


This is the journey of merging possibility with potential, potential with reality, reality with creation, and creation with Beingness. It is the ability to KNOW who you are, LOVE who you are, and BE who you are – creating a new space of love and acceptance from and by you, as well as the world and in each and every relationship.

Creating a beautiful vortex of Expression and Expansion, this IS the flowing of the Light at EVERY LEVEL, birthing new ideas, integrating at a deep level, connecting with Source and Self like never before, moving this energy into PURE EMBODIMENT, allowing the Light of Who We Are to reprogram cellularly, electromagnetically, and holographically.

This is a DEEP energy of the Expansive Experience of Source and the ANCHORING IN of the 5th Dimensional PHYSICAL reality.

As this journey fully opens you to the energies of Expression and Love, Plenty and Wellness, and a Deep Knowing and Connected Feeling, as well as Wholeness, feel free to listen as often as you’d like.

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