This is the year your Cosmic Truth is Revealed and You Align with All You Are, if you choose!
This is the “time” your soul unleashes it’s Brilliance and Brightness and You Shine Your Light INTO a holographic Universe which responds by RUSHING to Create ALL You Encode Through the Presence of That Light.
Throughout the next few months, there will be New Peaks of Flow, as we planetarily, collectively, and individually cast off lower or no longer needed frequencies and enter into Pure Source Consciousness.
Receptivity, and Sincere Clarity will Bring Epiphany after Epiphany, as Life is Transforms through Discernment and Profound, Deep Self Love.
As this is an absolutely momentous “time” in physical reality, I have channeled Brand-New tools and understandings which Open You To All You Are as a Divine and Sacred Being – Information never before heard – to help bring stability to your conscious mind as you begin to merge more with the totality of the heart and the ascended energies, and as you LITERALLY learn to call in and Create love, healing, money, JOY – all you’ve desired – while also cleansing, healing, opening, and integrating INTO your most Expanded Light Being and Plasma Body.
The First Step is Activating your Divine and Sacred Energy Bodies –called your sacred DNA, your plasma body, the Merkabah Body, and a lot more, and it is ultimately Your I AM Presence Opening to a NEW FLOW and Allowing YOUR DIVINITY.
This energy Brings New Waves of Creativity, Healing, Vitality, Prosperity, Understanding, and Joy, as You Learn to Bring Creation Into Physical Reality via Your Expanded Reality and Experience.
Thus, CCU – Conscious Creation University – Becomes Creating and Living In Paradise – Life in The New Earth as An Ascended Being, Merging the Multi-Dimensional into The One You Are, and Creating with Deliberate and Conscious Intent.
This Experience is Unlike ANY Other Phenomenon, Advancement, or Event You Have EVER Experienced… Because it is a New Reality!
Whether You are New To Energy, or You’ve been practicing and Learning for Decades, This New Reality is a Step By Step Guided Experience into Everything You Have Ever Desired, module by module, week by week, day by day, with immense personal attention, beginning with…
Module 2
Multi-Dimensional Creation
This Expansive New Module was Designed to Activate and Build Upon Your Light Bodies, Expand Your DNA, and integrate Your Crystalline Being while Expanding Your Abilities as a Multi-Dimensional Creator, all whilst revealing New Levels of Your Ascended and Master Self Through The Integration and full activation of the Plasma Body.
This is Ascended Consciousness Made Manifest!
All of This Leads to An Entirely New Experience…
While working with these Incredibly High Vibrational Energies, I received an Amazing Message that I can only compare to the first time I began to channel symbols – Specifically the Quantum Healing Symbol – when it was as if a Golden Pen pierced the veils of physical reality and this beautiful energy wrote itself right into the fabric of life itself…
This led to a beautiful and expansive experience, blissful, supported… feeling like I was “home” with Source, completely and wholly, and also still very much “My Self.” This self was me beyond the illusions, the patterns, and the belief systems…
This was the ME I’ve always been, AS Source, loving and guiding me in how to embody and BE fully… to Create Fully… to live and love and be 100 per cent the Master of My Universe… and it led to this Powerful and Beautiful Energy!
Let The Universe Go To Work For You With…
Item 17
Weekly Q and A Calls
Whatever is happening in your life, whatever you are ready to release, we become like family on this journey, and these calls are the place to come for alignment, release, healing, connection, and deep evolution.
If you have not participated in one of Jarrad’s Live Event Calls recently, you will be in awe of just how much new information and support is included. Nothing is held back during these amazingly loaded experiences of the Divine.
These calls create LIFE CHANGING expansion, and no two calls are ever alike.
You set the tone simply by being present, or through your intent on being present for the replay, as the energy of the group brings forth new information, which allows for immense growth and healing for the entire group, as well as each individual called upon to represent the energies for the group.
To facilitate maximum growth and integration during our powerful and transformative time together, we will be joining together weekly during these Potent and Impactful 60 Minute Live Calls.
Beginning March 4th, This Energy of Enlightenment, Consciousness, and Love will Launch, propelling us forward into The Experience of Pure Divine Love and Conscious Creatorship, like never before!
The goal of our live retreat Calls and Gatherings will be to create an amazing space of Healing, Love, Awareness, Aha Moments, and Miracles in which to experience that energy and further integrate the energies of love, joy, vibrancy, fun, healing, and support even further into our daily lives. Jarrad’s own goal will be to bring forth the information and energy relevant to EVERYONE listening…
Valued at $3200.00
Item 18
Monthly Frequency Radio Broadcasts!
Embrace the Beauty of New Journeys and Transformative Experiences!
Step into the exquisite realm of new journeys and reimagined materials, where we gather together for an unparalleled journey call experience.
Through the art of energy healing, we will intricately weave a tapestry of transformative energies, expanding our horizons through immersive journeys and enchanting musical recordings. Additionally, we will rediscover beloved pieces from previous programs, infusing this experience with familiarity and delight. Prepare yourself for broadcasts that transcend measurement, lifting you to unparalleled heights of elevation and expansion.
This extraordinary endeavor promises a wholly unique experience, offering clarity and unlocking new realms of expansion, growth, reception, and manifestation.
These calls are truly a glimpse of heaven itself, capable of moving mountains of energy with their profound impact and ability to open doors to boundless possibilities.
Value $600.00
Item 19
4 Special Live Video Master Classes
Due to the massive NEW ENERGIES, Techniques, Teachings, and Information, Jarrad will schedule ONE VIDEO CALL each month, so as to help go over any new material which might benefit from visual aids, as well as to simply create an atmosphere of fun and support, as we move further into exploring the universe and interpreting symbols, light language, frequencies, or anything new which may arise. These video calls will also give us a wonderful opportunity to see and be seen, while exploring some of the more “woo” aspects of creation, as well!
We will be able to go incredibly deep, as well as have a lot of fun with these video calls.
Value 800.00
In Addition to all of this, you will also receive the All-New
Item 20
New Daily Support Track!
This Daily Support Track will enhance your ability to release, cleanse, and integrate, while helping your environment to stay charged with HIGH VIBRATIONS while also helping you to remain in Flow State, as well.
You can loop this silent track during your waking hours (the energies may keep you awake, so I don’t recommend playing it at night), to gift yourself an added boost of love, joy, and support.
While short, it is potent, and I use it as my own form of a “private session” on-the-go as it is filled with cleansing energies as well as the beautiful energies of all the rays, flames, and lights, plus a plethora of gemstones to help guide, ground, open, and expand.
Each Year, During CCU, I Also set aside One Special Video Event to Help You Learn and Master Being An Energy Worker with…
Plus To Lift Your Energy Any Place, Any Time, or To Help You Cleanse Your Spaces, Office, Home, Cars, or Even Your Own Field Jarrad will Be Sending You…
Human Points of Physicalized Light: Becoming The Ascended Light and Plasma Merkabah Body
Flow State Consciousness begins with the Mastery and Understanding of what Flow and Mastery are Through Loving, Healing, and Embracing Our Gifts, Prosperity, and Entire Being, as The Light of Source.
Thus, Jarrad is including this beautiful deep-dive into our physical energy bodies as a part of the core curriculum for 2025, so that ANYONE can jump in and begin to have a much Higher and Wider Understanding of who they are and how to move energy and CREATE CONSCIOUSLY in all Realities.
This Series will Help You Fully Integrate Your Light Self, While Transcending, Ascending, and Learning to Live as One with Source, in all You Are, and All You Do.
EXCLUSIVE TO CCU – Source has brought forward AN ENTIRE CREATIVE, PEACE FILLED, CONNECTIVE EXPERIENCE – complete with 28 journeys, each with and without music for an entirely different experience, all covering the basic levels of thought and form, all the way out into blissful experiences of Unity Consciousness, where you can learn to receive answers to EVERY question, tune in to EVERY Lifetime, and Utilize Your Energy to Create New Fields of Data, Flow, and Manifestation.
Each Journey facilitates major breakthroughs and remarkable transformations in the physical and metaphysical quantum realms, allowing for expansion like we have never experienced!
This Series, channeled in as The Ascended Chakras of Light, move step by step through every energy center within physicality and out into our fields, to open, heal, cleanse, repair, release, transmute, and ultimately activate and unify our being, allowing ONENESS with the I AM PRESENCE and providing a map to multi-dimensional exploration and creation, in an all-new way!
This Series Includes The Following:
Item 23
Introduction To Alignment and Flow Consciousness
This 20 minute video is an introduction to Energy Centers in and Out of the Physical Body, as well as a history of how and why we created these, what they do, and how we can open to and utilize these centers in our daily lives.
This also serves to help you understand how we open to new frequency spectrums and why it is important to release any old spectrums we may be attached to, as the energies expand. It explains why we sometimes feel a “squeeze” or ascension symptoms, while providing a tool to help fill your body with The Divine Light of Pure Source, and Center by Center, Open, Heal, and Ascend into Being Able To Create and Live From Miracle Consciousness!
This brings us to our next set of Audio, which is a Two Part Series, Starting with…
Item 24
Understanding the Light Body, Energy Centers, and Their Functions and Purpose
This 23 minute Audio is a discussion of what Source has called The Chakras of Light Filled Ascension!
This is a journey into the main vortexes of human embodiment which allow for the release of the HUMAN consciousness and an Expansion INTO our Divine Design and Being, so as to manifest, create, and be connected to Source in very new and wonderful ways.
This beautiful experience is one of explaining physicality, learning what it is to merge with our Light bodies, while mastering – through a very easy method – to fill our being with Light and integrate all we truly are, and transmuting old wounds, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, with each exhale.
This is an explanation of what have traditionally been known as the traditional energy centers, bringing new thought, wisdom, and discernment to our lives.
Item 25
Ascended Star Chakras and Their Functions
This 20 minute deep-dive of channeled information is an introduction to and explanation of our Ascended Star Chakras, which includes our ability to connect into the multi-dimensional foundation of Pure Source through your Earth Star Chakra – the point where your physical body grounds and becomes Present in what it is to be Here and Present.
This quick and easy guide to all 7 Ascended Star Chakras provides information likely never heard, and helps lay the foundation for what is to come in 2024, metaphysically, with respect to our ascension process, so it becomes easy, joyful, and incredibly expansive.
Item 31
Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation
Audio Book
One of the most powerful and brilliant messages you’ll ever hear, this special frequency encoded audio version of Jarrad’s International Best-Seller contains some of the highest frequencies felt on this plane.
The text itself provides an awe-inspiring view of God, consciousness, and what it means to be alive. It powerfully demonstrates the full potential of love and conscious creatorship in ways that will astonish, inspire, and leave you breathlessly moved.
No subject is off limits in this exploration of thoughts, energy, and the science that brings them together. Constant as the ever-present moment of now is our Source Self, and Love, Life, God fully illustrates that concept. Understanding how to reach and operate from that center are the keys to uniting and healing not just a fractured culture, but a fractured self. By tapping into who we really are, we begin to see in life-altering ways that through our own actions, thoughts, beliefs, etc, just how our world (and our perspective of that world) has come into being. On this journey, Jarrad also shows in clear and irrevocable ways how to change the world through changing the Self.
“Jarrad takes us on a journey to understand the how and why of life and in the process delivers a beautiful portrayal of love and creation. Lovely and heart-opening!” –Jennifer Mclean, Host of Healing With the Masters
NOTE: This is not your typical “self-help book.” If you have never experienced Jarrad’s profound journey, this is an excellent place to start, as it will lay an amazing foundation from which to create and truly live full-on miracles and creation!
The Biggest CCU with the MOST NEW CONTENT EVER!
- A 30 Minute Private Session with Jarrad
- 20 Minutes Per Day of Remote Energy Work
- All-New Manifestation Module
- Creating From The Source Field Video
- Mastering Divine Flow Journey
- New Divine Management Journey
- Speak with Jarrad DAILY – and Be Supported Like Never Before
- Explore Plasma Fields and Merkabah Travel!
- All-New First Contact Journey
- Messages From Your Soul Energy Journey and Mp3
- New Quantum Reality Shifts Journey
- Exploring The Crystalline Core Grounding and Manifestation Technique
- All new Life Paths Explored
- Personalized DNA Expansion and Merkebah Body Activation with Your All-New Plasma Body Symbol
- Create Your Own 52 Week Vibrational Energy Track
- Your Very Own Personal Energy/Bio Scan and Field Report WITH an accompanying Personal MP3 Frequency Track
- Two Special Calls, Video, and Live Events so that you can Learn to do this work for yourself or with clients!
- Bonus Sheets Energy Voyages to Help Move and Clear Energy FAST!
- Your Own Individual, Plasma Body and Merkabah Integration Symbol with Personal Light Language Activation
- Updated “Sheets” for 2025 including MP3 tracks!
- 12! 60 Minute Live EXCLUSIVE Energy Retreats just for this group – with new techniques, new information, and so much more!
- All New AM and PM Flow State Mediations
- Blogs, Forums, and Membership Site Support from Jarrad
- New Core Curriculum Including the Entire Becoming The Ascended Light and Plasma Merkabah Body Energy Series!
- High Vibes Cleansing Spray
- Monthly Frequency Radio Broadcasts!
- Newly Amplified Energy Journeys to Make this The Biggest Expansion Yet!
- An Entirely New Core Curriculum for the Energies of 2025 packed full of multi-dimensional Journeys and mp3s!
- Creation Formula IDF Walk Through and Symbol Guide
- Bonus Programs for Reference and Added Support
AND the group site will go live for the members in January, making this an almost six month event!
This Program, complete with never before seen technologies and techniques is valued at well over $17,495 and is a huge savings over other programs with similar content priced at 15-20k!
However, Jarrad is making the Entire Experience of Growth and Love – including your one on one session, personal body/energy scan, mp3 tracks, new symbol and interpretation, 16 Call Live Series with weekly Q and A, daily site access, remote frequency work, plus so much more over the Entire 5 Month Journey, available to you for just $2,450!
OVER $600
with Early Bird Registration
A One on One Session with Jarrad, plus nearly 6 MONTHS of Support, Live Interaction, Blogs, and Q and A, 2 weekly LIVE Calls beginning March 4th, Daily Energy Support Beginning When You Sign Up, All New Programs, Energy Journeys, Personal Frequency MP3s, New Tracks, Body Scan, Field Report, Personal Energy Track, An ALL New Personal Symbol with an included Personalized Activation for 2025, Bonus Items, and so much more
Make 2025 the Best Year Ever with an ALL NEW
JUST $1,777!
Save $600, Pay in Full, and Book Your Private Session TODAY!
Get Instant Access to all the Downloads as well as the Membership Site