
The Prosperous Energy Field

The Prosperous Energy Field


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Disentangle your old emotional attachments and stories of what money is and what you have to do to get it, in this incredibly deep, multi-dimensional healing journey.

In this track, Jarrad introduces a filter energy to transmute our old stories as he gently guides us into a space of Pure Isness, Wholeness, and Completion, allowing the Light of the One to reprogram and install energies of True Prosperity – rooted in the knowledge that “everything is energy,” wherein we move into our Oneness within, our Mighty I AM Presence, which is both connected to The Light and IS The Light – where we can let go of judgments, comparisons, and energy holding us back, as we fully enter a Prosperous Energy Field.

This Prosperous Energy begins to unfold in a way which Re-patterns your electromagnetic field, allowing manifestation and joy to permeate your field. This permeation also begins to create a magnetic effect, wherein you can begin to draw to you and attract new experiences of vitality and financial abundance.

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