
Acension Alchemy Part 1: Creating Your Dream Life Now!

This is absolutely an “earth-shattering” moment as within Creation, as we have reached the tipping point and are firmly entering a new space of freedom, creation, and Unification with Light – a space so strong, that as I channeled the energies for what became the first few tracks of this new series, MY GLASS DOOR ACTUALLY SHATTERED!

This was a beautiful metaphor for the collective heart-opening taking place, as well as the desire and need for raising our awareness and frequency so that we can not only house this Light and Energy, but recognize this Light IS US – and thus, begin to TRULY, and possibly for the first time in aeons, TRULY step into our power as Conscious Manifestor, as we learn to alchemize and create through directing energies in a whole new way!

Just like taking a tuning fork and raising the frequency incredibly high, WE are learning, through heeding the call of our Ascended Heart, through listening to Source, and through seeking that deeper connection and Divine, Heart-Centered Flow, to learn to Embody this Frequerncy… to BECOME this Light… and to Learn to Alchemize: Manifesting through the use of our entire brain, being, and heart, while opening to All of Who We Are!

What does this mean?

Stated simply, it means that now is the time throughout the ages we have all worked towards, individually, and collectively: it is time to actively bring our ascension and awareness into physical reality and learn to CREATE AS THE LIGHT OF SOURCE!

Now, you may have heard it said that we are constantly creating our lives through our emotions, responses, actions, and even our subconscious mind, which accounts for thousands of unconscious decisions and patterns on a daily basis. That means that even when we feel out of alignment, we are in the flow of SOMETHING. The key to creating consciously is to be able to stand in the Light of your I AM Presence, The Light of Pure Source, and not only allow that energy to flow through you, but to dance and merge with that Energy in such a way as to Embody the Energy, thus choosing and DIRECTING your flow, and Creating not only Your Greatest Heart-Felt Desires, but finding your True Soul Purpose, Passion and Connection, and supporting the greater evolution of Heaven on Earth.

This is what our physical Ascension is now about: Becoming the embodied Gnost (the Experience made manifest) of the Light!

Through the incredibly POWERFUL SHIFTS within not only these new Energy Journeys, but the daily Energy Attunements and Releases, as well as our time together on calls and in daily conversation, one-on-one through the blogs, you will began to release the old “anchor points” of limitation, making what used to be the ceiling your new floor – and then releasing all ceilings and learning to live in freedom, while opening to new thought and TRUE ABUNDANCE in new ways, through some of the most powerful, expansive energies Jarrad has recorded to date: clearing the old, opening to new, integrating expansive life-changing knowledge and experiences, and diving deep into the creation of new ley lines, peptides, flow, and ultimately… your best life, now!

Harness the Power and Focus of these MASSIVE cosmic, collective, and individual energies in a way which will allow you to Emerge with a wider Experience of who you are, giving you a new sense of how to create IN this world – while freeing yourself from the pitfalls we often encounter while feeling OF this world. This is a space of a totally new Energetic way of Being, wherein you are Open, Connected, at One with All You Are, and Know how to Freely Live and Create Your Dreams!

These energies are creating a HUGE shift in how we live our lives, as well as massive shifts in our money paradigms, our frequencies around connections, vitality, wealth, and a host of subjects both known and unknown to the conscious mind.

Because of the Huge amount of Energy contained within the new Tracks – each one like a private session, in and of themselves, which you can listen to over and over again, each time gaining new insight, while expanding your field and growing your connection, capacity, and abilities, this massive offering will begin with…

Begin the Expansion…

The Peptides of Wealth

Journey and Symbol (20:13)

Expand your Electromagnetic Field into a new space of Total Freedom: demagnetized and depolarized, wherein you begin to learn to call Light into Physical Matter.
This incredibly empowering journey is an Experience of Being The Energy through which and of which all things are created, as You Journey into BEING the Flow of the Universe, as stillness, love, and Pure Source move through Your being, bringing the remembrance of who you are, and enabling you to then open to Creation in a new way, as you heal, release, and redefine who and what love is, who and what creation is, and wherein you allow total receiving of all you are, so as to shine, create, and allow a new chain of peptides to form within your crystalline tree, connecting you in all ways to a new system of creation, as The Light you are.
This journey is INCREDIBLY POWERFUL as it is a massive leap in consciousness and ascension, alchemizing light, and opening the physical body to Oneness with Source, allowing you to BE in a whole, new space. Please use caution and do not listen while operating machinery.

New Ley Lines of Growth: Creating
The New Earth Body

Journey and Symbol (18:19)

Open and create new points of receptivity, in this Amazing new journey of restructuring, re-forming, and creation of a new space, where this no fear, Only Love.

Enter the Kingdom, as you thread the needle of past belief systems, healing and making whole at massive new levels, shining deeply, and bringing in the Light of Source so bright, you allow a new paradigm of physicality to emerge, allowing old genetic beliefs or denser vibrations to fall away, rooting strongly into your multi-dimensional I AM Presence, as you receive, celebrate, and shine vibrantly in the Self you were born to be!

Bio Kinetic Abundance

Journey and Symbol (22:00)

Kinetic, by definition, is an energy which relies on movement for effect. Thus, this energy is all about your flow and direction coming to fruition, while learning how to deeply connect to your true abilities to manifest, through the utilization of rays, flames and light, itself, allowing Source to become physical through your heart, your third eye, and your entire Individuated construct of self, fully in alignment and supported by Pure Source, and in Alignment with all You Truly Are.

Merkebah Alignment: Flow Through Frequency

Journey and Symbol (17:32)

This track is actually two separate mp3’s!

The first is an explanation of light bodies, dimensions, and the merkebah from Jarrad, and how as we expand and ascend, there are actually multiple Merkebah systems, relating to our individuated existence, as well as to the Over-Soul Self, and who we are going all the way into Pure Source, at a more Galactic or Expanded Level.

The second track, which is the listed 17 minute journey, is an opening to The Light of The One in ways which have not been physically possible by many not of the Ascended Brotherhood and Sisterhood up until now.

This is a Deep “master class” journey of who we are as Source, guiding us on a deeply cleansing and expanding journey into our Ascended Self and beyond, opening and allowing a full flow and connection between our Pure Source Self and this Individuation, utilizing multiple-dimensions of creations as well as sacred geometric spaces of connection and creation, as well as Light Language, culminating in a truly amazing, expansive, ONE OF A KIND experience of Ascension, here and now, brought to the planet, and integrated so as to create True Mastery and Creation.

Embracing Financial Freedom

Journey and Symbol (23:11)

Jarrad Hewett The Larger Story of Who We Are, and Who We Are Becoming

One of the more interesting journeys exploring physicality, this journey takes a deep look at our psychological makeup as well as the beliefs and definitions we have around the energies of “embrace,” “freedom,” and “finance,” all individually, while then weaving a space and tapestry for us to open to truly being held, free, and abundant, and creating completely new templates for reception not only for money, but for all energy, including receiving from the universe and being embraced by our self and in relationships.

This integration of the head and heart is a deep embrace of Life, with a release and forgiveness of all the old, as you begin a new journey, right now. Combined with the beautiful energies of Light Language, this is a deep journey back into the bigger part of you who can remember the intention for this lifetime, creating a huge release in your field, allowing a new magnetization for freedom, love, and abundance.

Removing the Money Ceiling

Journey and Symbol (22:22)

One of the first energies addressed in this journey is the energy of self-worth and any spaces of rejection for who we are, as this energy is often one of the biggest and most over-looked blocks in our creative process.

This deep dive into the energy of money is also a playful and loving look at what embodiment is: what our story has been, and what we desire it to be, so as to be honest with our self, thereby aligning with the true energy of receiving from the Universe and Receiving from The Self. As the journey continues, the process begins to create a field of abundance and money, while giving you a feel for what that energy is, thus creating a template for how to house that energy within the body, and create it in the physical world, while also helping to change your relationship and expectations around money, removing the ceiling on receiving, and creating a life-long friendship!

Creating My New Self: Third Eye Alignment

Journey and Symbol (23:42)

Learn to alchemize through your physical body by first remembering the choice to incarnate and embody, and then connecting deeply to Creation itself, as an energy of pure love, as it flows and radiates through and from your being.

This journey through the physical body is also a journey into the fields of infinite possibility utilizing the white diamond energies of Source to create in new ways, allowing your I AM Presence to release and wipe away instigation and creation points of fear – allowing you to understand why you’ve created this life, but releasing the charge of attachment, which allows us to then move forward in life, releasing doubts, disharmonies, and places we may have neglected our true self and deeper truths.

As you journey deep into who we are, from a space of love and Divine Purpose, the body begins to refocus, to become inspired, and Jarrad takes you through a process to cleanse and align with the Ascended Third Eye, aligning and opening that space with Pure potential and Infinite Possibilities, while learning how to choose from the ley lines and pathways, to connect into the choices and realities you desire: thus seeing life in new ways, seeing the self in new ways, and experiencing it all as NEW, as you become aligned with a new way of being and thus a new way of creating and alchemizing.

Self as Receiver: Aligning with My Creation

Journey and Symbol (17:32)

Often times we know what we want in life, but we don’t feel like we exist in the same space as the “version” of us who is able to create it. And even if you don’t know what you want, this journey begins by clearing disempowerment and the energies of feeling “less-than” as well as sabotage and powerlessness, filling back up with an encoded Golden Light, allowing wholeness and the release of duality and bonds around receiving, so as to open up to truly receiving the Light of The True, Divine Self.

This deeply empowering embrace of self, is a massive alignment with all you are, as divine right destiny ignites with pure spirit, through the pure passion, joy, and knowingness of the brilliant Bon-Fire Energies, so as to allow a deeply healing space for love, forgiveness, release, and fully aligning with your true desires and highest expression of love and light, in this life.

Dissolution of Generational Money Bonds

Journey and Symbol (22:32)

What is abundance, and how do you get it, earn it, and keep it?

What is the experience of it?

Is it hard work? Do you have to fight for it? Is it the root of all evil?

Does it flow easily to you, or is it something you find yourself wanting more than actually having?

Many of the beliefs we hold around money aren’t actually OUR beliefs, at all. They’re beliefs that we have taken on from a genetic level and used to “bond” to people through these beliefs. We can also bond certain frequencies with money, such as money and work, or money and power, or even money and freedom. All of these “bonds” create spaces where we have disconnects in our own ability to choose freely and create from our pure desire to express.

This journey takes us through a release through guilt, anger, lack, and all lower vibrations and densities around money, while dissolving all of the generational or genetic “bonds” we hold around money, thus freeing us from the spaces where we have limited our ability to create, and thus limited our currency of exchange within our self, and limited our ability to manifest that current as actual currency, and create out in the world.

In addition to these 9 Super-Charged Energy Journeys, with their 9 Spoken word Counter Parts, Jarrad has created Yet Another Incredibly Immersive Energetic Experience, Through The Use of Frequency and Sound.

These Musical Frequency MP3s Include:

Serving My Dreams

Musical Frequency Journey

What if you knew that all energy honored and blessed you?

What if you truly knew that everything in this universe was conspiring for your good, in all ways, and in each and every moment?

That is the energy in this beautiful musical frequency track, aligning you with an outlook of Pure Source connection, wherein you drop all the old, and allow and direct all energy to serve the manifestations of your dreams, knowing that you matter, your dreams matter, and that you are not only a child of the Most Holy, but you are the energy of that Most High Source, embodied here and now, allowing all energy to Serve in the Creation of Your Dreams!

Releasing the Fear of Control

Musical Frequency Journey

One of the biggest blocks we can have in personal relationships with others – and even ourselves – is the desire to control. Sometimes, we feel we must control because we don’t trust that others have a motive we trust. Other times, we feel like others are trying to control us, and therefore, we engage in trying to control them to “win back” our space.

These energies create a self-repeating cycle of duality.

This beautifully cleansing and empowering energy is all about releasing the duality and focusing on the I AM THAT I AM within, coming back into alignment and love, and releasing all non resonant energies, so that the fear no longer has a place to “stick,” and thus, these energies no longer have a place to manifest within your space.

Manifesting my Heart’s Desire

Musical Frequency Journey

Just as the title implies, this simple yet beautiful energy is all about opening your heart to allowing your deepest gifts to surface and shine, as you then open to inspiration and action where needed, so as to align and manifest your heart’s desires – be it external or internal, this love-filled track is all about feeling loved, supported, nourished, and safe in creation.

A New Wealth Vision

Musical Frequency Journey

As we enter this new space of creation, allow your heart to open and sing, leading the way for a new vision for the life you’d like to lead as well as bringing a renewed – or possibly brand new –  appreciation for the life you’ve lived.

This beautiful energy is also one of full financial flow and immersion, as it helps open the third eye and ascended hearts, while cleansing old areas of regret and bringing to life a NEW VISION for wealth!

Releasing Money Entrainment

Musical Frequency Journey

Through many of the journeys, and through many of the live calls and blogs, we will look at beliefs and thoughts about money and wealth, as well as the self.

This beautiful MP3 is all about releasing the collective entrainment about money – specifically the stories around lack and having to give yourself or others up to create, which creates scarcity consciousness and often a disconnect from our true soul desire.

As we release these age old entrainments, we open to realizing WE are the true creators in this life, and that through joy, purpose, and passion, we disconnect from the matrices of fear, lack, and illusion, and we step into a whole new world of blissful creation.

The Current of Flow

Musical Frequency Journey

In each of us, there is a current – that which is “current” – flowing through our beings. This energy is a beautiful journey of releasing the old negativity or dense vibrations, and allowing only love and the perfection of the cosmic Source of Love and Light, Pure Divine Love, Source Itself to flow through the entire being, becoming the “current” state, and thus the current vibration.

As we magnify this current, we attune to the vibration, and build the flow – which is truly limitless and without any border or bounds – and we release the shackles or walls built by fear, thus allowing our true nature of love and abundance to dance and flow through our field, realizing we may dip our cup into these currents at any time, and at all times, that cup “runneth over.”

Releasing the Fear of Being Big

Musical Frequency Journey

One of the biggest unconscious templates we carry from lifetimes past is the fear of being too big – the fear of being seen. Whether we fear someone will take our creation away, or snuff out our light, there are many addendums, and they all equal a space where we ultimately sabotage our own creation, so as to stay safe and small. This is the release of that energy – at all levels, as we embrace our Light, embrace our true nature as creation, and we embrace what it truly means to stand in our Love and Joy as The I AM THAT I AM for all to see!

Releasing Money Judgment, Anger, and Loss:
Creating a New Money Relationship

Musical Frequency Journey

Most of us would never take an ex-lover with us on a date with someone new. Yet, when it comes to money, that’s exactly what most people do!

This Musical MP3 is all about releasing all of the stories where you feel like you’ve done it “wrong,” or where you’ve “lost it,” “missed the boat,” or just feel as if you “don’t deserve it.” You may also feel as if money doesn’t love you. You may be mad at the way it’s treated you – or you may be mad about what other people with money have done to you or to others. There are a myriad ways this energy shows up, and ultimately, it’s time to break up with that old energy!

In this new energy, you allow yourself to be so sacred, so appreciated, so valued, and so loved, that money is an extension of who you are and those same energies.

Core Flow Through Ascension

Musical Frequency Journey

Return to your roots as Pure Source and then flow into a space of new Incarnation, allowing this energy to flow through the core of your being, and then allowing it to form the core of who you are, as you re-kindle the spark with your Star Seed energy, You as Creation Particle, and The Star Particle Energy from Whence You First Individuated.

The Energy of this track will help you reconnect to your Universal Source Point of Origin as well as Your most relished Life or Lifetimes spent in physicality, allowing new information of love and what it is to be embodied to flow into this life, allowing a wider experience and expression of who you are to emerge, and thus a greater ascension to unfold.

In Addition to All of This BRAND NEW Material, Jarrad is also Including Even More Live Components to Really Help You Feel Supported, Heard, Seen, Loved, and to Learn to Create in Even More Awesome Ways with…

3 Specific Event Calls

If you have never participated in one of Jarrad’s Live Event Calls, you will be BLOWN AWAY! The Energy on the calls is something to experience as you will likely be left in awe of just how much new information and support is included.

This is a space for LIFE CHANGING expansion, and to help go even further, Jarrad is including 3 in-depth calls recoded live during the original 21 day event – FILLED with amazing energy and remote frequencies, where you’ll get to explore and play in this vast, expansive, energy while Jarrad will tunes in, discuss what he see’s, and take questions from callers– helping everyone listening – create a whole new world, filled with new perspective, joy, empowerment, and love.

The intention for these events is to take you further into the expansion and knowingness of Source while opening you into the infinite love of who you really are – beyond all stories, entering and becoming the blank page – and creating a space of Instant Awakening, Healing, Love, Expansion, and Miracles.

These calls are SPECIFICALLY for this group and are geared towards connecting you to the full-on, infinite abundance, miracles, and the vibrations of Source Energy, opening you up to the energies of expression and creation as well as maintaining FULL ON SUPPORT throughout the entire program!

To help those of you who would specifically like to work the energy of manifestation and money, he is also including a process people from all walks of life have found incredibly useful in uncovering blocks as well as finding JOY in reconnecting with the true energies of finance!

BECOME this Light… and to Learn to Alchemize

Breaking The Patterns of Magical Thinking

Recorded between Super moons in May of 2021, this Live Retreat is a dep dive into being multi-dimensional yet ever-present and grounded in the New Earth. Jarrad takes you through a powerful process to activate and encode new balance points of creation while discussing and releasing the energies of “magical thinking,” as they apply to self-sabotage. These old energies are programs or templates, as well as beliefs wherein we held limited capacities for creation or the Light Itself, through the manmade genetic structures and fields, integrated through polarity and held in the fields, over time. This retreat is a return to ones sovereign ability to alchemize through utilizing the entire brain in the creation process, and is a truly “ground-breaking” and uplifting energetic experience.

Special Journey with Jarrad

Gather together for an all new frequency radio experience to expand through weaving new tapestries with journeys and tracks new and old, putting them together in ways which allow for totally new experiences! This broadcast is elevating and expansive beyond measure.


For those of you who love musical frequency tracks and energy journeys, this calls will feel like heaven and both move and open MOUNTAINS of energy!


Experience a tapestry of energies, based on where you are on your journey. Jarrad has created a deep space for love and reception, allowing the seeds for miracles as well as reception, in a huge way!


As this energy is incredibly new to so many, Jarrad is also including his core curriculum to help you navigate the energies and build a new, SOLID foundation for Growth, Understanding, Miracles, and Mastery, Including…

Becoming the Source Field:
Manifesting Through the Cosmic Rays of Expansion

This beautiful track begins with the experience of allowance and release, bringing in a Space of Pure Stillness, Connection, and Flow.

Journey through the 13 Cosmic Rays of Expansion and Empowerment as Source guides you through an experience of each space, allowing a complete opening and union with Pure Source and your own inner ability to call forth and manifest, utilizing these multi-dimensional tools, to learn to frequency image, and bring the woo and the wow into manifesting in the now!

"The Creation Formula"


The Expanded Creation Formula by Jarrad Hewett
Complete with e-Book and audio activations set to music and infused with the actual frequencies of the formula itself, You can begin working with specific frequencies, as well as learn the core of Jarrad’s work in frequencies and how it birthed!
You will also receive the original hand drawn frequency chart!
Here's how Jarrad describes the Creation Formula:
The Creation Formula is the process of expansion. I've often described it as a two pronged, multi-dimensional frequency chart (Remember, EVERYTHING is Energy - therefore, EVERYTHING has a frequency) that balances energy while simultaneously activating the ability to consciously create.
The formula itself is comprised of multi-dimensional frequencies and symbols that activate dormant information within the energy field that works to balance energy fields, activate pituitary and pineal glands, and reprogram total consciousness in a way that accelerates and activates true abilities to consciously create (more about this on the free call!).
Think of your life as the product of millions and millions of frequencies - just like a symphony is the product of thousands and thousands of musical notes. This formula represents a giant tuning fork that vibrates through your entire energy system and tunes the frequencies so that the life you are experiencing is a match to the vibrational symphony you are offering forth with your subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and feelings - all while directing those subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and feelings into Love, Joy, etc.
This is the exact formula that I use in my own private and personal energy work each and every day.
Every hand-drawn symbol that comes with the accompanying E-book and remote healing audio walk through represents ingredients of this powerful formula and allows for transmutation and change in specific areas. These symbols have been used by Energy Masters, teachers, and students of all faiths and backgrounds, from across the globe, with amazing and miraculous results!
Remember: Everything is Energy, and YOU have the POWER to change your life NOW!
This amazing remote energy activation program also includes an audio session, where you will experience first-hand the amazingly powerful energy of the symbols as well as the meaning and invocations of the multi-level frequencies. In the accompanying E-Book, I will also speak to what the formula and symbols actually mean, as well as how to effectively tap into their energy - and subsequently, how to tap into the Full Power of You.

Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation
Audio Book

Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation by Jarrad Hewett

One of the most powerful and brilliant messages you’ll ever hear, this special frequency encoded audio version of Jarrad’s International Best-Seller contains some of the highest frequencies felt on this plane.

The text itself provides an awe-inspiring view of God, consciousness, and what it means to be alive. It powerfully demonstrates the full potential of love and conscious creatorship in ways that will astonish, inspire, and leave you breathlessly moved.

No subject is off limits in this exploration of thoughts, energy, and the science that brings them together. Constant as the ever-present moment of now is our Source Self, and Love, Life, God fully illustrates that concept. Understanding how to reach and operate from that center are the keys to uniting and healing not just a fractured culture, but a fractured self. By tapping into who we really are, we begin to see in life-altering ways that through our own actions, thoughts, beliefs, etc, just how our world (and our perspective of that world) has come into being. On this journey, Jarrad also shows in clear and irrevocable ways how to change the world through changing the Self.

“Jarrad takes us on a journey to understand the how and why of life and in the process delivers a beautiful portrayal of love and creation. Lovely and heart-opening!” –Jennifer Mclean, Host of Healing With the Masters

NOTE: This is not your typical “self-help book.” If you have never experienced Jarrad’s profound journey, this is an excellent place to start, as it will lay an amazing foundation from which to work miracles during this 21 day process and beyond!

This is Truly an Event Unlike Any Other!

  • An Entirely New Library of Some of the Most Expansive Energy To Date!
  • All New Peptides of Wealth Energy Journey
  • New Ley Lines of Growth: Creating The New Earth Body
  • Bio Kinetic Abundance Journey and Symbol
  • Merkebah Alignment: Flow Through Frequency!
  • The Brand New Embracing Financial Freedom Journey and Symbol
  • Removing The Money Ceiling Journey and Symbol
  • Creating My New Self: Third Eye Alignment Journey
  • Self as Receiver: Aligning with Creation
  • Dissolution of Generational Money Bonds Journey and Symbol
  • Nine all New Symbols!
  • Serving My Dreams Musical MP3
  • Releasing the Fear of Control
  • Manifesting My Heart’s Desire!
  • A New Wealth Vision
  • Releasing Money Entrainment
  • Breaking The Pattern of Magical Thinking
  • The Current of Flow
  • Releasing Money Judgment, Anger, and Loss – Creating A New Money Relationship
  • Core Flow Through Ascension
  • Three 60 Minute Pre-Recorded EXCLUSIVE Energy Retreats just for this group – with Q and A, new techniques, new information, and so much more!
  • Frequency Radio!
  • Bonus Items


The Nine All New Energy Journeys are literally OUT OF THIS WORLD!

Begin the Expansion… and Start Now!

For just $197.00!

Get Part 1 and Part 2 for only $297