
From Desiring to Becoming… The Master’s Series

A Special Eight Week Event

This all-new program is everything needed for conscious peace and harmony, at this great time on earth. We are bringing in an amazing amount of light, and just like I channeled in 2016’s Expansion and Amplification of Your Light journey, it’s as if bright lights have been turned on in a dark room: there is some disorientation, maybe some annoyance, a little anxiety, and a lot more, as our bodies are now in the phases of integrating and becoming everything we have called forth.

To fully integrate requires a great degree of understanding, of allowing, and of flow. This isn’t always easy – and it certainly hasn’t been fun for most – based on our fears, triggers, and a sense of “okay, when is it happening?”

Well, the answer is now – and it’s BEEN happening, and that’s a big reason (thinking back to that bright light suddenly being turned on within a dark room) that so many people are feeling the way they are, these days.

You’re going to see it more, as the year goes on. But there is GOOD NEWS: you don’t have to take it in. It isn’t yours, unless you choose it to be.

I know that sounds like a trite thing to say, “well, you’re choosing,” because who would choose this?

Well, each and every one of us came here with a plan – at least some ideas – and most of us have had this plan a long time. We wanted to hold the light. We wanted to shine on others, or we wanted to raise the consciousness.

And that has been what so many of you are used to doing.

From that place of awareness, you’ve transmuted energies through your bodies, and that in and of itself has caused a lot of you some pains and discomforts.

We don’t have to do that anymore.

When you try and hold things for other people, it becomes a burden. And ultimately, some simply aren’t ready or not choosing to pick theirs up, right now.

So what can you do?

What can you do to feel better, to have peace in these often-chaotic seeming times, and how can you find and stay in your Divine Center of Knowing, while also interacting with people, day to day, and still creating the desires of your heart?

Well, part of what is happening is that you’re being asked, “how much of what you’ve been doing, what you’ve been studying, and what you believe with your conscious mind, are you applying?”

That’s a big one. Simply put, it’s called walking your talk. And we know that isn’t always easy in the human body – especially with the energies so many are facing.

But along with that, along with learning to truly go within and CREATE what YOU DESIRE, you’re learning that maybe things are changing in ways you didn’t quite expect, as well.

One of the big things that we’ve been working with in channel is how creation is formed. We spent much of the last few years discussing how Light itself comes into physicality, but a lot of folks glossed over that, as they didn’t quite see how to allow that flow and how that process worked on a day-to-day basis to help them feel better, create money, live their dreams… they wanted more of an instant fix – the “easy button.”

Our Dear Theopholese has mentioned time and time again through the being you know as Jarrad, that you ARE the easy button; you just have to open and allow while letting the Master YOU are, come forth.

And that is what I wanted to discuss with you, today. We have been hard at work, Myself St. Germaine, Jesus, Krishna, Kuthumi, Mary, Buddha, Theo, and the whole group of Masters have been working diligently with humanity, through this particular group, since about 2012 – though you really all began to form much before that as a group. We heard your calls and questions, and it led to Theo bringing forth “Love, Live, God: The Journey of Creation.” A good book, if I do say so myself, one of many that was teaching you all how to frequency image how to imagine in a way that was not about the mental faculties, but about the structure of creation as conscious beings… conscious creation itself.

Theo has said that consciousness is awareness, and that actualizing your creation is about feelings, it’s about opening to the “dimensions” as he teaches them, that ascended self, through self-love, through the truth of Source and Self, Learning to perceive and create as the Observer, flowing into what he so often refers to as the archangelic love – a tribute to the many lifetimes he spent studying in those realms and learning what Truth and Love had to do with creation in the earth realms, and how you truly call into existence the very atoms themselves.

We’ve put together a series.

It’s very different from what many of you had planned. We know so many are looking for that “abundance” fix, or that physical ailment fix… but what you often don’t realize is that learning to create as The Master Self IS the answer you’ve been seeking.

We mentioned, at the start of this message, that one of the “journeys” as we call them, we brought forward for you in 2016 was called “Amplification and Expansion of Your Light,” and in many ways, it kicked off this final wave of ascension. And now… now it is time to dive into what that means, if you ever plan to finish what you started and actualize yourself… realize yourself as the Master, as Source.

So this will be a month unlike any other. We plan to pop in from time to time, and we are downloading the codes into this document, into the energies of the daily work, into the new material itself, so that you can actualize… you can become… Yes, there will always be completion, and change, and completion, and change, or “new desires formed” from the new experiences, but many of you are stuck. You’ve been stuck, and it is time to move forward. It is time to actually “get it,” to drop into that sacred heart, to HAVE your “safe space” as the consciousness rants or raves, to KNOW how to create as The Master You Are.

You’ll notice the format is different for this month. We’ve asked Theo to change some things, and he has agreed, lovingly, and a with a bit of relief.

You’ve been crying out, and we hear you. We always hear you. We stand with you in all ways, but the actualization, the realization, must come through you. The process is uniquely yours.

I will finish simply by asking you to feel into the love that is here for you. If you aren’t able to do that, feel into the love you DESIRE to be here for you. Feel into the creation you desire, no, not through control or having to force or create through duality. What do you truly desire? What matters to you?

Now, can you allow yourself have it?

That is truly the only question you need to answer for this journey.

We are truly excited for this Special Event.

What comes next, we don’t know. We have an idea, but You dear Ones, you are who will create what will become. Thus, we have titled this “From Desiring to Becoming…” and it will truly be an Awakening, a meeting, a merging with your Master Self.

As Mentioned by St Germaine, a brief portion of this series will be incorporating the basics of Creation and making a space for you to meet your Master Self. As such, for anyone who may be new – and all are truly welcome with the caveat that they know or DESIRE to know “I AM THAT I AM” for themselves – we will be starting a sequential order of codes and downloads,  which will be the launch and integration point as we enter this space.

ITEM 1-5

Emotional Reset and Field Releasing Guided Sessions for Total Allowance

(Series Contains Five tracks)

This Channeled Experience was given directly to me by Masters Jesus and St. Germaine, and it is with their Blessings and Love, that I bring it forward for all.
Allowance is an Energy we often think of as passive. Yet, when we truly tap in, we experience an active energy field of nourishment and sustenance, which provides for us and allows our Connection to Source, to the moment of now, and to New Spectrums of Light through which we create our bodies, our minds, and our experiences of what it is to be both individuated and whole.
Simply put, this is the Experience of fully stepping into your Physicalized Source Embodiment through learning how to consciously open to the New Creative Fields and Spectrums while also recognizing where you have stored the non-resonance which has kept you from being able to create and live the life afforded to you through Divine Law.
This entirely new series begins with an introduction channeled between Jarrad and his Master Self, Theopholese. wherein He explains, from the joined perspective of the Human and The Master, exactly how to utilize this new energy technology. The introduction is heavily charged with the energies of Release as this is the melding of the human with the Master Self, and comes as both a tutorial and journey, backed by music, to help you create an entirely new Energetic Experience for This New Beginning and New Life.
The next two tracks walk you through four rounds of this process for disrupting and dissolving old energy bodies and electro-magnetic patterns which keep feelings of distress, dis-ease, and lack flowing within our fields.
Each round allows for massive transformation and Release, as I myself found my body jerking and fully opening to the Purity and Love of Source, in this Present Moment, Like Never-Before. The most similar experience I have ever had of feeling this much space and freedom in my body was when my Kundalini began to rise and awaken, decades ago, indicating that the energies of the Dragon (the teachers, the transmuters) and Kuthumi are also very present.
There are two forms of the exercise, both designed to help you go deep, while the fifth and final track is a Meditative Musical Energy Voyage containing all of the Powerful Energy from The Sessions Themselves.
Complete Run Time for all Five Tracks is One Hour and Five Minutes. However, you may listen track by track, and learn to utilize this technology on your own, any time, in smaller amounts of time.

ITEM 6-8

Series: Amplification and Unification of Your Light

(Guided Journey, Spoken Word MP3, and Silent, Supportive Field-Immersion for Higher Vibrational Awareness and Creation)

This journey has been updated specifically for this program and the energies of awakening and Unifying all you are, so that your true creative power is awakened, activated, and integrated in a way where you are able to truly FEEL the Peace and Love not just Available to You, but to also Fully Steo Into All You Are.
Just as turning on a light in a dark room illuminates all that is, this guided journey takes you to the heart of Your Light, healed, whole, and over-flowing with an Abundance of New Source Spectrums, which allow you to fully embody your divine spark, magnifying it so that the Divine permeates EVERY LEVEL of your being, bringing into Reality a new sense of Peace and Clarity, as well as Purpose and Awareness, allowing for Massive Change and Flow.
This journey not only allows you to magnify your own Light and your capacity to be that Light, it aids with creation and manifestation by helping you fully own your space, knowing that you are the I AM Presence which governs your entire body.
We have been feeling the effects of the New Energy Spectrums, and this allows our bodies to adjust to the light with ease, to expand with and into the light, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the changes and new births.
The energies in this Experience are those of Unifying with the widest Possible Energies of Pure Divinity and birthing a new harmony and Harmonic of Creation, as you expand your capacities to fully be HERE, Present, Alive, In Joy and Thriving through Your Own Activated Ascended Energy Spectrums.

ITEM 9-12

Series: Becoming The Master

(Guided Journey, Spoken Word MP3, Meditative Voyage Into The One Self, and Silent Energy Immersion for Living in This Beautiful Space)

Beginning with the intent that any energy which is not yours be released from your field, this coming forth of Your Divine Self is the Experience of no longer being tied to anyone else, opening to true and real freedom, as we activate our Ascended Energy Core and fully align with all we came here to experience, through the Divine Lights of Love, Wisdom, and Mastery, becoming as One, within the Master Self.
This transformation of energy allows for the release of the Collective, of fears, and of all which is not truly of Your Divine Vibration.
This MASSIVE Energy had my teeth chattering, as I first listened back – Filled with Light, Love, and Divine Knowledge and Wisdom, which allows for a Total Shift in focus, thus allowing for a whole New Experience of Reality.
If you are feeling the effects of Lunar Cycles, Solar Flares, Collectives or Group Energies – politics, war, finance, etc. – this is a space you will no doubt LOVE, as all that is not resonant with you falls away.
The beautiful journey is a bit like a “bon fire on steroids” which acts as an Awakening and Initiation into a Higher Realm of Ascended Consciousness, understanding how to further transmute physical energies within the body and anyplace within your field.
The musical and meditative voyage into the One Self is twenty minutes of Pure Bliss… from releasing and forgiving to pure empowerment, love, and freedom, this is what creation is, AS A MASTER.
Warning: This journey literally had me shivering, there was so much Ascended Energy opening from within. This track has the power to create change unlike anything I have ever channeled or experienced. Please make sure to hydrate and give yourself time to integrate this massively Life-Altering Energy.

ITEM 13-16

Series: The Light of Love

(Guided half-hour Healing Journey, Spoken Word MP3, Transformative and Transmutative Musical Energy Voyage, and Silent Energy Activation and Field Cleanser)

While this is the final series in this new technology, it was the first in the series of the new channels, allowing for who you are as The I Am Presence, not funneled through the mind, but brought through the Divine Open Heart, to Fully Come into Embodiment.

Combining the energies of fear clear, release everything, and just about Every Journey I have Ever Channeled, this is the Embodiment of The Divine Itself, zero separation, being held, loved, nourished, and supported, as we journey Directly Into The Light of Love.
This is the Realization of you as pure Consciousness, filled with the energies of expansion, transmutation, and exuberance, as you Awaken to Your Source Self and Ascend through all Dimensions, healing and experiencing a massive permeation of Light, powerful enough to shift your perspective and change reality itself.
This Light dissolves lack, fear, dissociation, and disconnect, bringing your Energy systems Fully On-Line, opening the Third Eye and Crown, Cleansing the Physical Body and it’s Energy Centers, Allowing for the Opening of your Ascended Chakras and Energy Centers, Opening the Body to You as The Master Self, Realized Consciousness here and now, allowing for not only Massive Healing and Release, but the Creation of New Data Fields, broadened perspectives, Higher Awareness, and a Fully Opened Channel wherein you may author the life of your dreams, living Fully AS The Master, fully open, integrated, and the embodiment of Peace, of Joy, of KNOWING as you merge with your True Divine Essence and Create a Whole New World of Your Choosing!
(Light of Love 4 Mp3 Series Run Time 1 hour 41 Minutes)


8 Weeks of Daily Remote Energy Work

This is one of the Biggest “Keys” and Foundations to this series, as Theo and I, along with our group of Ascended Masters will be working to make sure you are supported and nourished throughout the entire 8 week event.
Consciousness – your awareness – is changing so fast, and this is an opportunity to create your new balance points, your new space of freedom, love, joy, wisdom, and integration, without having to take it all in through the body, or the mind, without having to feel shattered as so often has been the case in the past, and truly ENJOY this time, no matter what those around you may be choosing.
You will be supported with 20 minutes each day of integrative and beautiful frequency and remote energy work, helping you to open, align, and truly ALLOW your Master Emergence.

ITEM 18-25

Weekly Calls with Topics, Channels, and
Your Q and A

We mentioned Change, and one of the changes we are making for this beautiful series is That we will be having Not just our regularly scheduled channel calls with Q and A, but we will be teaching about

  • How Light Becomes Physical
  • What Consciousness is
  • How you Can Imagine – or Frequency Image – and Bring anything you desire into the physical plane
  • What Realization means for the Human Body
  • Intrinsic Data Fields
  • How Belief Shapes Reality
  • The Nature of Source
  • What it Means for a Master to Allow
  • Past, Present, and Future Lifetimes all Happening Now
  • Time is not a line, but a circle
  • “What Would A Master Do?”
  • I Am Here. I Exist
  • How to Integrate Dimensional Awareness and Create

Along with much, much more!

There will be a Forum to Post Requests for Topics, as well.

Each of our weekly Gatherings will be Master Classes, in and of Themselves, where we will talk about the New Light Spectrums, what they are bringing forth, and how you can best BE in these times of Light and Transformation, as well as how to activate your Be-ing, so that you are able to create in new ways.


Gather with The Masters Every Day with perhaps one of the Biggest Shift-Creating Experiences With…

Total Access to the Membership Site!

Gather with Jarrad and this extraordinary Family of Light as we explore new spaces, heal and transmute the old, and open to a space of love and friendships that transcend this time and space reality. This is a place to make friends, be seen, be truly heard, and to be able to ask Jarrad questions, all throughout the program.
This is The Place to
Meet New People of Like Consciousness.
Discover Yourself in New Ways, While Opening to Massive Support.
Heal. Transform. Love. And Have Fun!
This is the space to learn, laugh, and love with Jarrad and this group of beautiful Summer Soul Family of Light, as we all experience this voyage together.
While no experience is the same, and we all have various vessels, the seas upon which we sail are often similar, and this loving space of joy and healing is just for you, so that you can share your story, have a space to unwind and kick back, and speak to me, Jarrad, as often as you’d like, throughout the whole program!
This beautiful site makes certain you are able to be connected, seen and heard as much as you are comfortable being, and you also have the opportunity to interact with me, Jarrad, as well as fellow travelers who have been in your shoes before.
You can share your stories through photos, blog posts, questions, comments, and even make life-long friends in this one-of-a-kind space of high vibrational acceptance and love, which is open 24/7 throughout the program.
Even though this program Does Not Begin Until July 11th, Jarrad will Open the Site for Members to Meet and share their stories on July 5th. He will begin answering questions at that time.

ITEM 27-28

2 Special Energy Journey Broadcasts!

Through the art of energy and allowing, we will intricately weave a tapestry of transformative energies, expanding our horizons through immersive journeys and enchanting musical recordings. Additionally, we will rediscover beloved pieces from previous programs, infusing this experience with familiarity and delight. Prepare yourself for broadcasts that transcend measurement, lifting you to unparalleled heights of elevation and expansion.
This will be the perfect opportunity to catch up on material and dive deep into these new energies, as we gather together to experience the love, healing, and bliss present in the material!
Step into the exquisite realm of new journeys and reimagined materials, where we gather together for an unparalleled journey call experience.
This extraordinary endeavor promises a wholly unique experience, offering clarity and unlocking new realms of expansion, growth, reception, and manifestation.
As the set-points dissolve, you open yourself to a greater flow of abundance in all areas of your life. This includes not only financial abundance but also an abundance of love, joy, creativity, and fulfillment. Experience a renewed sense of freedom and possibility as you align with the frequencies of unlimited potential and cosmic abundance.
Moreover, this track supports you in cultivating a deep sense of self-worth and deservingness. It assists in rewiring your subconscious mind to align with the belief that you are worthy of experiencing abundance and love in their highest forms. As you embody this new perspective, you become a magnet for the manifestations that align with your true desires.

ITEM 29-30

Special Summer Video Event Series

Each month, one of our usual calls will be replaced with a video gathering, enabling us to hone in on what is most important to you and move mountains of energies.
This will also be the perfect time to help go over any new material which might benefit from visual aids, as well as to simply create an atmosphere of fun and support, as we move further into exploring the universe and interpreting symbols, light language, frequencies, or anything new which may arise. These video calls will also give us a wonderful opportunity to see and be seen, while exploring some of the more “woo” aspects of creation, as well!
We will be able to go incredibly deep, as well as have a lot of fun with these video calls.
Plus, For anyone who may be new, I Am Including Bonus Core Material, which will provide a beautiful foundation and a well-spring of Source Beauty, Wisdom, and Knowing, consists of…


The Expanded Creation Formula

Complete with ebook and audio activations set to music and infused with the actual frequencies of the formula itself, You can begin working with specific frequencies, as well as learn the core of Jarrad’s work in frequencies and how it birthed! You will also receive the original hand drawn frequency chart which includes all of the Intrinsic Data Field’s Associated with the Formula Itself!!
Here's how Jarrad describes the Creation Formula and the IDF Locations and Frequencies Inherent Within:
The Creation Formula is the process of expansion. I've often described it as a two pronged, multi-dimensional frequency chart (Remember, EVERYTHING is Energy - therefore, EVERYTHING has a frequency) that balances energy while simultaneously activating the ability to consciously create.
The formula itself is comprised of multi-dimensional frequencies and symbols that activate dormant information within the energy field that works to balance energy fields, activate pituitary and pineal glands, and reprogram total consciousness in a way that accelerates and activates true abilities to consciously create (more about this on the free call!).
Think of your life as the product of millions and millions of frequencies - just like a symphony is the product of thousands and thousands of musical notes. This formula represents a giant tuning fork that vibrates through your entire energy system and tunes the frequencies so that the life you are experiencing is a match to the vibrational symphony you are offering forth with your subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and feelings - all while directing those subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and feelings into Love, Joy, etc.
This is the exact formula that I use in my own private and personal energy work each and every day.
Each hand-drawn symbol provided in the accompanying ebook and remote healing audio walk-through represents a crucial element of this potent formula. These symbols facilitate transmutation and change in specific areas and have been utilized by Energy Masters, teachers, and students worldwide, transcending different faiths and backgrounds, with astounding and miraculous results.
The remarkable remote energy activation program also includes an audio session, allowing you to directly experience the incredible power of the Light-Language-formed symbols. Gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of the multi-level frequencies. Jarrad will provide valuable insights in the ebook on what the formula and symbols truly represent and how to effectively tap into their energy, unlocking your Full Power.
This includes The Original Creation Formula Audio Activation and Guided Walk-Through for each symbol and chart, as well as The Creation Formula eBook – Complete with Symbol Guide, Complete Formula, and Actual Frequencies List.


Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation

Audio Book

Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation by Jarrad Hewett
One of the most powerful and brilliant messages you’ll ever hear, this special frequency encoded audio version of Jarrad’s International Best-Seller contains some of the highest frequencies felt on this plane.
The text itself provides an awe-inspiring view of God, consciousness, and what it means to be alive. It powerfully demonstrates the full potential of love and conscious creatorship in ways that will astonish, inspire, and leave you breathlessly moved.

No subject is off limits in this exploration of thoughts, energy, and the science that brings them together. Constant as the ever-present moment of now is our Source Self, and Love, Life, God fully illustrates that concept. Understanding how to reach and operate from that center are the keys to uniting and healing not just a fractured culture, but a fractured self. By tapping into who we really are, we begin to see in life-altering ways that through our own actions, thoughts, beliefs, etc, just how our world (and our perspective of that world) has come into being. On this journey, Jarrad also shows in clear and irrevocable ways how to change the world through changing the Self.
"Jarrad takes us on a journey to understand the how and why of life and in the process delivers a beautiful portrayal of love and creation. Lovely and heart-opening!" --Jennifer Mclean, Host of Healing With the Masters
NOTE: This is not your typical “self-help book.” If you have never experienced Jarrad’s profound journey, this is an excellent place to start, as it will lay an amazing foundation from which to create and truly live full-on miracles and creation!

ITEM 33-35

Bonus Master Class Retreats

2 Part Introduction to Our Cosmic Structure and
Opening to The Omniverse

To set the space for this all -new voyage of consciousness and creation as The Master Self, Jarrad is including his most requested Master Classes as a Special Bonus.
The first retreat, Introduction to Cosmology, is a deep-dive into who and how we are, as well as an exploration of dimensions and how we experience time and space, as well as what exists beyond the beyond.

In the second call, Jarrad began by expanding our personal energy fields and expanding and opening our electromagnetic fields so that we could begin to hold a space large enough to begin Opening to the Omniverse

What is reality?

In This Absolutely ASTONISHING Energy Class, you will learn EXACTLY how you create your life and will be given tools to help begin shifting your reality right now. Through channel, light language activations, and a massive energy, Jarrad will guide you to your biggest block right now and help you see exactly how to shift it!

What REALLY Happens “after” This life?

Learn what one fear underlies EACH AND EVERY block we have to creation, and what our greatest fear truly is. Beyond that, you will be guided through a gentle release, where you will explore what happens “beyond the veil” as for THE FIRST TIME EVER Jarrad goes in-depth into what actually happens when we die.
This information and in-depth exploration of the “death” process ARE NOT FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE ON THIS PLANET

This All-New Series Will No-Doubt Be a Very Special Experience

The Entire Eight Week Journey is $777, but you save $130.00 when you sign up and pay in full TODAY, making this entire experience with the Ascended Masters and your Master Self

Just $647.00

And Payment plans are available (save $77.00)!

As a Bonus Sign Up Gift, When You Order by June 25th, you will also receive two Special Wearable Gifts from Jarrad, currently being charged with the Energies of The Program!

If you’ve ever wanted to know “What Would A Master Do?” Now is Your Chance to Find Out!

Meet The Master Self with Lifetime Access to the Downloads and Eight Weeks of Love, Support, and Ascension, to Help You Create The Life YOU Desire, Today!

Order now and save with early-bird to have


From Desiring to Becoming… The Master’s Series, Today!


I’d Like to Pay in Full and Save $130.00

I’d Prefer to Pay with The Payment Plan 

Don’t Miss Out on The Most Elevated, Exciting, and All-Around Earth-Shattering Offerings and Spend Your Summer

Surrounded by Source and Opening Your Inner Master!


Sign Up Today!


You Get All This:

  • An Introduction to The Brand New Reset and Field Cleanse For Total Freedom and Allowance
  • The All-New Four Part Becoming The Master Series
  • The Light of Love 8 Week Series with Journeys and Musical Voyages
  • All New Energetic Field Immersion MP3’s
  • 8 Weeks of one on one Remote Healing
  • An Entire Lifetime of Tools and Energy Work To Create Within These New Energetic Spectrums!
  • All-New Channels and Live Q and A DAILY via the Membership Site
  • 8 High Velocity Vibrational Live Teaching and Q&A Calls
  • The All-New Five Part Emotional Reset and Field Release Program
  • 2 Brand New Live Video Events
  • New and Expanded Unification of Your Light Series
  • All-New Energy Radio Journey Broadcasts
  • 16 Brand New Channeled Tracks for Everything You Need to Transmute, Transform, and THRIVE During this Evolution of The Planet

Plus Much, Much More!

This is Truly CCU Levels of Material at more than Half The Price

The Chains Are Off!

You no longer need to feel chained to The Collective, to Old Habits, or versions of Yourself from the Past… This is an Entirely New Experience!

Now, more than ever, it is time to Create and Choose FOR YOU

Step Into A New Spectrum of Energies and Create The World of Your Dreams By