, thoughts, beliefs, etc, just how our world (and our perspective of that world) has come into being. On this journey, Jarrad also shows in clear and irrevocable ways how to change the world through changing the Self.

“Jarrad takes us on a journey to understand the how and why of life and in the process delivers a beautiful portrayal of love and creation. Lovely and heart-opening!” –Jennifer Mclean, Host of Healing With the Masters

NOTE: This is not your typical “self-help book.” If you have never experienced Jarrad’s profound journey, this is an excellent place to start, as it will lay an amazing foundation from which to create and truly live full-on miracles and creation!

Item 35
The Answer is Energy Audio Book

The Answer Is Energy provides 30 chapters of guidance and stories that reveal how to shift energy and reframe thinking about family, money, relationships, abundance, and control to live in the moment of now.

When someone’s energy is in alignment with their true intention of being healthier, happier, and more productive, great empowerment and life changing transformation occurs. On this 30-day journey, Jarrad Hewett, a multi-dimensional energy expert, shows listeners how energy creates with thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. He teaches listeners how to quickly shift into a paradigm of ease, bliss, love, abundance, and tranquility.

The Answer Is Energy helps listeners to seize their best life by showing them how to not let their inner programming and the worn-out stories of their past crowd out their dreams and aspirations. People are continually looking for solutions “out there” and forget that they have all the magnificent resources and tools inside themselves to catapult their life into the stratosphere by tapping into their own abundant source of energy.


Item 36
The Gospel of You Audio Book

Life is a collection of stories. The key to living a consciously awake and happy existence is knowing how to change your story at any given moment and adapt in an authentic way always guided by and ever-trending towards Love.

Religion is probably the biggest hurdle humanity faces with this regard.

The Gospel of You isn’t about religion so much as it’s about you. It’s about what religion truly is, and why you are the way you are.

It’s about consciousness and “God” and what both of those words really mean.

It’s about why things are the way they are, and why we as people are so reluctant, even resistant to change – even when that change ultimately results in the very things we all say we want: peace, love, abundance, and life ever after.

The Gospel of You is ultimately about freedom from limitation.

It’s about freedom from fear and suffering. It’s about the ability to choose love in every moment, and see that love manifest instantaneously. It’s about you, and it’s about God, and it’s about how, ultimately, all are One.

This Program Has It ALL – and best of all, we will be going through the program module by module, exploring the sheets and new journeys in September, the gems and their energies, in October, and Working with your individual symbols during November, all while being supported and having an entirely new library of bonus material as well as physical, charged and activated gem stones, the bonus spray, and much more!



  • 20 Minutes Per Day of Remote Energy Work
  • New Foundational Journeys
  • Daily Q and A on the blogs
  • Weekly Calls filled with healing, expansion, and new material – Plus a Chance to Speak with me, directly!
  • The All-New Daily Mastery Meditation to reset your field INSTANTLY, anytime, anywhere!
  • Being a Money Master – Master Your Finances and Learn to Put Your Metaphysical Knowledge to Creative Use Here on Earth – HUGE!!
  • Brand New Manifesting from the Quantum Realm Journey to take you into the field and teach you HOW TO CREATE IN THE FIELD AND BRING LIGHT INTO PHYSICAL MATTER
  • 11 New Mastery Charged Crystalline Energy Vortex Gem Stones
  • 22 New Audio tracks – 11 musical Journeys and 11 Silent Immersions
  • Your Own Individual, Personal Unfolding Ascended Light Body Activation Symbol with Personal Light Language Activation
  • Updated “Sheets” Program and Guide
  • All-New Daily Track for this three month journey
  • Blogs, Forums, and Membership Site Support from Jarrad
  • 12 Weekly Calls for Q and A Only!
  • Mastery 2.0 High Vibes Cleansing Spray
  • Monthly Frequency Radio Broadcasts!
  • 3 All-New Video Calls filled with WOO!
  • Updated 2024 White Diamond Energy Journey
  • Newly Amplified Energy Journeys to Make this The Biggest Expansion Yet!
  • An Entirely New Core Curriculum for This new phase of consciousness extending all the way through 2027!
  • Creation Formula IDF Walk Through and Symbol Guide
  • Full Bonus Programs for Reference and Added Support
  • All Three of Jarrad’s Audio Books – Including for only the second time ever, The Gospel of You Audio Book!
  • 64 Page Ebook with Channeled information about the new stones and energies
  • Top 5 All-New Energy Retreats for Full On Awakening and Mastery Expansion and Understanding
  • For the FIRST TIME EVER outside of CCU, The Breath of Light Video and 9mp3 series!
  • Plus so Much More!

AND the group site will go live for the members September 5th, for this Incredibly Special Celestial Event!

This Program, complete with never before seen technologies, all-new techniques, and energetic mastery is valued at well over $12,495 and is a huge savings over other programs with similar content priced at 20-25k!

However, Jarrad is making the Entire Experience of Growth and Love – available to you for just $1677!


with Early Bird Registration

New Journeys for Creation, Integration of the woo into daily creation, full-on support throughout this massive transformational time with 11 all-new immersions, 11 new musical voyages, all-new gems, “the sheets,” a power-packed New Personal Symbol to coincide with the 27th ray and to help you move with grace, ease, and abundance, a Personalized Activation, 3 solid months of support and material, Bonus Items, and so much more!

JUST $1327!

Save $350 and Pay in Full

Get Instant Access to all the Downloads as well as Daily Work!

*Or Use Our Payment Plan and Reserve your Spot Now!

Save $350 and Pay in Full

*Payment Plans will be 4 equal payments of $419.25

Make This Reality The One You Were Born to Experience!